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I've always had a facination with saltwater fish etc. Growing up, I'd always enjoy going to the beach and playing in puddles at low tide catching things and wanting to take them home and put them in a small tank. They never lived though because those little under-gravel filters we all use to have just didn't blow enough bubbles, so I thought (LOL).

Is there anything you wished was different about your current setup?
Yeah....I wish it was stocked full of beautiful corals. :D

I wanted to get in the hobby because I had this enormous amount of cash I needed to spend, and I thought getting into reefing was a perfect way to get rid of the money :D ;). lolol

Do you get to open a present on Christmas Eve night?
I wanted to get in the hobby because I had this enormous amount of cash I needed to spend, and I thought getting into reefing was a perfect way to get rid of the money . lolol

LOL!!! that's a nice way to put it Nikki :D.
and no i don't but my kid does for me :)

have you ever gotten a facial? (come on i've seen guys having them done too)
I usually cheat & open up some early but try to save some for Christmas day. (No wet towels please, Ouch)!

I have as ask again what got you into this hobby & did you really end up spending more than planned?
Yes, I've had a facial.

To answer Scooty's question, absolutely I've spent more than I planned. ROFL - "honey, this is the last big purchase, I swear".......$300 later....."OK, once I get this, then I'm set....and I can use it on a bigger tank!". :lol:

same Q that Scooterman posted....
np scootererman dood :) .
and yes i always say the same thing .. honey i promise that's it, i won't spend anymore money on the tank.. i'll just buy that skimmer that i saw on line and that's it that's final... then after 3 month... honey i've been thinking that i need a new lighting system, then he usually says .. here we go again, why can't you just spend that money on victoria's secret like the other girls or buy girly stuff :D .

same question
I never spend more than I planned because I know the spending for me will never end. I get bored really quick and have to change something or buy something new. I know that I've spent more than my wife expected though (LOL). So far everything is up to $3500.00 for me (don't forget things cost more in the Bahamas) and I have plans for some more spending.

How much time a day do you think you spend just looking at your tank?
I never spend more than I planned because I know the spending for me will never end. I get bored really quick and have to change something or buy something new. I know that I've spent more than my wife expected though (LOL). So far everything is up to $3500.00 for me (don't forget things cost more in the Bahamas) and I have plans for some more spending.

you know dood, that's true it's always more expensive out of the USA .
does she ever get mad dood, because you spent all that money?
doodd, i stared at my tank almost every 5 mins, even when i'm baking i always like to just go for a little bit of time and look at my fishes and see what they are doing.

same question
HAHA ... i went to cali for 10 days and kinda been laying low for the time since ... but i missed you crazy people so i thought i'd drop back in
i spend at least 1 hr to 2 hrs a day in 10 15 min increments(sp)
and thats with my 10gal ...

how much do you hate red slime?
California here i go, this is where i started from ... i love the O.C. hehe
well its good to have you back dood, but yeah there's nothing like California, i love it there hmm yeah my people, not so much american/mexican food, the weather, there's a lot of things to do there and did i mention the weather :D .

yes i hate red slime, but there's 2 things i hate the most 1-cyano :mad: $%&^*&%$@, 2-flatworms :mad: $#%$%&.
those are the things i hate the most

same question.
Spongebob lover I treated my tank with FW exit last night all is well. I started a tread to document what I did check it out.

I prefer my red slime on toast.

Same question
yes dood i checked your thread and i hope everything goes fine.
mine are not that bad, before the tank used to be infested with them, no joke you could see them all over the glass, corals etc. but now that i've been siphoning them, i added more flow and with a little help from my 6 line , now i think its way way less and i hope someday they go away forever hehe.
i will keep checking your thread as you go with the procedure :) .
and what do you mean you like the red slime on toast, dood i didn't know we could eat that stuff , phh i'm gonna try it :D :lol:

same question
Please don't eat the red slime I was just kidding. Making reference to Jam/Jelly

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