A 750g SPS system is born

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Also, I remember back in this thread you had talked about your Kalk metering pump failing from calcium build up in the tubing.

One solution is to put the feed pump on the clean water feed side of the reactor, where it doesn't see a heavy calcium solution that wants to plate out.

I meter the water into my calcium system and never have a control problem, even using only a needle valve to control drip rate. If it was on the output it would be impossible to control.
ldrhawke said:

Also, I remember back in this thread you had talked about your Kalk metering pump failing from calcium build up in the tubing.

That is not what happened. The litermeter pumps rollers need to be cleaned every so often because they collect crap and change the volume of delivery. That is what happened. My litermeter gets water from a 55g drum and pumps it into the kalk reactor, which overflows into the sump. No a problem with that at all.

I am still at work and don't know if I am going to be able to get this connected today. :mad:

Thanks for the photos, very nice job! Can we get a copy of the schematic and a full skimmer shot if available, thanks in advance!
One way to reduce possible points of failures is to mount the air pump above the skimmer so that no check valves at all are needed.
AcroSteve said:
One way to reduce possible points of failures is to mount the air pump above the skimmer so that no check valves at all are needed.

That is what I originally wanted and was going to do. However, the thought of having to run long lines and having to build a "shelf" to hold it, making maintenance and access a lot more difficult was what got me thinking of other alternatives. I am still very hesitant about his little manifold. I am also skeptical as to whether it will really work well too. I am going to fill up the skimmer first and test the check valve several times without the air pump in place (just in case) to see how good it works. I would hate to ruin this very expensive air pump.

I am hoping to be able to get out of the hospital much earlier tomorrow so I can get this beast running. I am getting pretty anxious about it. I seriously hope his is not just the build up to a huge let down :confused: :confused: :confused:
I seriously doubt your skimmer will let you down, judging by seeing 3 of these large aquaticeco stone driven beasts in person now. They truly are the real deal. I too would not trust that little checkvalve to protect your spendy pump.
Well, finally yesterday I managed to clear the area in the garage where it will go, fix some other things there as well, cleaned the skimmer, got it assembled, and got it installed. I took the advice of someone here and ditched the little manifold with the check valve. I have been telling people for years that those things are crap and fail, and yet I got one. I decided not to let the safety of a $400 air pump be dictated by a $5 valve!!

Here are some pictures. I made a U loop going above the top of the skimmer so if the power is out the water won't come back to the air pump.







1. After it was all ready to start, I turned everything on (air and water). I see that there is water leaking from all the O-rings, so I stopped the water and all of the sudden 10g of water blew out of the top of the drain pipe like a cannon. turns out stupid me I had the drain valve fromt he collection cup off and the entire thing was pressurizing like a nuclear bomb!!! Fixed that :rolleyes:

2. I must have tightened the piece going into the bulkhead for the air supply so hard that I split the bulkhead. You can see it in the last picture above. So, now I have to take it apart, redo the entire air stone manifold as I had it all glued in (stupidiest thing I have done to date), and put it together. I am hoping to get it all done by tomorrow noon.
Awesome chronology Alberto, thanks for the update and the great pictures

Can you post a copy of a schematic if you worked from it?
Alberto you need to put a vacuum breaker on the top of the loop to make sure no water can be pulled up the pipe and get to the air pump.
RGibson said:
Alberto you need to put a vacuum breaker on the top of the loop to make sure no water can be pulled up the pipe and get to the air pump.

Good idea.... drilling a very very small hole ( 1/64") at the top, which will allow a small amount of air to leak out, is an easy way to make a vacuum break.
There is a T with a valve somewhat opened in it. You just don't see it. It is to bleed air out. So I guess it will work the same way.
did you crap your pants when that thing blew?? glad it didn't mess anything up!!!

keep trying and you'll be skimming like a mad man!!

