acro power/feeding

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Ive been dosing 10ml a day for about a month now. I can tell my corals have better color and better polyp extension.

From all the threads I've read, dosing every day around "tank high noon" is the way to get best results

Thanks for noting the timing. I have been doing mine after feeding just because I was manually dosing... Dosing pump should be in next week and I was going to look into timing more before it arrived.

What do you calc your total water volume at Duane? If its not too early to be doing math, 10ml daily sounds like 'recommended' dosage at 350 gallons. I realize you are likely working the numbers based on a higher coral load too. One of the things I've been trying to figure out in switching is what I think the smallest useful dose would be. I'm not sure there is such a thing, but with my volume being a lot smaller than yours, it works out to a pretty small number daily....
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Yes, I dose for 350 gallons daily. I dose as soon as I get home from work which is later than I like buts it's all I can do at this point. I'd rather dose more than the minimum amount.
I am almost done with a bottle of this. I am doing daily doses in a 47 cube that has been running about 2 years. I guess I see some differences, probably enough to continue use.

Have you all seen the latest article on corals and Aminos, by Tim Wijgerde? It's a very good read.
Yes, I dose for 350 gallons daily. I dose as soon as I get home from work which is later than I like buts it's all I can do at this point. I'd rather dose more than the minimum amount.
I'll probably start with a rounded number on the doser. I think I have it at 2.5ml a day on the water volume calculation, but round to 3 and go from there.

Have you all seen the latest article on corals and Aminos, by Tim Wijgerde? It's a very good read.
That's advanced aquarist one I referenced earlier, right? I need to go through it again when I'm not so tired. I love that they don't 'dumb down' stuff, but it sure can make reading them at the end of the day tough.
My bad. Yes that's the one.

Cool, I only asked because things get cross published on occasion, and when you get into the technical side like most AA articles do, if there is an alternative publishing, sometimes it helps with understanding.
I have been adding half the recommended amount weekly in my tank for the last 2 weeks, my wellso is inflated to about double it's size and some of my zoas that have trouble opening seem to be doing better.
I think the amino acids are the key to the zoa polyps. Mine really responded once I started using it. The zoa's just wouldn't open then I went to Barrier and they recommended it and they opened right up once I started using it. All of my zoa's, palys are open and the other corals look so much brighter.
Didn't dose last night. My dosing pump came in during the week, so I'm going to set it up later today to break it up into daily doses. Figure I'll start with what is high noon for the tank and see how that goes, although some of the stuff I've read noted that while a lot of corals prefer dosing with lights on, some would rather lights out dosing, so as I see how things progress, I may change it up to split it into a twice daily....
I have been reluctant to chime in here. I simply don't want to fight,lol. The last 2 years or so I have been very interested in exactly what corals need to thrive....not survive, be colorful, or grow, but thrive. My first eye opener back then was an article by Randy Holmes-Farley entiled something like "corals need to feed". Entrigued by the simplicity of Leng Sy"s "eco sytem"....and from more recent findings that they have found that acro's actually contain amounts of phtoplankton in their gut higher than the suroundning water ( suggest acro is selectivley feeding on phyto),well, I have my mindset.

To keep it simple, from what I have read and taking all of those readings into consideration:

Phtoplankton is the basis for all life in the oceans.

zooxanthellae is the basis of life for much of coral we keep.

zooxanthellae are not only able to provide coral with carbohydrates for energy but also about 75% to 90% of essential amino acids. NOT ALL OF THEM. ( where is the coral getting the essential amino acids that zoox isn't able to manufactuer? (these are ESSENTIAL amino's)

so where does our coral get it from? The surrounding water and whats in it...phtoplankton and directly from the water like in undigested fish poop.

I don't dose amino's directly to my water...nor phtoplankton supplement, but I DO put them in my homemade fish food with the theory that ( and according to my studies) somwhere between 70% and 50% of everthing a fish takes into its mouth ( depending on species) is excreted undigested in its poop.

so, corals need no supplemention? true to some degree, but are you feeding your fish everthing they need so they can pass it along.

I will work on posting my recipe for homemade fish food.

long story short, I have been dosing amino acids for several years, its just I give my fish first crack at it( think body building), its just I have no comparison of how corals react because its nothing new to them.
I completely (almost) agree with your thoughts on this. For eight years I've been "feeding heavy on the verge of cyano" and skimming well so that the corals have plenty to feed on. I make a home made blend of food that the corals can grab as well as the fish during feeding time and the fish definitely poop enough brown sludge to make some serious clouds in the tank.

