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Water first and then food and fire. Shelter would be last as it can't feed a hungry stomach.

What would you rather...Food or water?
Water. You would become dehydrated faster with food only. Your body uses fluid to help digest food.

Would you try and fish first, or find some bugs to munch on? (deserted island, for folks just reading this part of the tread for the first time)
water dood because i'd hate being dehydrated.

same question.
ohh and Ken, you are definetly not gonna be stranded in candy island dood :lol:
man how come everyone is beating me on the reply :D .
hmm well i don't have a clue on how to fish so definetly i would try to catch some crabs or cocos

same question
FISH 4 SURE!!! Like a true bush Bahamian would say, "Boy, I ain't eatin' flippin' bug...Dey does make your belly hurt and ting!"

same question.
spongebob lover said:
LOL!! the same here.
hey could i be stranded in the island with hmm... Ben Affleck, keifer Autherland or may be Matt Haselback (second thought naww he's bald) :D.

Easy on the hair jokes there Gab!!

spongebob lover said:
water dood because i'd hate being dehydrated.

same question.
ohh and Ken, you are definetly not gonna be stranded in candy island dood :lol:

It's my Isalnd, and it has those things!!!

Fishing is hard without any gear......
lol i'm sure it's yours dood and what can i do about the hair jokes i mean Haselback is hot don't take me wrong just as long as he doesn't take the hat off :p.

ohh and you know how i was talking about the candy snails, dood my six line is sure having a very nice lunch because he's eating one of them right now :shock: .

back to the question i guess :D
I don't have a computer. I walk three miles down the road day and night to talk to you people on someone else's computer; and I don't even know them! I gotta go, I hear someone coming...

Have you ever gone into someone else's place without their knowledge while they were gone?

Nope...Clayton, I mean what are you into over there. First, you want to take pictures of dead things and now you sneak into peoples houses to use their computer...What's next? (LOL)

same question.
I don't have a computer. I walk three miles down the road day and night to talk to you people on someone else's computer; and I don't even know them! I gotta go, I hear someone coming...

ohh wwoouu Clay, i thought i was the only person addicted to this website more than enyone but now you just prove me wrong :D
and yes Nikki, i have but there wasn't to much to see :D;)

same question
Not me...I don't want to know if my friend has some gross disease (LOL) What you don't know, don't hurt...So they say (LOL)

Who use to do prank calls before caller id came out?
Not me...I was always too chicken. Besides there was *69, so folks could call the number back.

Do you play a musical instrument?
Who use to do prank calls before caller id came out?

hmm I DID !! and not only that just so you know :badgrin: :D
well Nikki i used to know how to play the piano a little bit but its been so long.
my husband on the otherside knows how to play the violin and the saxofon or however you call it

same question
I don't think you should be able to count water fountain posts, Krish

You're on that subject again? LOL. The reason I post so much to be honest is I feel bad for people sometimes when they post and no one replies. So if I have no idea what someone is talking about, I usually will still stop in and say hi so atleast they don't feel like nobody gives a poop...For true. I think you are just using me again to rack up posts (LOL). No problem Don, but maybe you can bug Gabby and Ken also as they have more posts than me and that way you could rack up even more posts! (LOL)

Back to the question if I play a musical instrument...Does burping count?

same question.
Krish, what did i do to you dood? why are you telling him to bother me :D lol .. just kidding dood.
Hey Don, Krish and the rest of the gang are the only ones who can bare with my nonsence ok, so please don't take that away :D .
ohh and dood, burping is my major lol !! just kidding
Since you didn't post a new question Gabby, you loose points! (LOL)
New question.....This one is funny, but then again it shouldn't be (LOL). Anyone ever got a little zap from lightning (like my wife did coming off of a plane through her umbrella)?