400 gallons of saltwater running through my house.

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Yep, very neat creature to have in the tank. With the fuge in the fish room now I'm not sure he'd get as much interaction with us. I think it would be neat to get a pair. Then at least they could look at each other, lol.

Ah.............. good thought. You are going to miss him I bet tho.
The Dwarf Cuttlefish (Sepia bandensis) looks like a great refuge creature. Hopefully after a bit I can get the fuge planned up and full of pods. :)

now that LA is captive breeding them, they might get a little easier to keep too...
So I'm running out of room for coral. I have about a 12 inch piece of Green ORA Birdsnest Coral (Seriatopora guttatus) I would like to find a new home for. If you are interested please send me a PM.

So I'm running out of room for coral. I have about a 12 inch piece of Green ORA Birdsnest Coral (Seriatopora guttatus) I would like to find a new home for. If you are interested please send me a PM.


Devon, I know Joanne would be interested in some for the Frag swap in Seattle, maybe you 2 could meet up sometime in the next 2 weeks!!!!
hey Devon, glad to see your system is up and running. I can tell you put a lot of thought into the set up. it looks really nice. my favorite is the gravity feed from the fuge into the display. I'm sure the pods will be appreciated in the display :)
I'm sorry you lost the mantis, he seemed to be one of your favorites.
Thanks Rob! It's finally coming together. Got the temp stock tank moved out of the house this past week and boy that gave us some extra room. :)

hey Devon, glad to see your system is up and running. I can tell you put a lot of thought into the set up. it looks really nice. my favorite is the gravity feed from the fuge into the display. I'm sure the pods will be appreciated in the display :)
I'm sorry you lost the mantis, he seemed to be one of your favorites.
4 Month Update: A little green hair algae to deal with but no biggy.

Not sure why this video is a little choppy but it is what it is. I'll grab another soon.

Things are really looking good Devon, congrats on the whole project my friend!!! A true testament to patience in my little world!!!

Thanks! I will post some refuge pics up here soon. I'm happy to see all the pods growing.
Did you have to rebuild your whole population of them or did alot of them make it thru the whole ordeal?

I think quite a few made it in the rock but I also seeded it with some extra live pods.