Amphiprionidae (Clownfish) Workshop

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Great job Ilham!
I like that stores have ORA stock, just wish they could avoid connecting those tanks to tanks with wild caught animals. I think clowns are extra susceptible, not as bad as tangs but they seem to get anything they are exposed to. You find this true? I guess this is a health question but specifically am thinking of when I have seen one or two sick fish in a tank of healthy looking clowns, I write off the whole system's stock. Is that being paranoid? Did it again recently, my poor single oscellaris could use a mate but the fins in the LFS stock were not quite right at the tips.
I expect to continue the section this evening. Thank you for your patience...I can't even sit still this weekend long enough it seems.

As always, any questions are welcome.


Thanks Elmo for the info! The darker of the two came out of a friends tank which he had for a few months and the other, came in from the U.S about 2 weeks ago so chances are their diets were different. The are both on the same food now so I will see how it goes...Thanks for again for your reply and congrats again on such a wonderful thread!
Elmo18 said:
I expect to continue the section this evening.

Well that didn't work out too well...hopefully not too much longer :(

THanks for your patience.

- Ilham
Section 3...continued..

Buying from Online Store/Retailer

You really do have to be careful when purchasing clownfishes online. Like purchasing any other fish or coral 'sight unseen', you will not have the ability to pick exactly 'what you want'. Sometimes they will send you a misbar (incomplete stripes), most of the times full bars. Depending on what you want, you may not get what you 'envision'.

Furthermore, as consumers, we do not get to find out whether the fish is eating, how long its been at the retailers tanks, or what condition it is in. We also do not know whether this fish is housed with other fishes or similar fishes that harbor diseases/parasites. This is one reason online retailers offer a 'live arrive guarantee' of some sort.

I am an advocate for purchasing clownfishes online because with some harder to get species, you will have no luck finding them locally. At times you will get something else from what you initially 'ordered' (i.e. you may get an Amphiprion sebae, when you actually ordered an Amphiprion polymnus. So the element of surprise is there.

The challenge in buying clownfishes online is having them settle down in the tank, quarantining them, and have them survive. Like other fishes, clownfishes are prone to diseases, especially after a long day of spending time in a small bag of water with little air.

However, there is another benefit to purchasing online, which is that at times, different geographical strains are available of each species. When you go to your local fish store, fishes are normally labeled by their common names (which i highly despise), rather than their scientific names (although some do label using this method). What is missing is the origin of the fishes you wish to purchase. The true percula clownfish (Amphiprion percula has several different geographical strains. While at times you can tell visually tell where a true percula clown originates from (i.e. an Onyx percula originates from the Papua New Guinea, PNG from now on), most of the time it is difficult to differentiate. When buying clownfishes, I always want to know where my fishes originate from, so that I know what to label them as or call them as, when offsprings are born. So for the true percula above, the other strain comes from the Solomon Islands, otherwise known as the "SI" true percula, as compared to the "PNG" true percula.

If all local fish stores use scientific names, this will take out all the confusion about basic questions like, "do I have an ocellaris or true percula?" Then there is always a benefit for the clownfish lovers out there, and that is, at times your local fish store will label fish incorrectly, and if you know your species and what they physically look like, this is your gain.

In general, there will be several geographical strains of each species, some more than others. I will just name these geographical locations with broad terms: Coral Sea (approx. 15.00 S latitude, 150 E longitude; more than 1 million square miles), Indo-Pacific (Indonesia, Phillipines, etc), Fiji/Papau, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Cebu Sea(which borders Phillipines, home to localized black Amphiprion polymnus, Great Barrier Reef, Japan/Okinawa (northern Pacific Ocean), and of course the southernmost reefs Lord Howe Islands, and others off the Australian coast.

So when buying online, remember to take into account the live-arrive guarantee, know what geographic variations you will get, and expect the worst (which most of the times will be better, and will ease your mind). Quarantining and acclimation of clownfishes will come at a later section.



(post 6)
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Electrokate said:
Great job Ilham!
I like that stores have ORA stock, just wish they could avoid connecting those tanks to tanks with wild caught animals. I think clowns are extra susceptible, not as bad as tangs but they seem to get anything they are exposed to. You find this true?

Hi Kate. In my mind, yes. Clownfishes tolerate ICH better than tangs, definitely. However, other diseases, such as brooklynella, poses such heavy threats to clownfishes, that you need to treat early, or have a lot of dead clownfishes.

In addition, your tank may have ICH, but your clownfishes will not show signs and be healthy if other water conditions are great (no ammonia, untraceable nitrates, nitrites, etc)


Thanks Ilham. Is there anyway you could show a pic and point out the geographical diffrences between some Amphiprion percula? Also maybe give a good example for Ocellaris? I want to buy more Ocellaris later, after my infestation is dealt with. But would like to know what I am looking at this time around.
thank Ilham that was interesting, to bad we don't know about krish question :D (sorry Krish, i'm becoming to nosey :D).
I agree with Detri, i'd like to know more about nemo and where does he come from because i might be wrong but i believe i heard they can be coming from Florida:confused: ?
and you know for some reason somtimes i confuse them with the true perculas:oops: (i saw some at the lfs and for a moment i really thought they were ocellaris)
When ya gonna get into raising the babies??? My pair of GSM (in laymans terms of course) just had their first batch.. They're not the best parents "yet"
give em time.... we'll see how they do on the next batch or two.. Jeff
Rock-N-Ruin said:
When ya gonna get into raising the babies???

Maybe when there are 60 hours in a day.

I don't just sit here and type it all out. I type really slow I guess....I think last time I checked, I typed at 10 wpm.

- Ilham
really ten words a min? i used to type around that slow, then aol instant messenger came along... now i type quite a bit faster. but umm wow, that really makes me appreciate this thread more, thanks Ilham
Hey thats fine with Me!

Ilham Thanks so much for this work shop I have been following it since the begining and I have been learing alot!:D
I have Moved a pair of my Tomato Clowns out of My 150 Tank to help these guys settle down be more happy No I wait for Topic # 9 ;)

Elmo18 said:
Ten words per minute yup.......LOL....ahemm...[cough..]

- Ilham
did ya still need sand, I have about a 6 ga. bucket full. already cleaned it EXTENSIVELY.. let me know how much ya need, if ya stil do?? Jeff ps. it will be donated to your cause...
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