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Here's Neil


Members of the group Rush, my favorite.

I just went camping last week for my birthday. Flew in my nephew from California, packed up the family, went to the lake, pitched the tent, and went fishing among other stuff.

Same Question.....
I went to Minneapolis for the 4th, but that dont count, thats where im from originally. In April i went to S.Diego and had a blast, nice to see my buddy got a 300gal tank, went to Mexico, seen sharks and went to Tijuana, it was scary, and i dont get scared.

Why are LFS so expensive?
have to pay their rent and make a living.

How come acrylic boxes are so expensive?
Apparantly the island Acrylia is monoplizin' this stuff, like diamonds in Africa.

Why are P.Skimmers so expenisive, i just got mine and didnt realize how easy that would of been to have my father-in-law build, lol
I don't know.... Just broke down and bought an Euroreef off RC, it was only 1 month old, and looked brand new, but saved a few dollars.

Why are we so obesessed with this hobby?
I know that i have always dreamed of ownin a SW tank, and now that im married w/ kids i need a more relaxed hobby instead of goin out to the bars. The obessive part is what i dont get either thou, and why i spent so much money *cry*

What does your spouse think of this hobby?
Ahh, i was lucky. After I tore down my 75 a couple years ago I missed it. Then last year we stopped by a LFS that we used to go to and she said she missed our tank. The rest is history. She really does enjoy it. She gets dissapointed though when she sees something she really likes and I tell her it is not compatable.

Back at ya.....
Thats funny about the not compatable thing, my wife is in love with puffers! She had some freshWater ones, but they didnt do to well, not sure why, she wanted more, but i told her she had to start out the right way, with guppies, she managed to kill them off, so i give her heck now, lol. But as far as likin the hobby, no shes all about watchin the fish in the tank, but she doesnt like it when the fan buzzes or water splashes or pipes leak, since the tank is in our bedroom and we have a kingSize bed, i use the bed for a table of all my PVC and what Nots, she doesnt like that either, maybe once i get all this SETUP stuff done, sorry i needed to vent, lol, i set you up for that Ken, lol! Glad you got back in the hobby thou!

Whats your least fav thing to do with your tank now that its setup and runnin?
Vacum the deterius out of the sump. I made where you can almost but not quite not to get to every part of it. LOL
Whats your favorite dry fish food?
Hmmm....I like these Golden Pearls sinking pellets....the fish go crazy for them, and they seem like they're pretty decent nutrition wise.

Do you order your fish online or buy them in the LFS?
Camping, fishing and anything but yard work.

What do you like to do in the winter?
winter is knitting season lol !! because there's nothing to do around here or at least for me.
Now if it was for me i would go back to my country and spend the winter there since its always hot over there :D.

do you know when is the seahawks camp open for people?
well i guess that question is hard hehe so how about this?

i'm still thinking about getting a torch, i don't have a calcium reactor and since its the only lps that i'm gonna be having for a while :D, i was thinking about using the Kalkwasser Mix, now are you suppose to add that first and then introduce the coral into the tank or is it ok to just put the coral in the tank and then start adding the kalkwasser mix ?
I would say test your calcium and alk, see where your at, and when levels are good add the torch.

Where do you want to go today?
thank you dood !!
i wanna go to cold stone but since i just got from a very very long walk i'm just gonna stay home :) .

how was your birth day?
Excellent, and thank you for asking. Had a nice few days camping with the family and my nephew I flew in from California. Nothing like a nice talk around the campfire.

When is this heat gonna stop, it gets so darn hot in the upstairs of my house?
that's nice !! :)
ya it's been really hot, but i'm loving it. i hope it rains in like 3 months from now :D .
sorry i have always lived in the city until now so i have never camped my whole life and i was wondering, have you ever seen a bear really close? and what exactly do you do when you camp? i mean aside from talking around the campfire. sorry if i sounded really dumb :oops:
Hey you don't sound dumb... I guess, for me, it is just nice to get away for a while. We go to a campground that is on a lake, so the kids like to swim, I pull them in the intertube behind my small boat, I like to fish in the boat in the morning when the lake is quite and very peacful. It gets the kids away from the tv and video games, we play games, eat good and just have fun. I suppose it is just getting out of the daily rut, with no schedual or commitmets. I really enjoy it and it is kinda theraputic.

I have enough gear for your family to go camping sometime, ...Wanna go?