500 Gallon SPS Dominant Zeovit

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Ok y'all this is what's going on. This past weekend I hosted a reef party with a twist. Since it was February the theme was black history month. So lots of soul food was on the menu and later describe the tank, it's operation, setup and system. Then after that there was a frag swap and I picked up a couple goodies. A fellow reefer even came by with a noise meter to see how loud my system was only to shock him that my system was running about 50 db.

As for the tank it's still on cruise. I upped the ZeoVit dosing as at the time my nitrates were hanging around 10 ppms and phosphates were averaging about .26 ppms. So after I would say a month my present readings are 5 ppms of nitrate and phosphates are around .13. So I will will go with the recommended dosing for now. I will hold off adding corals until I get the phosphates below .1 ppm.

Also for the past two weeks I setup the dosing pump as ZeoStart3 has to be dosed everyday twice a day and I also went back to what was working for me in my old tank and started dosing vinegar. I might be adding something to the mix but I will not reveal that until it is in motion.

I removed the doser from under the stand to outside of the stand. I also went to Wally World and bought a shelf system to place the doser and other products that are being dosed. So far all I have is the vinegar and ZeoStart3 on the shelf. I also placed the Master Flex pump in the shelf to feed the calcium reactor. So next on the menu is plumbing the frag tank in the system. I still don't know if I am going to place sand on the bottom or not as there will also be fish in the system. Here is a pic of the dosing setup as it is now but will be arranged soon to also accommodate where I will place the calcium reactor.

Ideas or concerns or comments are greatly appreciated.

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Beautiful tank, Wayne. I had a great time and the food was fantastic as always. Not sure I can wait another year for collar greens. lol

I'll see what I can do and thanks for the db and phosphate test. I feel better about my numbers now.

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Today I increased my water volume about 100 gallons. I filled up the tank and it's in full running mode. No leaks and better yet no micro bubbles. The feed going into the tank off the dart was to strong so I checked it down and now everything is clear. Next up is setting up the calcium reactor.

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I added the temporary light over the tank. It's an ATI 6 bulb fixture.

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Thank you for that great information. Have you had any problems with your om4 during the 6 years?

i have not had any problems with my om4. i would say once a year i take the head off and put petroleum jelly on the head where the magnets are so it spins better.
Well 1st setback with calcium reactor. I set it up with a drip rate every 8 seconds and had a nice slow drip going into the sump.......until I smelled something burning. I run to the back and there was a small flood. Couldn't find the leak as the surge protector blew up and cut off the power to the calcium reactor, peristaltic pump, and co2. Now the trouble shooting begins.
I would stay away from a petroleum base. They do make a teflon base which FMU is more inert.

well i have talked to Paul. he is the owner of om. that is what he told me to use. i have been using it for over 6 years. no problem here.
Today I took some frags from the DT and placed them in the frag tank as they were happy but not happy happy.











Sorry but that's the best I can show for color. I really need to get a serious camera.

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My man Chris came through and helped me with my reactor problem. There was a blockage on the outflow of the return to the sump. Once that was fixed, the reactor has worked flawlessly. Here is a video.

Thanks for the tip. The magnet side you are talking about is not on the water side if I remember correctly?

i have not had any problems with my om4. i would say once a year i take the head off and put petroleum jelly on the head where the magnets are so it spins better.
Wayne, thanks for the pics and especially sharing your experiences so others can learn from them.
Wayne, thanks for the pics and especially sharing your experiences so others can learn from them.

Thanks TD. I believe we won't get far in this hobby if we didn't share our experiences and mistakes.

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never thought i'd say this, because i've not said or seen it in a really long time.. but even if you age didn't show in the little profile thing, i could get pretty close to guessing it based on that tapatalk signature. :)
never thought i'd say this, because i've not said or seen it in a really long time.. but even if you age didn't show in the little profile thing, i could get pretty close to guessing it based on that tapatalk signature. :)

You could say I'm a little older than I look.


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So the frag tank has been up and running for a week. Even though it's tied into my DT should I be getting diatoms?


I really don't understand. Blues are on for 10 hours and whites on for 4 hours. Good thing I added 25 coralline margarita snails and 10 red leg hermit crabs and 5 red banded trochus snails.

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diatoms eat/need silicate and will be gone when the silicate goes away. something new had silicate. diatoms are one of the few that aren't really 'water quality' dependant, and then tend to burn out their fuel fairly quickly.