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hey you are the one who wanted to know and i just followed you and i'm sure you were clowning around, by the way do they taste good? LOL!! :lol:
ok new question since i really don't wanna knwo Krish :D .

what do you like eating at the cinema? candys, chocolates or pop corn, or nachos hmm nachos
I cant afford to eat anything at the movies nowdays. I have to smuggle in some candies. I should show up to the movies with a bag of microwave popcorn and ask the employees were their lounge is,lol

What was the last good movie you seen?
I cant afford to eat anything at the movies nowdays. I have to smuggle in some candies. I should show up to the movies with a bag of microwave popcorn and ask the employees were their lounge is,lol

LOL!! that's what i do sometimes, i'll smuggle some sandwich or when i was pregnant i would bring an apple,sandwich,chocolate,doughnuts yuo name it :D

the last one i believe was one of the matrix and i wasn't putting to much attention because i was pregnant so i was in the need to eat stage :D

same question?
ohh no dood i think it was the second one :D
trust me dood, once you have kids and no family around to help it's impossible to go to the movies and i don't trust nannys hehe :D .

who cooks around the house?
Let's see...Burger King, Kentucky, McDonalds, Outback, Wendy's...Depends on the mood (LOL). My wife cooks when she gets ready. I don't ask her to though. I know she has long days just like me.

same question.
oohh that's cute !!
i am the cheff of the house :D
sometimes when i'm in the mood i even make pizza from scratch and bread :D .
my husband is the cheff during the weekends though and since he used to be a cheff before, he can cook great food.

is it hard to catch a fish from the wild ?
Nope...It's much easier to do than in your own tank! Atleast you don't have to worry about knocking over your rocks.

Would you rather wild caught saltwater fish or ones raised on a fish farm?
hmm to be honest i really like wild caught, but i gotta say that i like the farm raised because they can be more easy to keep, so i'm in the middle.
i know for sure you like wild Krish :D
same question
Either is fine for me. The wild caught ones can be just as easy to keep depending on where you catch them. I know for one, any butterfly fish caught around Nassau never makes it in your tank, but if you catch the same fish just off of Rose Island (which is 15-20 minutes off of Nassau by boat) they usually adjust and do well.

same question.
Tank raised, seems to be better success rates.

You are walking along the road going to a town you havent been to before. You come to a fork in the road and see a guy on both sides of the fork. On one side is a guy who never lies and on the other is a guy who always lie, you dont know who is who. What is the one question you can ask both and find your way to town?
Hmm....I'd ask them if they think I'm pretty. One of the dreaded husband questions wifes ask. :D

Not sure, jiddy.....Krish's answer seems like a good one....what is my name?
I guess if I could ask each of them only one question, it would have to be a 2 part question.

Do one of these paths lead to town, and is this the correct one?
you ask this...."what will the other guy tell me if I ask him which way to town?" let's say the correct route is fork #1 and the incorrect route is fork #2

the one who tells the truth will correctly tell you the other one will tell you fork #2. (the truth) The one who lies will tell you the other one will direct you down fork #2. ( a lie) Therefore you now know fork #1 is the correct path.... you drive fast and agressive or slow and steady?

Well with 7 speeding and a reckless reduce to careless, i think im a pretty good driver since ive only been in 3 wrecks that i was a passenger in, by the way, ive never got out of a ticket except when my wife was have labor pains, lol

I drive slow and aggressive, lol. Actually, I usually drive pretty mild; I've only been in one wreck and it wasn't my fault.

What's the dumbest thing you're afraid of?
