210 shark/reef tank

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Well over the weekend he ate the last one. Its not his fault though

it's not his fault though.... i just didn't feed him for a week, that's all :eek: :lol:

Very nice man...I've never had skimmate that dark before!

that's because he's cheating, he put a dark beer in there :D :lol: .

ahhh dood i like how your tank is looking and i see the beggining of the coral addiction :D .
Well the internet seems to be working better so i am going to post up the last 5 pics i have.

I will be getting a lot of cool fish within the next month so keep your eye on this thread.
Looks good man...I never realized how much space you really had in there until I saw the full tank shot and saw how small the fish look.:)
Thanks Krish,

Yeah there is a ton of space in there. Even when i have all my fish in it will still look empty which kinda sucks but i am going to try and fill that dead space with corals.
nice tank....really like those tangs....how do they get along ??????? do they bother each other???
Thanks scooter! The corals are on the way!


Thanks man! The tangs get along very well! They only fought the first two days i put the PBT in. The PBT is still shy though when it comes to eating. But he doesn't take any crap from anyone in the tank and he is really looking healthier and loves the vegi clip. As a matter of fact i was watching the tank yesterday and now everyone is intetrested in the vegi clip! Including the Grouper. Thats right my grouper has been eating chunks of seaweed! It so cool watching him swim up there and eat it because i hardly ever see his mouth wide open and he opens up wide everytime. It so cool. But weird that a carnivore is eating seaweed. i didn't think he was an omnivore.
i have a couple of hippo's... they are in seperate tanks right now...when i get my bigger tank setup, i want to put them together...i have been wondering how they will act towards each other
I have been told by three people now that i need more color in my tank because all of my fish (at least the majority) share a blue color and its like a tank filled with blue fish. I want to add a naso and a few other fish but i need to get some new colors in there. Any ideas? Remember it needs to be reef safe and i have a grouper so nothing to small.

I tried putting two blues in a 75 (stupid but i was new and was told by petco that i could do it) needless to say i ended up losing one of the blues. I think you run into problems when you add the same type of fish to a tank. Its better to keep the same species but different types in my opinion. But you have to add them in specific order.
I'm not the fish expert but how about some anthias to bring some color :p .... you're lucky you got a 210 ..... me on the other hand :( .

I really like how your tank is looking and i can't wait to see what other corals you're gonna put in there :D .
Thanks gabby for the compliment and the suggestion but i am pretty sure that the anthias will turn out to be an expensive feeding for the grouper. I need something that is bigger than an anthia. I was thinking about grunts. I know in florida they have some wild colors running through them.

Hopefully when the porkfish go in they will add a lot of life to the tank.
Well i just thought i would update all of you guys and let you know that i had my first flood early this morning. I got a phone call at 3:45 this morning from my fiance who says to me that my tank is making a lot of noises and there is water all over the floor. So i drove over there and there was water all over the basement. Of coarse everyone was up cleaning up the water which was really nice but i felt like an ass because my tank ended up waking everybody up so early. Now i'm sure my fiances mom is going to be thinking that this is going to be a reoccuring event. Which i hoping to make her see that its not.

Well heres what happened. My mag1800 that runs my skimmer came loose and detached from the skimmer and just shot water everywhere. My sump was soaked and i had water on everything. Well after about 2 hours of running the shop vac and about a dozen towels later everything was dry..er. I reattached the tubing to the skimmer and threw som zip ties on it to keep from coming off but i need to come up with something better.

So i finally busted my 210s flood cherry. I am going to pick up water alarms and place them around my sump and stand. Anyone know any good ones to get? I'd also like to get one that can kill the power to my pumps so i don't lose any more water. Oh yeah i forgot to say that i lost about 30 gallons of water so i'm just going to count it as a water change for this week!

Slowly but surely my grouper is eliminating all of my smaller fish. He nabbed a clownfish last night right in front of me. It happened so quick that i couldn't believe it! I didn't think he could fit the whole fish in his mouth but he did it. Only one more clown fish and a clown goby to go and i am done with small fish.
Sorry to hear about the flood and losing more fish Nick...Things happen, but you need to buy bigger fish to prevent one of those things from happeneing(LOL) You'll get it together man..:)
Oh i don't care about the small fish getting eaten i was just talking about how cool it was to see my grouper eat a live fish! I was wondering how he did it. As for the flood i am pretty sure i have it under control for now. (knock on wood)
shallowreef, did you add the two blue tangs at once???? also, what size were they???
No, i didn't add them both at the same time. I had my blue tang from my previous 90 so he went in first hes about 4" long and then two weeks later i added the PBT. Next i am adding a Naso and then a Purple tang. I learned from my LFS and i believe that the order that you put fish in is important. You can keep any two fish together if you add them in the right order. I was thinking about adding a schoal but they seem viscous.