A 750g SPS system is born

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Alberto, who is going to be making your skimmer? Are you making one with a similar design to mojo's?

Keep an eye on that regal. I just finished tearing my entire 280 down last night to remove a regal that had been in there for a few weeks. The first couple weeks went great. He took to frozen food after a couple days and was getting along with everyone after the initial confrontation with the powder blue tang. :badgrin: Then a few days ago I noticed him nipping at my sps polyps. Not just a nip here and there... he would sit at one colony or frag and take about 5-10 polyps and move one. I gave the tank a big feeding to make sure he was full and he continued to do it right after the feeding. I crossed my fingers and hoped he was just experimenting but the behavior continued for a few days. By day 3 I couldn't take it anymore and tore the tank down, got him out, and put everything back together. It was a lovely 10 hour job.

What amazed me was that EVERYONE says that regals are the only angels safe with sps, besides some genicanthus. I haven't heard a single report of a regal eating sps polyps until I experienced it myself. Maybe I'm just having a bout of bad luck as I had to remove a sailfin tang a couple weeks ago that was also eating sps polyps. I just can't seem to win these days. :mad:

I wish you better luck with your regal.
Heck my Foxface ate at my sps, & I fed him well. Sometimes you just have to try & see, for me, next time I know I'll keep sps & smaller fish that I know will not do any harm, even though I do love fish, I think trying to keep both in most cases can be problematic at times.
Yeah - my Magnificant Rabbitfish nibbles on my SPS. She has a love for one of the caps...sits right in front of it and chews away at the edge. She's on the heavy side, too - I've started to call her Mama Cass. The Acros she nibbles occasionally on the tips. Who'd a thought a herbivore would want to eat hard corals....softies or LPS, sure - kind of fleshy - but SPS? (sorry for derailing your thread alberto :))
So sorry to hear about all of your troubles with the fish. I've had many foxface before and none ever picked on anything. Well, one ate over 1000 mushrooms overnight, but that was a blessing for me. I knew the regal would pick at stuff here and there, and it does. Not real damage to anything as of yet and he eats everything I feed very well. We'll see what happens over the next few weeks/months.


I am having GEO make me a custom unit to my specs. It is different from the one mojoreef has now, but the concept is the same. It will be 6 Ft tall with 5 Ft of that being the mixing chamber and the rest the cup on top. It will have some massive air coming into it. I have high hopes for it, so I am praying I am not dissappointed. I think it will work well though. I'll post some pictures when I get it completely done, but that is still a few weeks away.

i've been wondering about your overflows. why didnt you go with the traditional box-type overflow?

T_reef_kid said:

i've been wondering about your overflows. why didnt you go with the traditional box-type overflow?


I addressed this before. I have no crossbraces, but have a 6" all around eurobrace. If I put a traditional box there, I would not be able to get my hand in it with the euro brace above it. Plus, they take a ton of room and don't look very nice. I thought about an external overflow, but it would have been a huge gamble in design for something this big. Especially with no crossbraces. This has turned out much better than I expected it. The amount of surface skimming is impressive.
I have replaced all the pictures from the first page in the thread. I hope to have them all by the end of the weekend. Also, I will update the thread with new pictures of what has changed since the original set up was done.
These are the pictures from the dinning room side. The previous ones were from the foyer side. Maybe one of these days when I get a pretty good camera I can take pictures that truly reflect what things are. I guess if I knew how to do it even with a phone camera it would look that way :rolleyes:









Man as nice of a tank as yours & you can't spend a few bucks for a better camera? Shame on you LOl!
Looks nice even with the crapy pics lol
how do your anthias and fairy wrasses get along?

i mean i have 5 various fairy wrasses in my 180 right now and am trasnfering tanks in 2 weeks to a 275 gallon tank.

do you think anthias and fairy wrasses could co-exsist in that size tank or is that a no-no.



Well, the last 6-7 months have brought many changes. Goes to show you paper planning only goes so far. I'll try to go over what things are now compared to what they were and why they were changed. Below are a couple of pictures of what the garage/water purification district looks like now.




*I started with 400 watt Blueline electronic ballasts and they have been replaced for 400 watt PFO HQI. Reason is that I wanted to get a little extra PAR from bulbs given I was pushing the lighting through 30" of water, I wanted to use an aquacontroller later (no interferance or need for direct connect), and wanted ballasts that were a little more reliable int he long term. So far they have worked as advertised.

