310 Tonga Tank

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Now thats a Protein skimmer! Lol
Nice lights 2.

+1 beautiful build pep.
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Great start...have you tried Photobucket? Just copy/paste the links and works for me. Also has some editing tools too. Details about your PAR/PUR on the OBD lights please. BTW have you looked into adding a secondary membrane stage on the RODI? BRS kit doubles the output in half the time and cuts waste/drain big-time when running drums like we do.
Great start...have you tried Photobucket? Just copy/paste the links and works for me. Also has some editing tools too. Details about your PAR/PUR on the OBD lights please. BTW have you looked into adding a secondary membrane stage on the RODI? BRS kit doubles the output in half the time and cuts waste/drain big-time when running drums like we do.

My Photobucket account went on the fritz sometime back.
Kevin is going to bring over his par meter this week to check some numbers. I will post them up. I will look into the secondary membrane. I would love to double my output. Takes me 24 hours to make 50 gal. I have found I am making water twice a week for top off and W/C.
Ahhh...my 100gpd makes 7gph with the upgrade. All the while cutting waste in half by sending it to the second membrane to squeeze out 3 to 1 ratio. Here is the link. I only bought the membrane itself since I had tubing left from initial install. And
added connectors from LOWES.

i need to do this. Get a booster pump. I have no idea wat ur talking about with the 2nd membrane?! R u running ur waste water though another DI or RO? This is making it zero tds?
Id luv to recycle my waste water. Thxs in advance and sorry for hijacking or getting off topic pep.
Usually ur threads do. lol
The link leads to a video of the installation. Yes, the WASTE line of the 1st membrane is sent to the 2nd membrane. The purified return line T's into the purified return line of the 1st membrane that fills your reservoir, thus doubling the fill rate. Of course it helps to have 60-80psi in your home.
