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I'm not sure, but I don't think I'd get one. I'm to afraid the little bugger will bust the glass...You should see them in action! They are slow, but there shells are hard sort of like army tanks!

I'm curious so same question.
I have a Tonga Fighting Conch in my tank now. They work well when they're active, but expect them to sit around buried every once in a while.

Yep, I watched every season of both Melrose and 90210. I'd have to say Billy drove me nuts the most; I couldn't stand his constant bewildered look. His wife Brooke was irritating too though. She was much better on Sex and the City, or face down in the pool.

I did have GI Joe, although I'm positive not all of them. I had Transformers too.

Anyone else think it would be acceptable for boys to play with Barbie if Ken had an Uzi?

I don't have an Uzi, Barbie doesn't like guns..... And even if I did I wouldn't let you.....

My favorite pastime as a child was legos, had a ton of them, and slot cars.

Other favorite childhood pastimes?
well i had tons of barbies, the barbie kitchen with the camper, the barbie tea set.

Yep, I watched every season of both Melrose and 90210. I'd have to say Billy drove me nuts the most; I couldn't stand his constant bewildered look. His wife Brooke was irritating too though. She was much better on Sex and the City, or face down in the pool.

hehe i didn't know you watched sex and the city dood !!
call me stupid hehe, but every since i saw that show, i wanted to have a gay friend (sorry if i ofended anyone), and my favorite characters were Samantha and mr big.

now please people be honest, do you still have your favorite stuffed animal, teddy bear, toy,from when you were a kid... yeah the one you used to go to bed with ? :D
My Mom still has my teddy bear, and I still have an air pump from when I was little. :) A Sea Pony pump by Penn Plax; not made anymore of course.

I liked Trey on Sex and the City; he was completely clueless. In fact he was clueless about being clueless.

What's the oldest fish you have right now?

My ghost fish just like my ghost shrimp, ghost crab, and ghost conch. He/she/it has been around since creation and hasn't aged on bit!

same question.
my oldest fish is 1 and a half

I liked Trey on Sex and the City; he was completely clueless. In fact he was clueless about being clueless.

hey i like the guy, he was cute !! but now samantha, i like how she would you know what every guy and how she had a kewl job, she was hilarious

do you do any sort of sport?
Just retired from old man softball, played catcher. Other than that i just life 12oz curls on the weekend.

I played with NinJa Turtles as a child, i did have GIJOES, Legos and T-Formers also

Do you think Chromis will get mean like damsels since they are same family?
Not necessarily, for the same reason most Clowns aren't really mean; even though they're related too. Obviously there are exceptions, like the Tomato Clownfish. Chromis' have their exceptions too, like the Bicolor. As long as you stick to the more peaceful varieties, like the Green and Blue you should be fine. If guilt by relation were such a thing I'd be in trouble with my family. :)

How many first cousins do you have? (I have 67)

ohhh doood that's a hard one.. let's see first first first i have 5 and second i guess :D i have about 50 or more i'm just to lazy to count lol, i miss them all though :cry: .

what places have you travel to and did you enjoy it?
Ok Rome for 12 hours, no very hung over and wanted to die
La Madilana, still hung over and the cops had uzis
Gibralter, got out stood on the pier, they wouldnt let us leave
Colport Scottland. Yes very much
Bergen Norway, yes alot
Portsmith England, it was ok
San Destin FL Is stinking awesome
Las Vegas is just not the place for me.
Nags Head Nc is cool
Groton CT sucks monkey testicles
Mystic Ct is cool
Virginia beach Va is ok
Texas is pretty cool
Detroit smells like armpit
Kallamazoo MI is pretty
Thats about it so far.
Same Q.
A couple of the different islands in The Bahamas, all over Florida, Washington State, stopped in Chicago and Denver (doesn't really count) and Canada. Going to Boston February. I enjoyed everywhere. I would travel more but my wife doesn't like flying.

same question
well let's see, i haven't travel to much hehe but the places i have gone are..
Acapulco Mex., love it
Guanajuato Mex. boring and hot
Puebla Mex. its ok just not that nice
Laredo, Texas, extremely hot during the summer but i like the place
Los Angeles, i really like it there
Vacouver, Canada, i really liked living there but i hated the weather.
Victoria, Canada, it was nice.
Gibsons, canada, didn't like it at all, but good for drinking :D .

same question?
Oregon: Awesome beaches, screwed up cities.
Idaho: Cool state, especially the Bitterroots.
Montana: Awesome scenery, just the right amount of people; which is very few.
California: Depends on what part; the north and central parts are great.
Arizona: Hot, I don't remember much else. :)
Nevada: I love Vegas, coolest nightlife in the world.
Utah: I'm not sure why people settled next to a lake too salty to drink or use for reef tanks.
New Mexico: I was only there for a day, and it was during a thunderstorm. Best storm I've ever seen.
Texas: I've been all over, favorite part was in the northeast by Oklahoma.
Oklahoma: Very flat in the west, awesome in the east.
Colorado: Denver sucks, Vail and Aspen are great.
Wyoming: The Tetons are impressive, Jackson Hole was one of the coolest places I've ever seen.
England: Besides Washington this is my favorite place. Great people, great weather, great scenery, terrible food and real-life castles; who could ask for more?

Same question.

I almost forgot our friendly neighbors to the north, lol. I love Canada, except for Victoria. If you've never been to England it's cool; but it seems like a cheap imitation once you've seen London. The Butchart Gardens are a must-see for anyone interested in that sort of thing.

Same question.

Born In KS-Dont rember it
WA-South Bend- Dull and small town life, Seattle-Enjoyed the fish market and the aquarium
MI-Hopkins-Left my heart there, Grand Rapids-Nice small-big city life, KZoo-Tough basketball, Been everywhere in MI
MN-Minneapolis-My fav metropilis, great food Duluth-Cold and great college parties
FL-Miami-Hot, cheap clothes, lol. Universal Studios was sweet!
NC-Greensboro- Hot and lots of clay, love Bo'Jangles!
NY- Long Island- Scary place to be at night, first SW dream, learned to play frisbee there and great pizza
IL-Chicago-Nice museums, great food, aweful traffic
IN-Great place to get fireworks when you live in MI! FortWayne is ok too, good minor league baseball team (wizards)
WI-BOO, stinky stupid state, with a garbage football team that only stinky stupid people like, BOO WI, Do sell liquor on SUndays thou!
Tenn-Beautiful country, slow people
W.Virginia-Great white water rafting
MO-St. Louis-Neat to see the arch, Good BBQ
NE- Omaha-Dull and flat
TX-Dallas-Sweet city, clean&rich. SanAntonio-Beautiful & Warm, southern hospitality
Cali-North, big redwoods-S.Diego MONEY MONEY, hustle hustle, sea world is sweet
SDakota-The place to be, wear the ballahs at? Mt.Rushmore and the corn palace
NDakota-Near SDakota, were MT.Rushmore and the corn palace are.
MT-Good Elk, Big
CO-Denver rocks, sixflags rock, USAF academy in Col.Springs
Canada-Can drink at 19 and put gravy on fries
Mexico-Tijuana-Scary and good tacos, no speed limit

I know there is more, but my fingers hurt

Same ?
I lived in England for 5 years, I miss the food you just have to know where to eat. I been all over europe, even Bulgaria. That place was a s#1t hole. Costa Rica is pretty nice:D

Ok new question, have you ever cut open the pad at the base of your fingers w/ bone shears? :D :lol: I just did.