A 750g SPS system is born

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Yep, just about everything metal along the water where the equipment is have tons of rust. The rreason is that the fan I have blowing across the sump and equipment blows so much air (Iguess I can turn it down) that it actually cools everything. With humidity in FL on an average day close to 75-80%, just about everything cools gets condensation on it. So, on any given day, most things are wet. When it rains, it almost loks like it does rain inside the garage. I do need to find a long term solution to this problem though. I have a few heads on it, so we'll see what they come up with.
Well, I had been considering to give a Moorish Idol a try for a long time, but it was not until I saw John Coppolino's tank (copps) during MACNA and saw his MI that I really got fired up about it. A local friend had gotten a gorgeous one about 3 months ago. It had just gotten in to the store, look healthy and curious, was fat, and was eating flakes!!! He got it and took it home. Over the next 3 months, he just got fatter and fatter eating pellets mostly. My friend decided to move out of state a few weeks back and was selling everything in the tank including the fish. I said I would get it when the time came if it was looking good. I had not seen the fish again until yesterday when I picked it up, and to my surprise it was much fatter than I remembered. It looked great and the streamer had grown back to over 4" long.

The pictures below were this AM with the lights off. He is picking at the rocks and doing well so far. The picture is deceaving as the fish is a good 5-6" diamter and a good 1" thick at the belly, which is impressive for a fish that is very flat to begin with.



Anybody else here keeping these guys?

I shall call it: WILMA!!!!

Don't call it that! It will destroy your tank!!!(LOL) Cool looking fish Alberto. They had a program on last night on either Discover or National Geographic and they showed a school of them feeding in the wild. Really cool fish indeed!
dgasmd said:

1. After it was all ready to start, I turned everything on (air and water). I see that there is water leaking from all the O-rings, so I stopped the water and all of the sudden 10g of water blew out of the top of the drain pipe like a cannon. turns out stupid me I had the drain valve fromt he collection cup off and the entire thing was pressurizing like a nuclear bomb!!! Fixed that :rolleyes:

2. I must have tightened the piece going into the bulkhead for the air supply so hard that I split the bulkhead. You can see it in the last picture above. So, now I have to take it apart, redo the entire air stone manifold as I had it all glued in (stupidiest thing I have done to date), and put it together. I am hoping to get it all done by tomorrow noon.

Problem 2 above is not fixed yet = no skimmer running yet. Trust me when I say I am more anxious about it running and showing how it works than anyone else I know of. As soon as it is running, I will post pictures at 0 hours, 2,4,6,12,24,48, and 1 week!
Lunchbucket said:
WOW what a fish!!! get some pics w/ the lights on and stuff.

Now, if I posted pictures of the tank, it would break the mistery behind it LOL.........................
The beast is finally alive!!!! I replaced the bulkhead that had split and did not even have to cut the air stone manifold! That was so sweet to do as it would have been a major pain in the rear. Here are a couple of shots. I was going to run it and take pictures at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 hours and 1 week time. However, there is this freaking hurricane Wilma coming tonite. I turned it on for a little while only to see it run. The amount of air that those stones put out is insane. I had to bleed the air pump tremendously to be able to get the tiny bubbles, and even then it is impressive. I will have to get a different air bleed valve to be able to dial it much easier. Maybe something like a 1/2" John Guest fitting valve. For now, this will do.

After the hurricane is over tomorrow, I will take the air lines apart and glue them as they are now just fitted by hand for a trial run. Then, it is foam time baby!!!!!! Oh, I also need to come up with a much more sophisticated collection device than the temporary one I have below.



i talked to a local diver here in hawaii about the collection of idols. He said the best way to get them to eat is get 3+ at a time. If one starts to eat, then the rest start to right away like they are competing. I found that interesting. But the one you have looks very healthy. What a great find! A healthy eating MI is a near impossibilty to find! :)

everything else looks great as well !!
Hope your generator is up to par good luck with the weather. Looks like the skimmer was jump started, foaming that quick.
Nope, it did not ahve any foam at all. I have been without a skimmer for 2 weeks now. It will need some time to break in. The bigger bubbles you see in the picture are stucked on the walls and not coming from the skimmer itself.

There is so much air that comes out of this thing that you are so tempted to run it wide open. However, ther eis so much turbulence when you do that the bubble sbecome larger. I am definaely going to play with it tomorrow and see what happens.
I think that you will be supprised how fast it breaks in there alberto. i helped a friend build on that was finished last week, and it has already pulled out 2.5 gallons of funk. It started skimming nice after about 2 days.
Moorish Idol

Hi Alberto hey Rico has a Pair, And they eat prepaired food as well I will Pm Rick and see If he can chime in here with his experiance with His:)

dgasmd said:
Well, I had been considering to give a Moorish Idol a try for a long time, but it was not until I saw John Coppolino's tank (copps) during MACNA and saw his MI that I really got fired up about it. A local friend had gotten a gorgeous one about 3 months ago. It had just gotten in to the store, look healthy and curious, was fat, and was eating flakes!!! He got it and took it home. Over the next 3 months, he just got fatter and fatter eating pellets mostly. My friend decided to move out of state a few weeks back and was selling everything in the tank including the fish. I said I would get it when the time came if it was looking good. I had not seen the fish again until yesterday when I picked it up, and to my surprise it was much fatter than I remembered. It looked great and the streamer had grown back to over 4" long.

Anybody else here keeping these guys?
