210 shark/reef tank

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Still no pics (sorry) but i do have another update. It has been about a month and a half and i finally have coraline starting to grow on my overflows. Now some people love coraline encrusting the backs of their tanks and the their overflow but i do not want it this time around. Is the best way to get rid of it is just daily scrubbing of overflows and backs of tank?

Also i was saring at my tank yesterday and the glass had a very thin film of algae growing on it and as i looked closely i saw thousand of pods all over. I am guessing that they all came from my fuge when i cleaned out all of the algae in there. Either way my mandarin seems to be doing well (knock on wood). I am still trying to catch him and put him in the fuge because i know that there is a ton of food down there for the little guy.

So theres the update and i will try to post some newer pics. Sorry for the delay.
Well yet another update but no pictures(i am really getting lazy!!) Anyways i bought a copperband butterfly for my tank and within two days my grouper manged to kill it. Which sucked but i forgot to mention awhile ago that i have a new addition to my crazy tank. Its a bluespotted stingray and his name is scooter. He has been in my tank for almost a month now and is eating all of my hermit crabs and doing fine. I am thinking about ditchig my trigger and grouper before i get my shark but am still unsure.

I will try and get off my butt and take some pics to show you guys.
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Well i ditched the grouper just whis past Wensday. He drew the line when he tried to eat my Powderblue tang. I ended up hooking him because netting him just wasn't working. The fish didn't seem to mind the hook and i hooked and unhooked him to throw him into the bucket in less than 10 seconds. So i don't think he was in too much pain for too long. He is now at teh LFS that i bought him from. It was sad to get rid of him because he really was a cool fish but in my tank it just didn't work out.

Well after the powderblue was attacked by the grouper i had a pretty good feeling he was not going to make it and sure enough he died later that night. I will miss that little fish but i do plan on getting a replacement one.

I have some very cool fish on the way that are QTing right now. I am getting some yellowtail snappers (babies of course) and some porkfish. I see them a lot in Florida so it will remind me of it when i'm not there which is cool. I am also waiting on my shark too. I have the chance to buy one but i am not all that crazy about the colors on this shark. I want a bamboo shark with dark black stripes and this one has more of a brownish color. I know that is the sharks natural color but i've read that they only get like that when they get older. Plus the two i had in my 90 where both blackstriped. I am starting to get very picky when it comes to picking fish for this tank.

Now that the grouper is gone i can try a lot more things like smaller fish! I am still debating about doing a school of some type of medium sized fish. I am unsure though what to choose as my schooling fish. I doubt i will ever do it though.

As far as corals go i really haven't gotten anything except for a colony of zoas. I don't know what type they are but they are pretty cool to look at. I am in the process of looking for a nice size piece of colt coral. I want to try and fill up some of the dead space along the back of the tank and i think colt coral looks really cool when its really tall. I also would like to try some gorgonias (not sure if thats how you spell it). I really liked how they looked in Krish's tank and my LFS tank. I believe i have enough flow in my tank to accomodate them and i just got a doser so i am going to start dosing kalk this weekend.

I took a bunch of pictures for you guys and i am going to post them up between tonight and tommorow. So keep checking on this thread. If possible i am going to try and put up a video of the stingray swimming in the tank. Its really cool to watch him swim.

Well thanks for checking my thread out and i hope to have some awesome pictures for you later on!

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is the naso doing ok....i never saw pics...also, that is awful to hear about your PB Tang:(..those are my 2nd favorite tangs!!!! i hope the next one does well!!!!!!
Thanks for the comments guys

yeah i never got any pictures up because my brother lost the USB cable that goes from the camera to the computer. I have really nice shots on the camera too and a vid of the stingray.

The naso is getting big and doing great he is the biggest fish in the tank and he is getting less shy as the weeks go by. Him and blue fight every now and then but its nothing to rough just a little chase and then they are done for the day.

As for where i visit in florida I have always gone to the Keys Ron. Its like my second home. I love to fish and well down there you can only do one of two things drink or fish and i love to do both. So thats where i love to visit. My parents use to own a condo in tavernier but sold it last year. I love going to holiday isle too! Ron if you have never been to the keys i strongly suggest you go! Its a blast! But yeah i mainly hang around Key Largo. Next time i'm heading down there i will give you a PM maybe we could hook up?
I forgot to add that i got some new fish this weekend.

3 -baby yellowtail snappers
1-copperband butterfly
a pair of clarkis clowns (i think thats what they are called? they are black and whit and one has a little bit of orange on its face by its mouth)

So far everyone is doing fine and is looking good. I am going shopping for a new USB cable today for my camera so if find one i will post the new pics!
I forgot to add that i got some new fish this weekend.

3 -baby yellowtail snappers

All jokes aside, yellowtail snappers taste delicious!!!! :D Here's a pic of one I took at Atlantis. He's lucky he was a baby and had 20 inch thick acrylic between us!:p

Very cool additions, now all we need are some pics!:)

Thats what mine should look like as they get older. Unfortunately they are a real PITA to take a picture of. Its like they have A.D.D.. the little batstards just can't sit still for 2 seconds. So all of my pictures of them turned out blurry. I will have to use my fiances camera next time.

I got a USB chord last night but by the time i got home i was just too tired to mess with anything. I will upload them today when i go home for lunch.

Thanks a lot everybody!


Also thanks Krish for the photo of the yellowtail and your right they are deliscious!
Also thanks Krish for the photo of the yellowtail and your right they are deliscious!

ROFL! They get BIG TOO!!! :p They will usually always be on the move so don't feel bad if you don't get a photo. Fish like snappers, groupers, grunts etc are all so easy to catch here and you can find them really small. If I had a big tank, I think I'd do a lot of the local fish like these. We use to catch them and keep them for a while and then throw them back as kids, and we use to feed them conch! One of these days I'll get a big tank:D
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Krish for where you live you could just keep a tank in your backyard and grow SPS right in your backyard! Thats what i would do if i were you! Just build a huge tank or even get an above ground pool and keep it filled with saltwater and stock it with all sorts of fish that you caught with KFC!
Okay you guys i finally have some pictures. Also a video of my stingray so stay with me as i try and post everything.

Finally some Fn' Pictures!

Okay here we go

The first three don't need much explaining. The 4th is my blonde naso and the 5th are my new clowns.

My favoriate is the 2nd one. Just the look on my stingrays eyes makes me laugh. Its like hes saying oh great now the starfish wants to spread eagle in front of me. :lol:

Also i just noticed that in picture two in the back you can see one of the yellowtails.
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Heres one of just my trigger and i'm still trying to upload my video onto youtube.

Oh and behind the trigger are the new zoas i got a few weeks ago. The picture doesn't do them justice though.
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Man....Your tank rocks!!!! I love all of your fish and stingray! My wife wants a tank full of fish. I may have to talk her into a 6-8 footer sooner than later;)