I think you can agree that I've always had some pretty colorful corals by using the old school Papone method. Years ago I elos dosed amino acids that IMO didn't do anything at all for the tank or corals.

Since I've started dosing Acro Power. I can tell that my corals do have better color, better polyp extention and are growing faster.

Instead of posting here without personal experience with this product and worrying about picking a fight. Give it a try first and if you don't see positive results then post your opinion that has some credibility.
This thread isnt about our food recipe's or how we think that AP might be snake oil. Its about members of reef frontiers sharing positive experiences from using this product.

Why would you wait until page 8 to possibly derail this thread with something that's off topic?
I completely (almost) agree with your thoughts on this. For eight years I've been "feeding heavy on the verge of cyano" and skimming well so that the corals have plenty to feed on. I make a home made blend of food that the corals can grab as well as the fish during feeding time and the fish definitely poop enough brown sludge to make some serious clouds in the tank.

I think you can agree that I've always had some pretty colorful corals by using the old school Papone method. Years ago I elos dosed amino acids that IMO didn't do anything at all for the tank or corals.

Since I've started dosing Acro Power. I can tell that my corals do have better color, better polyp extention and are growing faster.

Instead of posting here without personal experience with this product and worrying about picking a fight. Give it a try first and if you don't see positive results then post your opinion that has some credibility.
This thread isnt about our food recipe's or how we think that AP might be snake oil. Its about members of reef frontiers sharing positive experiences from using this product.

Why would you wait until page 8 to possibly derail this thread with something that's off topic?

I think you misunderstood. I don't know where I went wrong...thought I was cleary supporting the dosing of amino acids!
I think you misunderstood. I don't know where I went wrong...thought I was cleary supporting the dosing of amino acids!
Probably when you said you didnt want to argue :) I know you support AA's but felt like you were going to derail it with a fish food recipe. I guess I'm feeling like I have to defend what seems like a great product so far. We should start a new thread with our recipe's since its always good to revisit the topic.

My corals went from this.
to this
Over the last month from dosing.

Staghorns that grew well and had great color. Once I started dosing AP the tips exploded with multiple branches and are suddenly growing faster than they have in a years that my tank has been set back up.
Hey trido....psssst....I don't want to argue with those guys that are not on OUR side,lol.

I never intended to post my fish food recipe here.

I am in total support of amino acid and phtoplankton supplement due to phytos having complete aminos, however dosing phytos is another thread.
ps. this thread started with the question if any is dosing an amino acid supplement, so I didn't know we were talking about acropower only.
I just started today and set up my doser port to give 2x daily of 5ml for the weekly dosage 70ml for 300g volume system. Ill chime in my results next month...hopfully sooner:D
ps. this thread started with the question if any is dosing an amino acid supplement, so I didn't know we were talking about acropower only.

It sure did, and when I started it that was the question... its been derailed for just plain silliness more than once, so I'm sure it can survive some on topic comments, although I agree, it would be a bit of a confusing spot for the fish food recipe you've already said your not going to post here :)

You make a valid point with your comments on whether or not supplementation is needed beyond fish food/waste. The AA article noted earlier (in my understanding of it) supports your point also. The thing is though, it also notes that corals/zooathelia have the ability to take up the aminos in the forms that that they are being dosed. Think about that for a minute and what you end up with is a 'clean' fuel source for the corals. One that isn't dependent on other things in the tank processing it before its usable.

As an analogy, human beings can successfully live on grains with some minor supplementation along the way, pretty much in the same way livestock can. The thing is, in order to fuel the amount of processing our huge (compared to the animal kingdom) brains use on a daily basis, we'd have to eat some insane amount of grains/grasses (I used to know the numbers for this, but it is escaping me now) to the point where we would basically do nothing other than eat. We could also successfully survive on raw potatoes (with some minor supplementation along the way).. We wouldn't be nearly as strong, our lives wouldn't last nearly as long, and we wouldn't have the energy (or have had the energy) to fuel the growth in intelligence we have had as a species. What changed things for us, at least when you accept darwins theory, and accept that something happened evolution wise that gave us an edge over other proto-humans, or the apes, was taming fire, and moving from hunter gatherers to farming and raising livestock. What that did was take that thousand pounds of grains (just for the sake of a number) and replace it with smaller amounts of food more readily used by our bodies, such that we weren't working so hard too have just enough nutrients to survive, we had excess, and that allowed us to develop those huge brains, and fuel them. When you eat meat what you are eating is basically grains processed into proteins. When you cook that meat, and eat it with cooked potatoes, what you basically have is something that has already been 'half' digested, such that the proteins in it are more readily available to be used by your body.

