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I was fortunate enough to see Pavoratti in concert. He was absolutely amazing.

that's really kewl Nikki :)

well if i'm coming from the moms club i usually eat something, and i try making my son take a nap otherwise i just pretty much just check what's going on in here (sorry but i'm addicted to RF hehe :D)

same question
lol !!! well its a club for staying at home moms and moms with part time jobs.
let's see, we do playgroups which is like 3 or 4 moms get together and play with the children and talk about whatever, we also do different activites for the kids like going to playgrounds, to the fire department, and well in a few weeks we're gonna be going around the mall asking for trick or treats. I'm one of the coordinators (for my own disgrace) and so i have to come up with ideas like where to go every $%^%^ week, what to do, and then i send evites every #%^ month about the activities etc.
IMO, most of the moms in the club are hmm sometimes mean and they never really care about everyone more than themselves.
As you can see i really don't like the club :D , everytime i go, i feel like they are sucking my money for everything, no joke you gotta give money for this and money for that and bla bla bla.
the only good thing about it is that my son enjoys it otherwise i would tell them right on their faces what i think about them :D .

about how many hours do you spend on RF?
Gaaaa - I don't even want to answer that.....or try and figure it out. :eek:

What's your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
I guess I should say fish, but I have to go with Gorillas. It's incredible to watch them, and sad too in a way. It's strange to look into their eyes, they look very much human.

I too used to be a massive downloader; now I have an iTunes account. I think it's been a few years since I've bought a CD though; but there's a pretty good chance that CD was Andrea Bocelli. I think I have all of his music.

Same zoo animal question.

I have no favorites at the zoo...I'm an animal freak! Clayton, way to go with buying Bocelli's CD! I have them all also and even his concert on DVD. I think I'm starting to learn his language now!(LOL)

same question.
I enjoy the great apes, especially the gorillas (Orangutans, too). When I worked at Brookfield Zoo, I went behind the scenes at Tropic World. There was a yellow line, that you had to stay on the other side of (unless you worked in that exhibit). This was to protect you from the long arms reaching out (if they did). It was a safety measure. Of course, the gorilla that happened to be inside at the time was just sitting there looking at us. I was amazed at seeing a gorilla up close, I could see that it was thinking. The Children's Museum in Indy recently had a Jane Goodall exhibit. There was this grip thing that you could squeeze and see what type of primate you were, based on where the arrow pointed. I was amazed watching "strong" folks squeezing it....they barely made the arrow move.....and 180 degrees more for the arrow would mean they were an orangutan. Pretty impressive to know how strong primate hands are. Anyway - I like the Gorillas and Orangutans.

Do you send out Christmas cards every year?
yes i love making my christmas card, i don't know if i'll be able to make them this time because my in laws are coming for Christmas and my mom and sister might come too, so i'm gonna be very busy :( .

same question
We try to send out a few, never get them all out like we should.

What do ya want for Christmas?
I want to give Woodstock, Gaberella, and Charlie what they want, really wish I could.

Same ?