*I added VHO actinics as planned and detailed before. There are 4 x 110 watt running the length o the tank and 4 x 75 watt running perpendicular to the length of the tank. I think this has been a useful addition as they bring out certain colors that the radiums alone don't emphasize. Also, it has allowed me to run my MH for 6 hr/day while running the VHO for 12 hr/day. Much less heat and the same results really now for 2 months.




*Close loops now have the 3 x 2" intake bulkheads in the tank merging to 2 x 3" pipes that supply the intakes of the pumps. Result has been no cavitation, no microbubbles, and better water flow/output. I think I will divide each of the 4 outlets that each pump supply into 2 x 3/4" or 1" loclines to redirect the flow more evently across the tank. Doing this will also allow me to get the elbows that are seen now out of the water and only the tip of the loclines will be visible. That will be much smaller and better aestheticly.

*I added a 4" diameter fan exhausting the top of the tank into the garage. Amazing how much air that little fan puts out. Since the tank is somewhat isolated from the house, the humidity and hot air now gets pumped out. Cool air is drawn into the above the tank section by small grooves. Results are very low heat accumulation and not accumulation of humidity.

*In the next week I will be installing the exhaust fan for the garage. Based on the ratings and the volume of air in my garage, I should be able to turn over the volume of the garage every 6 min. This will hopefully provide a much cooler garage, much less humidity build up, less chiller running time, and allow me to close the garage doors completely.

*Pest controll:
I completed the red bug treatment a while back and now I am 100% red bug free. What a difference did that make on coral colors and growth! I was also getting the growth of these 2 different algae that came in the plugs of aquacultured corals. One was an encrusting flat somewhat orange color that was taking over the tank. The other was reddish/brown macro (dictyopia). I added 8 tuxedo urchins and thy have nowed right through the entire tank. Not a spec to be seen anywhere. The macro algae is still there despite the naso tang I added, which eats it as his staple diet int he wild, but it is nowhere are spread as it once was. Hopefully the naso will take care of it once he decided to take a nibble of it.

*Skimmer has basicly stopped producing skimmate. It still foams considerably, but no overflow of foam happens. I think this is basicly due to a combination of things, but the 2 most important factors are that the water is so much cleaner now and that the skimmer hit its threshold. I have a moster custom airstone skimmer comming in about 2 weeks, so we'll see how that works. It has a wet neck too, so we'll see what that does to the maintenance and cleaning schedule. That will also allow me to get rid of a iwaki 100 (major heat souce). It will be fed by a pump I already use to feed my chiller.

*I stopped using ozone basicly because my ozoniser took a dive on me. I jsut have been too lazy to remove the unit an see what's up with it.

*All of my PinPoint monitors (pHx2, ORP, and salinity) died on me. When it rains for several days in the road everything in the garage gets soaked from the condensation on everything. They were soaked! Since then, I bought a new Milwakee pH meter for the Ca reactor output and placed it where it is not lkely to get soaked.

*I will be getting an aquacontroller in the next 1-2 weeks with the powerbuy PA has right now. It will actually be placed inside behind the cabinetry, but the probes will be going through the wall to sit in the sump on the other side. That way I can monitor things from the inside of the house and also be able to hook up an old lap to look at trends.

*My achiles tang has proven to be the worst fish I ahve had to date. It has killed a cooper banded butterfly and a longnose butterfly within 10 min of hitting the tank along with 3-4 heniochus butterfly. It has also been fitting non-stop for 2 weeks now with my new powder blue tang. I had a OBT and an achilles along with a powder brown before in my previous tank and they all got along, but this one is a nasty bastard that needs to go on the fish relocation program.

*The rest of the equipment is working well. I have fine tunned a few things, but everything is working well.

*Levels have stayed steady at:
Ca 400
ALK 11.5
pH 8.2
MG 1200+
temp 81F

*I have been changing about 100g per month. Originally I had decided to go with NSW as it is readily available here. However, the cost is ridiculous if you are having a water service provide it for you. Turns out that after calculating things it is cheapper to actually make saltwater with RO/DI and IO accounting for the cost of filter replacement, water cost, and salt. I just find it ridiculous. I added a 300g storage container in the garage for mixing saltwater and it has worked out tremendously well for me.