How does that all relate to dosing amino's? Well, instead of using your fish to 'cook' food for the corals, what you are doing is giving it to them immediately in a more usable form. The argument against amino's, or the argument of it being snake oil has no doubt in the past likely been valid, but only to the point (in my opinion) that we were unsure as to what amino's could be actively taken up, and also unsure as to what amino's if any were in the bottle, and if any could be held in stasis successfully. Research (especially some of the recent stuff) has shown that they can be taken up in 'raw' form, so, we're more at the point now where we need to begin to throw that part of the argument out, and focus on the second part of figuring out what amino's are worth the time, which combination in which bottle...

So, do we NEED to supplement? Its doubtful as many people have been keeping corals thriving for years without. Can our corals benefit from the supplementation? Can we make them stronger and live longer by providing fuel in a form that is readily processed? Can we provide a 'cleaner' source of food/fuel for them that results in less waste in a closed system, therefore helping to sustain the water parameters they also need to be healthy? It appears at least at this point that supplementing aminos may just do all those things. Granted we're still early in our understanding of how this supplementation is best achieved, and how much/little we should be supplementing, but its does seem to be getting to the point where while we may never say it is required, we do seem to be forced to accept that it isn't the snake oil so many other products have been.

I didn't have poor color or poor growth when I started all this, at least to what I expect. I wasn't searching for something that would 'fix' a problem for me. What I started with was the idea that as things matured in my tank, I still felt like it was always living on the edge of one mistake or one issue causing massive losses. I don't have any idea if amino's can help with that scenario, but what I do know is that people who are starving or in otherwise poor health can die from a common cold, where as people who are strong and healthy may be able to fight that same cold off without ever showing symptoms. So, if you buy that whole rambling about how/why we don't just eat grains, (and you don't have to buy it, its theory and in some cases opinion as much as fact) then you have to question at least somewhat whether NOT providing amino's lends to that fragility... I don't claim to know the answer, I don't think any of us do.. I am at the point now though where I think I see increased growth and better color even though it wasn't lacking. I'm also at the point now where I see that dosing doesn't seem to have caused the issues that I would expect to have from excess nutrients. So, while this stuff may not really have done anything as far as better growth or color, since that could be something I am imbuing on the tank on my own, its either being taken up, is easily skimmed out, or isn't usable at all by nuisance algae(at least the kind noticeable in my tank)... so as long as it continues to not be overly expensive, and as long as I continue to see that it doesn't seem to fuel algae blooms, I'm on board for dumping it in and hoping that its helping to make things a little less fragile.... which is something I hope I never have the opportunity to try to prove.

(oh the irony after having typed all that drivel and then getting to click the 'post quick reply' button :) )
Again, I'm pretty sure I said I was very much for amino acid supplementation and that corals need it to thrive! also stated I NEVER intended to post my fish food recipe here.

all I said is I put the aminos in my fish food to give them first crack at it with my thoery that much of it would make it to the water column.

GEE, I wonder what may have happend if a I actualy disagreed?
Again, I'm pretty sure I said I was very much for amino acid supplementation and that corals need it to thrive! also stated I NEVER intended to post my fish food recipe here.

all I said is I put the aminos in my fish food to give them first crack at it with my thoery that much of it would make it to the water column.

GEE, I wonder what may have happend if a I actualy disagreed?

Other than my long winded drivel? That wouldn't be punishment enough? LOL
I was just attempting to answer your point, because I think it is valid, and in doing so it turned into an an explanation as to why I chose this route... No offense intended, nor would I personally care if you posted the fish food recipe, even though it wouldn't necessarily be applicable to the topic at hand. There is an immense amount of value in in intelligent conversation, even when it may pull things a little off topic. (at least IMHO)