A 750g SPS system is born

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I just re-read the thread, (searching for your chiller size...I've got a line on a slightly used 1/4 HP unit...like yours, only wayyyyyy smaller) and saw on page 4 that you said they had been shipped out to you on the 8th of Dec and expected them sometime that Friday (10th-ish) and they're STILL NOT in you hot little hands???? Alberto, your a prince man, cause I'd be flippin out.
You sure your neighbors arent hiding them? Have you been hearing any excited yelps/hoots/hollers coming from the neighbors house (Who needs a jacuzzi tub when you have several 3000 GPH pumps to play with??)

You go tthem confused. The pumps you are refering to are the sequence pumps. Those arrived as described and have been running for days now. The other pump I am refering to is am AmpMaster 3000. It had a leaky seal, so I sent it to get it replaced after I attempted to do it at home and could not get the impeller loose. I had 4 other people try too and we were just going to ruin it, so called Dolphin and they told me to just send it to them, they would fix it for free so long as I supply the seal (I already had it here), and would ship out to me the same day. That wasa month ago or more and still no pump or word from them!!!!

Chiller is a 2 HP Pacific Coast Import unit.
*Rosanna anna danna from Saturday Night Live voice*
Steve actually relocated his chillers outside to make them more accessable... I think that was one of his recent changes... I was talking with him about it maybe 2 months ago or so.. Cant remember exactly when...

I have a question... What kind of crates are those milk crate type things, and did you check to make sure that they are food safe?
Regarding Dolphin, here is the latest. I spoke with them last wed after calling several times monday and tuesday and getting an answering machine that would not allow you to leave messages. Their email gets sent back also saying that it does not work, however, when I spoke with them finally, they had me paypal them at that email account.

When I finally spoke with them, they tell me they had already fixed the pump 1 week earlier, but that it had not being sent back to me yet. They tell me that in addition to replacing the seal, they had to replace the bearings on it too, which cost $40. They also wanted to charge me $20 for the seal replacement that I had already sent with the pump and another charge for the shipping back to me to a total of $75. I told them that when I spoke with them on the phone before I sent my pump back they told me that so long as I send the new seal with the pump, they would charge me nothing to send it back to me. They said fine, but that they had to charge me for the new bearing anyway. At the end, I had a total charge of $50. I have not received it yet back from them as of today and we are in week 5 of this saga. They tell me though that since the motor is like brand new, I have new seals, and I have new bearing, this pump is just as good as a brand new one right out of the box. That is if I had it here :rolleyes: :lol: :rolleyes:

Neddless to say, I have an AM3000 like new for sale. I am trying to get rid of things that I have not had good customer service with in the past and this has just become the latest victim. Anyone interested in a "brand new" AM3000? :lol: :D


I am in the hospital until tomorrow. I will look it up when I get home and post a link to it.
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I dont know if XM's bulbs is with the same performance level compared to the bulbs im using.... but have you thought of using Coralvue bulbs? or SunAquatics?

Before I was using SunAquatics 10K (very bright and hot) then shifted to SA 14k... really nice white with blue (no actinics required) then now I am using Coralvue 20K... which is the same identical color (human eye comparison) compared to SA 14k. And no considerable heat also.

Also, with the nipple orientation about XM bulbs... where did you read this article that it runs best if it is in 3:00 or 9:00 orientation....

thank you for your time.

To be quite honest, I only went with the XM because it is the only bulb that has been tested that has a high PAR and the looks of it, for what I had seen at least, was very decent unlike the Iwasaki. To be even more honest, I am sending these back and I am sticking to the radiums. They are the best colors to my eyes without actinics. With these reflectors I should be able to get the most out of them too. I jsut don't want to be buying more bulbs and trying stuff when I already have something I know and works. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Thank you, I understand...

Like the saying goes...

"If you find a winner then stick with the winner" or something like that...
Wow Alberto,
I can't believe Dolphin treated you like that....
Well, I dont think I'll be buying any of their pumps anytime soon....

Absolutamente fantastico my compadre! Siempre magnifico! Buenos huerte y gracias por los photos y explicaciones! Tu esposa y projecto son muy bonito!
Tank looks great! I love how clean the equipment set-up is!

Thanks for giving me that link that brought me over to this site! I hadn't found this one before! Very nice.

By the way, on the very first page of this thread, the 4th picture in the 3rd post you made, are those three PVC elbows with the funnels on top of them your overflows?


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By the way, on the very first page of this thread, the 4th picture in the 3rd post you made, are those three PVC elbows with the funnels on top of them your overflows?

