210 shark/reef tank

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Thanks Matt,

Unfortunately the Rockwork is in for a makeover in the next week or two. i think instead of colums/piles on either side i am going to to go with rocks all the way across. I'm still not sure what i'm gonna do but i am deffinately putting it on stilts for sure. I have some really awesome ideas that i want to use/incorporate into the new rockwork so hopefully when its all done it well somewhat resemble my idea.

Thanks again though!

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Okay an update for all of you...

I'll start with the fish.

I have not added any new fish in the past month and things are so so.. I recently purchased a used UV from Dave777 (thanks again) and hooked it up to try and keep the algae blooms to a minimum (which it did). Well two days later i have a huge ich outbreak. Go figure right? I checked my controller to see if i had a big temp swing or pH swing but neither were that bad. So i'm not sure what brought it on. I have been adding garlic to the food though prior to feeding and feeding little bits of oranges to my fish. They are all eating so i am going to let this one cure itself. Its not the right thing to do but its the risk i want to take.

My giant Pinktail trigger is doing great but he looks underfed to me. The reason i say that is that, his lower half of his body is concave verses perfectly rounded or even convex as i would like. I have been feeding him squid chunks every other day (about a quarter cup) and nori sheets. Plus spectrum large pellets. I just can't seem to get him to puff up. I also don't want to over feed.

The shark eggs
Well Sunday i thought i had lost one. I was observing the egg and the baby shark was lifeless. No breathing or moving. So in my book that justifies as a death. But i left it in the tank just incase. I later talked to my LFS and told him it died and to order me another one. He said that its only dead when the whole egg turns a milky white on the inside. Otherwise its just snoozin'. So i went to take a look at the egg yesterday to see if it was milky inside or not and it was alive and kicking. So i decided that i am going to clip the eggs aginst the glass with my vegiclips so i can observe them 24/7. Both sharks are starting to color up and get dark bands. I think the hatch may be sooner than i had originally anticipated (April-March). I need to get a new QT tank ready for them though as i am afraid to use my old QT due to the meds i used in it. I was thinking of a 10gal verses another 20. I think it would be sufficient.


Well i have started to collect corals a little slower than i would like but it does cost money. I just picked up a beautiful piece of Colt coral that is about 5" tall and 4" wide (from branch tip to branch tip) Placement has been tough because i don't want to have it attach to anything until i reaquascape my tank. So its isolated in the sand bed on a small rock. I also picked up what look like fire and ice zoas (maybe not). They have a bluish center with a red skirt. They are doing great and they are the third colony of zoas that i own. I can't wait to get more. I think for my next coral i will try a gorgonia. They really looked good in Krish's tank.

Tank itself
The tank itself is doing good. I need to build a box for my refugum lights as that may be the reason for my really bad salt creep. I plan to reaquascape the tank this weekend. Perhaps friday? I will take pics for sure to show you all the aggrivation i am going to be going through.

Thanks for reading and i'll be in touch.
wwoouu dood, well it's nice that your shark eggs are still alive :).
i feel bad for your ich though :(....i hope your tangs get better.
I'm sure it will in time but thanks a lot augustus.

I noticed yesterday that the ich has died down a little but its still really bad. I'm just gonna keep monitioring it and hope for the best. I seem to keep forgetting that with these types of fish if you look at them wrong they break out in ich so i just have to keep an eye on it and take it slow. I wonder if my salinity is low? Maybe its time for a water change.
Well i lost two fish and i hope that whatever i had in the tank dies with the fish. I dunno i just haven't been paying enough attention to my tank lately. This weekend though i am reaquascaping my tank so hopefully that will get me reinterested in the tank. I got so much on mind right now i guess with the wedding only a few months away.
Well i lost two fish and i hope that whatever i had in the tank dies with the fish. I dunno i just haven't been paying enough attention to my tank lately. This weekend though i am reaquascaping my tank so hopefully that will get me reinterested in the tank. I got so much on mind right now i guess with the wedding only a few months away.
i'm sure everything is gonna work out dood :) + a wedding takes a lot of effort from what i've been hearing :p .

I reaquascaped the tank a week ago and at first i thought it was okay but now i love it! Its great the whole structre is sitting about 5" above the sand and there are a lot of caves for all of my fish. Plus the tank looks more filled out. So this past weekend i splurged a little and bought a lot of LPS and an SPS frag.

LPS are:
Two large rocks covered with Zoanthids. (not sure what they are but i will post pics later on)
And a beautiful Purple Gorgonian

3" Green Slimer FRAG. looks really good!

I will post some pics later on this week but just thought i'd fill you guys in.

One of my sharks Hatched Yesterday Afternoon. I was taking pictures yesterady afternoon to show you guys how the sharks were sitting in the eggs and then like twenty minutes later i came back downstairs to watch half of my shark crawl out of its egg. it was so awesome! I did take pictures and will post them up tonight. Hopefully the other one will hatch while i am at work today.

I also got rid of my pinktail trigger. I was sad to see him go but then i heard that he was going into a 800gallon tak and i felt a lot better. I traded him for a Beautiful Regal Angel and a little squirell fish. The only problem is that my blue tang is harassing the hell out of the regal. I tried catching him to put him in QT but he is just so damn fast. By the time i shut the lights off last night the beatings were less frequent and less severe. Mainly just chasing here and there. Just to play it safe though i shut the lights off in the tank for today. Just till i get there and can observe the fish. Hopefully i will not come home to a chewed up regal. If that happens i will be super pissed!

I will post pics later tonight i promise!