400 gallons of saltwater running through my house.

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Reef Tank Update Photo - Front by devonmorton, on Flickr

Just getting ready to change out my T5 bulbs.

Also changing the way the T5's sit on the tank. Replacing the blocks of wood for a hanging system as I think it will make it a little easier to clean salt creep. :)

Old T5 Lighting Stands by devonmorton, on Flickr

Wooden Dowel Hanger by devonmorton, on Flickr

T5 Lights Hung Up - Front by devonmorton, on Flickr

Then Shelby and I went to Lowe's today to get the mantis shrimp a new cave/maze system. I also found out that our mantis shrimp wasn't a peacock mantis shrimp but a gonodactylaceus ternatensis, try saying that 3 times fast, or just once...

Gonodactylaceus ternatensis by devonmorton, on Flickr

So I think I am going to move some rock around in the fuge to place his new cave system:

Mantis Shrimp Maze by devonmorton, on Flickr
Great stuff Maynard.....................................LOL. By the way, I can't even pronounce it once, so I am just going to call it a mantis shrimp, if that is ok. The tank looks great Devon, and I love the dowel rod hanging system, that is what I use where m fuge is at, it was an old closet to start with.
Hi Devon- I have my new T5's sitting there at home, need to invest some time cleaning & replacing tubes. Just what exactly are you using to elevate the dowel hanger system? Can't quite figure that out! Shrimp looks good...how much tine does he spend in the maze?

Well... I was looking for something to hold up the dowel and I ended up with some plastic containers... from the dollar store, lol. I wanted something that wasn't metal and had a footprint that would work with my tank. I took a hole saw and cut holes big enough for the dowel on the end containers then just cut the tops of the middle two. The middle two just add a little extra support and I might put something in them to add a little weight/stability. Not sure that Shelby likes the look but it's better than what I had. If I come across something else that is more aesthetically pleasing, I'll jump on it. Also, for a week or so I have them sitting on top of upside down bowls to add a little break-in height.

T5 Hanger with Plastic Containers by devonmorton, on Flickr

Oh and for the mantis, I don't know if he's used the maze/cave system yet. I'm sure he will like it.

Haven't seen the mantis in the new cave system yet... but then again I haven't been home much. It also doesn't help that the fuge is reverse lit. He does sit in his PVC tube (in the video) quite often, more than I would have thought with it being out in the open.
Well we just watched him check it out. He's pretty funny, weaving in and out then "brooming" it out with his tail. :)
Tested parameters and posted them to my TankTracker today. Cleaned algae from my overflow and also made Alk, Ca & Mag solution. Probably time to drop my T5s down a little too. Not a bad Saturday!

Oh and shot a quick video of my Tree Polyp.

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Well, there's a bit of the green stuff showing up in the tank so I decided to change my DI resin canisters out (BRS refills). The TDS meter wasn't reading anything but the resin has about turned color completely. Hopefully the change will be enough to make the green hair algae vanish...:laser:ALGAE