300G in-wall Build...still working on it!

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I did buy it, but actually don't use it at all. The webbased version is what I use. personally I wouldnt' spend the money on the program. I think you'll find it's not necessary.

The only aquanotes functionality that looked like it might be worth it to me is setting up the controller to send alerts through email or by cell phone if something goes wrong with the tank. We hardly ever leave town though, so this functionality might not be worth the price either.
The only aquanotes functionality that looked like it might be worth it to me is setting up the controller to send alerts through email or by cell phone if something goes wrong with the tank. We hardly ever leave town though, so this functionality might not be worth the price either.

you can do that without aquanotes full... the web version lets you type in your alarm settings and then you can manually punch into the computer itself your e-mail address and such.. no need for the full version if what your after is the e-mail alarm function

Sorry for hijacking your thread bud. enough aquanotes talk - onto more cool pix.
you can do that without aquanotes full... the web version lets you type in your alarm settings and then you can manually punch into the computer itself your e-mail address and such.. no need for the full version if what your after is the e-mail alarm function

Sorry for hijacking your thread bud. enough aquanotes talk - onto more cool pix.

You're not hijacking the thread. I'm reefferman's wife and helping him setup our new toy. Since you've had your aquacontroller up and running for a while any input you can give us is helpful. I had no idea that there are email alarms in the free version. Neptune's site portrays that the free download doesn't inlude this functionality (Is that what you mean by the web version?), but if it does, it's good to know. Thanks for the input.

So far we have a very simple program up and running to turn everything on/off at certain times, but that's it. Unless my husband did more last night. Last I knew, he didn't have any probes setup yet, heat, orp, ph. And after he gets these setup, we are going to add a better program to turn things off when the tank gets over a certain temp. and to turn the ozone on/off when it's needed. We'll probably get it hooked up to our PC after that.

:) I'll post more pics later.

oh well good, I won't feel bad about hijacking then..

Here is my best advice:
1) look at other people's programs to steal ideas :D


If Sun -090/120 Then AT1 ON
If Sun -095/090 Then AT2 ON
If Sun 000/000 Then TEN ON
If Sun 120/-060 Then MH1 ON
If Sun 110/-070 Then MH2 ON
If Sun 000/000 Then FRG ON
If Sun 000/000 Then FUG ON
If Temp < 77.0 Then HT1 ON
If Temp > 77.5 Then HT1 OFF
If Temp < 78.0 Then CHL ON
If Temp > 78.5 Then CHL ON
If Temp < 50.0 Then HT1 OFF
If Temp < 50.0 Then MH1 OFF
If Temp < 50.0 Then MH2 OFF
If Temp < 50.0 Then ALM ON
If Temp > 81.5 Then MH1 OFF
Max Change 020 M Then MH1 OFF
If Temp > 81.5 Then MH2 OFF
Max Change 020 M Then MH2 OFF
If pH > 08.05 Then CO2 ON
If pH < 08.00 Then CO2 OFF
If Time > 00:00 Then KLK ON
OSC 002/255 ON/OFF Then STR ON
If Timer STR = ON Then KLK OFF
If pH > 08.35 Then STR OFF
Max Change 030 M Then KLK OFF
If ORP < 370 Then OZN ON
If ORP > 390 Then OZN OFF
If pH > 08.60 Then ALM ON
If pH < 07.70 Then ALM ON
If Temp < 76.0 Then ALM ON
If Temp > 81.5 Then ALM ON
If ORP > 420 Then ALM ON
If ORP < 300 Then ALM ON
If Power 000 Then ALM ON
If Switch1 OPEN Then ALM ON
If Switch2 CLOSED Then ALM ON
If Time > 00:00 Then ALM OFF
If Time > 00:00 Then FUG ON

2) redundancy is still important just in case a probe fails or something like that. (another unit to monitor temp is probably the most important)

3) Reefrontiers is my home and I've never really strayed, but Reef Central has the best forum for aquacontrollers. Look in the sponsors section under Neptune. the guys that work from Neptune are on there constantly and are quite helpful.

4) save a copy of your program somewhere in case you accidentally loose the program.
I had no idea that there are email alarms in the free version. Neptune's site portrays that the free download doesn't inlude this functionality (Is that what you mean by the web version?), but if it does, it's good to know. Thanks for the input.