It did scare me because it was like an explosion with 10+g of water errupting through the top of it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bad things never seem to stop occuring. This morning my temp alarm goes off. Turns out my chiller was dead!! I tried to troubleshoot what I could and then Called Pacific Coast. As you may remember from a while back, I had "issues" with this chiller and them. It had been working fine since then anyway until today. To make the long story short, we were able to figure out that the fan motor is shorting the circuit board and blowing the fuse. So, they are overnighting me a new motor. The motor is free of charge under the warranty period, but the FedEx next day service cost I have to eat. I am not too happy about that, but :doubt: :doubt:

We'll see what happens tomorrow when I get it replaced. This thing has defiantely given me its last piece of grief. I will be installing over the next few weeks a 2 stage unit. It will likely cost twice as much as this unit, but it should work 20 times better for the next 20 years!

Never a dull moment! :eek: :eek:
When did all of this happen!!(LOL) I need my computer now! Looks good Alberto. Sorry to hear about the hold ups, but it really looks great!
dgasmd said:
........................1. After it was all ready to start, I turned everything on (air and water). I see that there is water leaking from all the O-rings, so I stopped the water and all of the sudden 10g of water blew out of the top of the drain pipe like a cannon. turns out stupid me I had the drain valve fromt he collection cup off and the entire thing was pressurizing like a nuclear bomb!!! Fixed that :rolleyes:


I think your skimmer may have a design problem.

Your compressor is putting a lot of air into the skimmer. If the cup top is bolted down and sealed, all of the air that your compressor is pumping into it can only escape from the small cup drain line.

The high air flow trying to get out the drain line is going to bubble the waste collected out of your remote drain container and the pressure build up in the skimmer will force the water level down and out the over flow. It is going to be difficult to balance and maintain a constant water level inside the skimmer.

Plus, the air pressure build up in the skimmer will also reduce the bubble expansion in the skimmer and reduce its foaming efficiency. :eek:
It looks like Alberto needs to put a 1 in bulkhead fitting in the lid of the collection cup to let out more air.
ldrhawke said:

I think your skimmer may have a design problem.

Your compressor is putting a lot of air into the skimmer. If the cup top is bolted down and sealed, all of the air that your compressor is pumping into it can only escape from the small cup drain line.

The high air flow trying to get out the drain line is going to bubble the waste collected out of your remote drain container and the pressure build up in the skimmer will force the water level down and out the over flow. It is going to be difficult to balance and maintain a constant water level inside the skimmer.

Plus, the air pressure build up in the skimmer will also reduce the bubble expansion in the skimmer and reduce its foaming efficiency. :eek:

Â¥ou must have missed the part where I said I left the valve closed. There is a drain valve in the collection cup, which was closed by mistake. That is why pressure kept on building up.

Never Mind.......... :) That'll work. The way you explained it when the skimmer blew, it sounded like a very small 1/2 " drain line.

I still think your garage isn't going to smell too good with all that skimmer warm salt saturated air being pumped into it. It will be like having your home directly on the ocean and leaving you car out at night.

One way to get exhaust out of the garage without an exhaust fan for the whole garage is to extend that drain line down a few feet and then put on a T. On the T run put on an up turned elbow, and directing the air flow back up to the ceiling where it can be piped out of the garage.

Off the T outlet drop a drain line into a pipe that tunrs back up after reaching the ground with 3' high extension before over flowing.

This will put 3' foot of back pressure to direct air out the ceiling exhaust line and out of the garage. It will drain your skimmate into a container and not blow air into the container.
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Keep us updated on the new chiller, guess your going mainstream with the replacement at least you'll have your back-up now. Noticed rust on your breaker panels from the looks of it, thing that will be a problems later? Skimmer looking nice maybe by the time the site is upgraded today you'll have her making muck stew!

Good Luck! :D
Noticed rust on your breaker panels from the looks of it, thing that will be a problems later?

Lol...I saw that too Scooter, but didn't want to say anything(LOL) I figured he was going for the rust look!