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Oh man....that's really bad. Mine is weak in comparison.

It's a toss up for me. One day in highscool, I was wearing a skirt. It was, of course, a wintery Chicago day, and I was waiting for the bus. When the bus pulled up, I went to get on the bus, slipped on the ice and fell splat on the ground. I was all scraped up. I got on the bus, everyone clapping, and I took a bow. The other was at a horse show. I had a pair of Tailored Sportsmans (really nice riding pants) that I wore alot for horse shows, and the stitching in the rear was getting worn. I figured I had a few more shows before I needed to get them fixed, when all of the sudden, going over a jump the seam split open. Most of us wore thongs in horse shows to eliminate panty lucky me :D. (I didn't finish the course, once I felt the breeze)

Same Q
Most of us wore thongs in horse shows to eliminate panty lucky me . (I didn't finish the course, once I felt the breeze)

You knew those pants were going to rip Nikki....Why are you trying to flash men and make them sin!(LOL)
LOL!!! :lol: :lol:
ohh boy krish, well good things you weren't having dinner with your in laws hehe.
i knew it was gonna be something toilet related :D dood !! you know if i ever win the lotterie i'll send you a toilet made out of gold just for you krish with your name on it :D.
hmm i can't remember if i have any more embarrasing moments hehe.

same question in case someone has a good one hehe .. ken or Jiddy :D
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Mine has something to do with being parked in my parents car in highschool, with my girlfriend, and having a security officer bang on the window with a flashlight. Took a minute to get situated and out of the car.

Go Ken!!! Now you have confirmed for me that the pink bracelet doesn't mean anything iffy!(LOL) Unless things have changed since high school :shock:
Gabriela...That's usually embarrasing for the girls, but guys love to tell the story. It lets their friends know they are getting a little action :shock:

new question...If you knew someone you hung around basically everyday (like someone you worked with) and they had really bad breath...I mean so bad your eyes water and you gag, would you tell them? This guy works with me and OMG! We don't want to say anything because we don't want to hurt his feelings, but I crack jokes about it all the time (even though it isn't funny), but he doesn't get the picture. I'll say stuff like, "Who stole my poopie and ate it?" (LOL) and he just laughs :eek:
LOL !!! there you go again with the toilet eh buddy.
well yeah mine was worse dood, in high school i had 2 friends one from Ucraine and the other one from Iran.
Anyways, since the first time i met them trust me, they stinked so bad like sweaty armpits and tuna, no joke i could smell both of them even if i was a few feet away from them and the bad part is that sometimes they would hug me (i had to hold my breath) i didn't wanna say anything + i was learning english we kind of understood eachother but let's just say that who in the world knows how we became friends :p , i tried giving them a hint by saying how do you shower since they were coming from a different nationality, one will say with oils :confused: and the other one said that she would just shower normal.
I tried stop hanging out with them, but they would follow me everywhere,so then the horrible thing happened a guy who one of them had a crush on, told her that she smelled horrible and that she should take a shower, she started crying and got mad because she tought he was rude, but then i said ... to be #$%$5 honest yes, i'm really sorry and i really don't want to hurt you, but you really do smell really bad and i told the same thing to the other girl too.
well after that, trust me, the showered.. i was so happy about it :D .
The Ukranian girl after a while stopped talking to me, but the iranian girl and i became best best friends and now she comes to visit me everytime she gets a break from work i even lived with her for a while

same question
Krish, put an anonymous tube of toothpaste and toothbrush in his desk, locker, or toolbox.
ROFLMAO!!! You guys are a joke! If he saw toothpaste he probably will think it is something to shine his rims with (LOL). And you Gabby talking about people smelling like armpit and tuna!! I almost crapped my pants!(LOL). I needed a good laugh. My co-worker was sucking on the top of a soda bottle cap the other day and my friend said, "You know who's stink hands have been on that?" and without thinking I just blurted out, "And now he's got stink breath on it" :eek: OMG my friend and I just about pissed our pants! I couldn't believe I said that.(LOL) He laughed a bit, but I think he may be a little curious now because I said I was going to put up a sign that says "No Whistling" in the shop because evertime a song comes on he likes, he starts whistling and the automatic air freshener keeps spraying!!!(LOL)

same question...Should I tell him?
Yes, I wasn't trying to be funny, that is a nice discrete way of telling someone without too much embarassment. Try a small bottle of mouthwash then

Same ?
lol yeah get the mouth wash just don't forget to add some habanero :lol: .
hey what's wrong with whistling eh i do that .. well not that often but i do it more if i see a hot guy hehehe :badgrin: :lol:

back to the question
I'm not the partying type (like clubbing and drinking because I've never done either), but I am outgoing and love to have a good time hanging out with family and friends talking a bunch of crap. I can stay home too without a problem. I can find ways to entertain myself :shock: (that didn't sound good)LOL. What ever dude is fine wih me.

same question.
It depends on what's going on....I might want to go out, or I might want to stay in.

Krish - have you ever thought that maybe he has a medical condition that makes his breath smelly? Just thinking of a gastric issue, or medication he may be taking. Do his teeth look well cared for? It could be food he's eating, too. How about offer a piece of gum or a mint when you're talking to him?

Are you outspoken or an introvert?
I'm both; outspoken to anyone around me and quite shy around myself. :) Actually I used to be really shy, but these days I'm more outspoken.

Krish, next time you see the guy start chewing some gum and ask him if he'd like a case or two.

I'm definitely the stay-at-home type, but I do really enjoy going out and doing things too. I'm not into drinking though; I'd rather just hang out and talk or do something.

Ever had the urge to inject inappropriate comments into these posts?

Who hasn't (LOL) We are all a little guilty for it and some times some of us get away with and other times you get a pm from the RF staff(LOL)

Nikki, it think it is a medical condition...Its called Halitosis (bad breath LOL). I am not the outspoken type. Yeah I will joke around a lot, but I hate to hurt someone elses feelings. I'd rather suffer than to see someone else suffer. Thus, one of my reasons for having IBS. I even felt bad about what happened on another thread even though the person asked for it...I just hate confusion and don't like being a part of it. My wife says she will call my co-worker for me and tell him about his breath because she is tired of me talking about it (LOL) Hey it's kinda funny to see peoples reactions to it, but I hate it when he answers the phone and it's for me and when I go to the phone, I have to pinch my nose because the scent got on it :eek:

same question for Clayton.
No - I never get that urge to interject inappropriate comments.....(*@#&$HFGKJ#!!!!

krish - I know the medical condition is halitosis, but I'm thinking of some other type of medical condition. I'm just thinking there may be nothing he could do about it. Maybe he needs one of those new fancy fandangled tongue scrapers. I don't would you want someone to approach you if the roles were reversed?

If you see some neighborhood kids doing something wrong, would you tell their parents, even if you didn't know them? (this isn't happening to me, btw, I'm just curious if it ever does)