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LOL!! no but if you come here and do it for me since you have an awesome tank, i will :D
ohh if anyone is a prision break fan, don't forget at 9 p.m. :D.

hmm what would you do if you knew you were gonna go to prision for something unfair? :D
If it was prison in the Bahamas I'd probably take my chances and run. We are ratedthe top 5 worst prisons in the world (so I hear) Don't really want to find out and be nobody's bi%#$!

same question.
Depends on why it was unfair? Was I innocent, or was it lame to send me to jail? Either way, I suppose I'd do the time sentenced to me. No sense in making it worse on myself.

Did you ever skip school?
yes one time and i got caught :doubt: so after that i never skiped school again besides i always liked school.

same question
I wouldn't call it skipping because my parents knew about it (LOL). I could skip though because I graduated 2nd in my class.

same question
never i was a perfect student :devil:

hahha i just thought about it and i'm skipping my first class right now

where the hell have i been?
I don't know where Adam's been, anyone know where Jiddy's been?

real question: Do you go to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and check-up?
ok where have you been Adam ddood, the same goes for Jiddy?

ohh boy, Krish don't get to exited about this question ok, we know how much you like talking about the bathroom and toilets :D .
No Nikki, i'm a bad girl :(, but i believe i don't need it since i wash my mouth 3 times a day, then i gurgle listerine and i floss after that, i hate having my mouth dirty ;)

same question
hmm to me, i really like it that way its not like you are gonna add corals so why having it crowded for and besides it covers the background which i like seeing :D

same question
Is that real rock in the back?
If so it will gain some life after a while.
It looks really nice, like a deep ocean shelf.
If fish is all your keeping then I'd say add fish!

With over 11,000 views, how much longer will this thread go before I'll shut it down? :D
LOL Scooterman...I'll just re-instate it then :p

How many think we should chase Scooterman down and snap him with a wet towel? ;) :D all in the name of fun, of course
LOL Nikki! Don't whip him...It's good to get more people posting on this thread instead of the small handful (LOL). Scooter the background is rock on the surface, but lot LR. The whole purpose of it was to look like the side of a wall under water or a shelf like you said. I think it will be cool to have some coralline all over it and maybe a few things anchored on it.

Why is it that the RF staff can't be MOTM? (unless I'm wrong)
hmm i really don't know anything about your question dood.
Nikki let's do it girl !!!
Krish, dood i like the way your tank looks, but if coralline starts growing on it, then forget about it, i think it would look semi decent, but not as kewl as it looks right now.
by the way you should come and help me do something like that for my tank hehe :D.

now same question doods
by the way you should come and help me do something like that for my tank hehe

If you really want a background like mine I can find out where in the US you can buy it. You wouldn't want to know how much I payed for mine here...$345.00!

same question
wwouu no wonder we all like staring at it :D.
well i think it's worth it dood, if i ever find someone who can make that type of backgrounds around here, for sure i'll be begging for it even if that means no birthdays,no mother's day, no christmas gifts LOL !!! just kidding but i'll be surely begging for it.

back to the question
Even though RF Staff are members, we would like the MOTM to be non-staffers. The members of this board make it what it is, and we want to recognize a member every month. I really enjoy the MOTM write-ups, and learning how people got into this crazy hobby.

What made you want to keep a reef tank? (has this one been asked before?)