210 shark/reef tank

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Do you ever have a problem with the pinktail eating all the nori? I can put in a full sheet and will eat the entire in one bite(suck), he reminds of a vacumn cleaner. That is the only bad i have against him...Nice shots by the way:)

how big is that trigger?? I really like the triggers and looking at there 2 front teeth.. have they ever nipped at you??

He's just under a foot. When i got him and had him in QT he would lay perfectly still against the glass so i took out a ruler and put it up against the glass and he measure in at 11 3/4". I believe his maximum size is 13".

Believe it or not his teeth are'nt that big. I thought that they would be huge but i guess not?

As for him nipping me. Not yet but i have a feeling its coming and i am not looking forward to it. He's still very shy so if i am in the tank he is in a cave but everyday he becomes more and more framiliar with my presence. So i think its only a matter of time before he mistakes my pinky for food. But i am never going to feed him by hand ever. So that he will understand that when my hand is in the tank it doesn't mean food.

Do you ever have a problem with the pinktail eating all the nori? I can put in a full sheet and will eat the entire in one bite(suck), he reminds of a vacumn cleaner. That is the only bad i have against him...Nice shots by the way:)


YES!!! He eats it like he's insane! I have to replace each (2) vegi clip twice just so that i know that there is some left for my tangs. I realize he eats a lot just because hes a bigger fish but what gets me is that he'll eat all of the nori and then swim into his cave and then after a few minutes he pukes some of it up and my tangs start eating the rest. Its frikin gross.

I updated it a bit lately...It's doing fine. Just waiting on new lights so I can put my corals back in because I need more wattage like I had on my 38gal:)
Well thats good to hear. One thing i've come to realize in this hobby there is always something to fix buy or upgrade. But it can be rewarding.
Tank is looking good Nick, keep up the good work, don't worry about your pocket book, just refinance the house again:D oh sorry that was me:(
Hahaha Thanks Scooterman but i'll pass on the refinance part. As a matter of fact i don't even have a house to refinance. THe tank is at my fiances parents house where i basically live.

I have a UV that i am goint to try installing this weekend so i'm sure that will help but since you guys are here i might as well pick your brain. I have a turbo twist UV that i bought off of Dave777 and i am not sure where to set it up? Do i set it up so that the intake and out put are both in the sump or could i set it up so that the the intake and output are in the fuge or from the tank directly? I really don't know where to put this thing and space is kinda limited.
thats one thing im worried about is when im in the tank cleaning my lionfish keep getting closer and closer and closer to my hand and arm.. i try to get in and get out fast :)
Yeah i hear you. When i had my stingray i was always afraid that i was going to get stung because he used to become very active when i used to work in the tank. Isn't it funny though that were afraid of our fish?
that is true i heard the lionfish sting is very very painful plus im allergic to bee stings i dont know if they have the same stuff as bee's or not. so thats what is on my mind
so when will you get another shark??? at the lfs here they have 2 bamboo eggs

To be honest with you i'm not really sure? I'm a little nervous to get one because i'd hate for it to die on me. I am going to go to my LFS friday and see if he can order me another one. I would also like to do a ray as well. I am thinking about changing the aquscape of my tank before i get the shark so i can put in some PVC tunnels for it and my fish. I wish i could buy some black or grey PVC.

Anyways when i get the shark i will be sure to let you guys know.
Well i got two shark eggs over the weekend. I figured i try a cheaper and cooler approach to the whole shark thing. I saw them at my LFS for the past couple of weeks and Friday i decided that i wanted to try them. They are still in there early stages and the sharks are only about an 1.5" long so i was told the probably won't hatch for a few months. Which is fine by me. The coolest part of all though is that they didn't cost me anything. After my first two sharks that i bought from there died due to a rough introductin to my tank my LFS gave them to me in exchage for the two that i lost. Which was really cool of him and thats why i spend 99.9% of my money for my tank at his store and will continue to do so. I don't have any pics of them but theres really nothing you can see on them actually the egg itself is kinda ugly with algae growing on it. Plus its hard for me to see it let alone to try and take a pic of the shark and show you guys. I just thought that i would let you guys know.
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HAHAHA! If i did that then then they wouldn't look like sharks when they hatched. They'd probably resemble a flounder or something instead.

But anyways i am planning to re-aquascape my 210 and put all my rcks up on stilts so that when i get my ray again it will have the whole tank floor to itself which is much better than what i originally had. Plus it will add more shelter for my fish and sharks. One thing thought that i need to keep in mind is that when i do this that i don't take away a lot of the swimming room that i have for my fish. So i may have to get rid of some of my rock.
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Hey Nick,
Nice pictures on page 16!!
your tank is really coming along! you have a lot of nice fish in there and the rock work looks awesome!!!