*Growth has been variable. There are some corals that have grown tremendously in only 6 months while others seem to just take it easy and grow at a very slow pace. However, everything is growing and have colored well.

*I am almost certain that I will change the radiums to XM 10000K in Dec when these bulbs are due for changing. That should bring the bulb replacement cost to about 65% less than what it is now. I am considering adding more VHO actinic, but it would make the top of the tank very tight as it is. We'll see.

I will attempt some coral pictures later today after the lights come on.
Well all I can say is WOW !!! Awesome tank and equipment setup, beautiful stand and canopy and the paitings look great in the room now all you need is a recliner :D

Can't wait for some more closeups of the tank, congrats on a dream system :exclaim:

BTW haven't you tried the XM's already and didn't like them ?
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how do your anthias and fairy wrasses get along?

i mean i have 5 various fairy wrasses in my 180 right now and am trasnfering tanks in 2 weeks to a 275 gallon tank.

do you think anthias and fairy wrasses could co-exsist in that size tank or is that a no-no.

also off the top of your head can you give an updated fish list?


Thanks for the update Alberto. The pics look fine but I know they do absolutely no justice as to the magnificent size of your tank. I take it you like your VHO's. :) We both started out our tanks thinking we would be fine with just Radiums and then ended up adding some VHO's and noticed a sifnificant difference. One thing my VHO's did that the weren't doing well enough is bring out the reds. Sounds like your achilles has been a nightmare. I hope you are able to get it out of the tank. Are you planning on using a trap? What Aquacontroller model are you going to get? Are you planning on hooking it up so that it will send an email to your cell phone in the event of an emergancy?
nbd13 said:
how do your anthias and fairy wrasses get along?

i mean i have 5 various fairy wrasses in my 180 right now and am trasnfering tanks in 2 weeks to a 275 gallon tank.

do you think anthias and fairy wrasses could co-exsist in that size tank or is that a no-no.

also off the top of your head can you give an updated fish list?



They should have no issues co-existing. Some wrasses like the 6-line wrasse can be nasty fish, so I would avoid him. I would be more concerned in your tank with fish jumping out than them not getting along.


I am using a trap. I will be making one in the next few days. No particular plans on which kind yet though.

I am getting the AC2. I thought about this hlong and hard and can't hardly even justify the cost of the the AC2, much less the AC3PRO. The main feature I like of it is that it will turn my lights off in the event the temps were to continue to increase as in a chiller failure. Also, I could program it toturn off one of my close loop pumps every 6 hours for a total of 6 hours to cut electricity. That way only 3 of them are on at any one time. The main feature of the AC3PO that makes it attractive to anyone is the internet feature. That is worthless to me personally, but I know some other people find it to be something they can't live without. I have not had any monitors in my tank for over a month and I still sleep well at night :D :D The only thing I would want to know if there is nobody home is if the power failed, but the AC won't be able to tell me that i there is no power!! It doesn't help me if it tells me 3 days later when the power comes back on!!

Thanks for all the comments guys. It is very humbling :)
Thanks for the help!

i have been watching this thread since the begining, do you think you are happy with everything now? or are you going to be tinkering with things all along?

so you do not see any agrression between your fairy wrasses and anthias?

should i add the anthias first or fairy wrasses?

i will cover my tank, dont worry about that. i am not loosing all this money from someone jumping!

i have read so much that says fairy wrasses and anthias are a no, no, but never really understood why....

i mean which anthias are easier in your experience? i was thinking maybe bartletts? or lyterials?

what do you think?

a group of 5 maybe? 1 male and 4 females?



In my limited experience they should be fine. Lyretails and Barletts are the easier ones to keep. There is a good thread started by Nikki I think about anthias. Just 5 females (cheaper) and let the leader become a male. Plus, you get to see the male changing colors, which is pretty cool in itself. I have no aggression with mine.

As far as my tank and tinkering, I think I am pretty much done once I replace the skimmer and the return pump. Those were changes in the plan all along, they just happen to have taken forever to get it done. I will probably continue to play with the lighting until I find a suitable alternative for the radiums. Except for that, I am all done. At least I think I am LOL................
haha, thanks i will do alittle research and see what i can find out!

what return pump are you going with?