Hey Brandy.. by web version I meant the built in webserver. Once you get it hooked up to your computer you can access it. They all have them as long as you hook it up to your computer.

You can write your program in here just like the aquanotes lite or full aquanotes version.

to configure the e-mail alarm, you can do this manually by typing in your smtp e-mail address, password, and the e-mail address you want an alert to using the up and down arrows on the aquacontroller III itself.

Cool, thanks. Would you mind sharing what your names stand for?

I went to reefcentral when we had issues expanding to the DC4s. It took us a couple days to figure out how to change their addresses with the switches. We currently are not using the SUN part of the program for our lights either, just times. I have to look into this more.

Hey Class Clown! thanks for the input man!

Question? I see that your running a chiller, though your temp is currently @ 80.5, is a chiller worth the money and energy? my tank is always at about 80 - 81.5 average.

our tank is in the basement level of our house and the central air is set to 74, imo i cant justify the cost of the unit and energy cunsumption. Im trying to elimiate all not needed items....for energy costs.

Happy 4th!!!!!!!!!
Hey Class Clown! thanks for the input man!

Question? I see that your running a chiller, though your temp is currently @ 80.5, is a chiller worth the money and energy? my tank is always at about 80 - 81.5 average.

our tank is in the basement level of our house and the central air is set to 74, imo i cant justify the cost of the unit and energy cunsumption. Im trying to elimiate all not needed items....for energy costs.

Happy 4th!!!!!!!!!

Mine is a 1/3 or 1/4 hp and it's a little weak for my system. I'm too cheap to upgrade to a 1/2 or 1hp which is probably what I'd need. If your system doesn't get over 81.5, then you're probably fine. You can also do some neat stuff to your program like kill your halides if it goes over a certain temp. Happy 4th to you as well and good luck!
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here's what the stand for...

FRG$-Frag tank light
STR$-Kalk Stirrer mechanism
CO2&-C02 for the calcium reactor
FUG$-lights for my refugium
KLK$-water pump hooked up to my auto top off (don't want it dosing right after I've stirred the kalk)
OZN&-ozone generator
ALM&-Alarm (e-mails if out of set parameters)
MH1$-Metal halide #1
MH2$-Metal halide #2
AT1$-Actinics #1 (T5s)
AT2$-Actinics #2 (T5s)
TEN$-Ten K t5s
Well instead of taking pictures, we ended up fragging most of our corals. I tried taking some display pics, but they don't turn out right in our camera with the bluer lights for some reason. Everything looks blue... The blue lights make everything look more appealing in person though. I'm going to wait a week or so before taking and displaying more display pics.

Anyway, here are the frags and colonies we are selling. The frags are in our frag tank and the pics under that lighting "T5s" turn out nicer.

Here is a full tank shot taken by Barbie when she came over:
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Ben do you have 2 dc 8's !! it looks like it could not be any other way from the above info ?


Newest Tank Members

We just got two new members to our aquarium and they are sooo beautiful, I have to show them off. Thank you Barbie for ordering these guys for me.

First is our Female Splendid Leopard Wrasse. My daughter named her Rose.

Second is our Male Splendid Leopard Wrasse. I named him Fabio

Aren't they cute! :D
Here's a couple more tank members.

The king of the tank. Emporer Kuzco

Squamosa Clam

Derasa Clam
OMG! Fabio, I love it! That actually made me laugh out loud when I read it, hehe. He truly is a sexy beastie. I'm glad to hear they're still doing good. I hoped they'd do awesome in your tank.

And for anyone just reading this thread, that terrible picture I took doesn't begin to do their tank justice ;).

They're doing good, but they are definately not morning fishes or after noon fishes for that matter. They've stayed hidden until about 6pm every day so far. Their internal time clock is probably still set to Africa's time zone, lol. It makes me nervous. They seem comfortable in their new home once out though. The female was showing off for the camera. The male is more shy.
Here's a couple more tank members.

The king of the tank. Emporer Kuzco

Here's an older pic of Emperor Kuzco when he was a juvenile. This pic was taken the beginning of 2004. Almost five years ago. He wouldn't leave the blue carpet anemone alone, so we had to get rid of it, but it was pretty.

Oh! I would like to add that my dam cat got cought up in wires and dunked my Neptune controller in water!!!! I since then replaced the cat, i mean the controller.....