57 gallon oceanic illuminata rimless build

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Wow. A lot of your corals I gave you got big! That is good. =) That is quite a stock list you have there. Didn't you get the foam for around your vortech's? I know they kind of look ugly, but it will save your livestock. Do you still have your cute black clown goby? Are you afraid of running out of pods for your Mandy and Scooter? I was even afraid to add my Mandy to my 180. Worried about the lack of pods in the future. You are really luck your anemone fared so well. =) If your Ricordia's ever split, I would love one. I have some other stuff I could trade you for. =) I love your tank! It looks so pretty.

Do you still have your green hammer and purple monti I gave you? Let me know if anything I gave you did not make the transfer.

Yeah I have the foam covers for those they needed cleaned every 2-3 days, but your right I may have to consider putting them back on. The 1st thing i do when setting up a new reef is make sure I have pods in the sump and some in the display tank for the Gobys. They are all very fat and happy. The black clown goby i have only seen a few times. He's not his usual out and about self. I've only seen him 3 times since i made the switch. He used to hang out on the front glass and just stick there. I did not add him to the livestock list because he has been so shy. Not sure if he is still in there. I'm really trying my hardest to not ad any fish and corals until this new setup has had it's chance to balance itself but it is very hard. I'm really trying to get Kevin at Aquatic Dreams to order me a pair of naked clowns from ORA for the Anemone. They are so cute. But no luck so far (out of stock). Thanks for the coral offer. I will take you up on that when i'm really happy with the rockscape. Thanks for the compliments!
I see the scooter, but wow does he blend in great!

Yeah it's a fun little game every morning trying to find him.

That is a beautiful BTA!

It's still recovering but doing very well. I was hoping the fight with the power head might make it split but no luck. All i need are some naked clowns from ORA to host in it. Waiting for Kevin from Aquatic dreams to get them on order. He says they are currently out right now but is checking every week.
Also last night the Green bubble tip Anemone got in a fight with the power head.....
power head - 1

Which powerhead is that?? Is that a mini/smaller version of the original vortechs??? Seems small in the pic...I've been kinda out of the loop a bit not having a tank in a few years. Have to get back up to date :p

BTW, beautiful tank and I agree with Frankie on the RBTA! Really nice! :)
BTW, beautiful tank and I agree with Frankie on the RBTA! Really nice! :)

Thanks for the compliment, the GBTA is actually much bigger when it hasn't just fought with a power head.

It's an Ecotech Marine MP10 ES EcoSmart Wave Driver and Powerhead. Designed especially for nano-reef aquariums, the MP10 ES from EcoTech Marine is a small yet powerful pump. The MP10 ideal for tanks from 2.5 to 50 gallons—creates gentle flows of 200 to 1,575 gallons per hour, helping the tanks feel more like the ocean. I have 2 of them one on each side of the tank pushing sideways.


Wet Side- 2.5″ diameter by 1.5″ long
Dry Side – 2.5″ diameter by 2″ long
Went up to North Spokane and picked up these cute little guys for the illuminate (Thanks Matt NTSWIFT):


They seem to be hosting the Hammer coral right now but i hope they will find their anemone soon.
if I counted correctly, you have 13 fish in the tank? Seems like a lot + your inverts. Any problems with the wrasse jumping. I've been meaning to change around my livestock in my illuminata so curious what is working for you and what you'd not do again. I finally caught me punk sixline the other weekend, so wanting to add some new fish this weekend.

Yeah i need to update that list, there has been some problems (mostly caused by me and running to much carbon)

Yellow Watchman goby - 2
Scooter Blennie - 1
Scribbled Rabbitfish - 1
Banggai Cardinal - 1
Longspine Blue eyed Cardinal - 1
True Percula Clowns - 2
Blue/Green Chromis - 1
Cleaner Shrimp - 2
Fire Shrimp - 2
Peppermint Shrimp - 2
Sexy Shrimp - 1
Pistol Shrimp - 1
so did the Filamented Flasher Wrasse jump? any problem fish you wish you didn't have? i currently just have a YWG, diamond goby, and two clowns - which lay eggs in the back and who I never see :-(
so did the Filamented Flasher Wrasse jump? any problem fish you wish you didn't have? i currently just have a YWG, diamond goby, and two clowns - which lay eggs in the back and who I never see :-(

No he just disappeared one day, I have a collection of emerald crabs who i'm sure enjoy and dead bodies that float by. So if a fish dies during the night they are consumed. I've never found a fish body outside the tank when i come into work in the AM. I'm still learning about this hobby on a daily basis. And yes....still making mistakes. I think the tank has found a pretty good balance right now. I was actually putting myself on a "no new fish" spending freeze till i got some algea under control. But NTSWIFT's clowns were to adorable to pass up.
How does the sexy shrimp do in there? Do you see it often? I'd be too worried it would get munched by your bangaii. I swear those things are lantern jawed.

That's a pretty plate coral you've got there. Is it a scroll turbinaria? I've had a chunk of that in my tank for months but it has barely grown, haven't had too much success with it. If it is a scroll, have you been keeping it in high flow?

Looking good in there!
How does the sexy shrimp do in there? Do you see it often? I'd be too worried it would get munched by your bangaii. I swear those things are lantern jawed.

That's a pretty plate coral you've got there. Is it a scroll turbinaria? I've had a chunk of that in my tank for months but it has barely grown, haven't had too much success with it. If it is a scroll, have you been keeping it in high flow?

Looking good in there!

Yeah I see the sexy shrimp every day. He hangs right by the Anemone. I think they are also called anemone shrimp. When i went into work today I noticed the clowns have finally found their GBTA home which is nice. But on a sadder note the Rabbit Fish went carpet surfing. I was so sad. He was in there for a long time and was doing so well. Yes that is a plate coral and that thing hardly grows for me either. Although I have to admit i do not have a calcium reactor or the proper equipment for growing SPS. But it is very hardy and was one of the 1st corals I ever got.
How about a FTS? I am sorry to hear the foxface went carpet surfing. =( Didn't you have your cover on? Or did you decide to take it off?

Yeah I like to have the top off, it looks so much better without it. I have to be more selective about what i put in there I guess. I'm on a no fish purchases diet for awhile till i get this tank balanced and happy.