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i know that if i had a bugger hanging out of my nose or if my zipper was down i would rather have someone tell my and be a little embarest then walk around sporting my mess and find when i get home. i think that if you aproached this person privetly and said "hey buddy im only telling you this because i would want you to tell me the same"that they would apperitate it.

wouldnt everyone want that?
;lasfpoj NO!,
We don't call the mmdnfaiurbv parents. We call the police.:mad: Last year I kept finding golf balls around the yard.... Front and back. I picked up at least a dozen over 2 to 3 days. I couldn't figure out where they were comming from. Thought our kids were bringing them home from somewhere. One evening we were leaving the house and Shilo gets hit in the leg with one. Luckily all she got was a bruise and hurt feelings. I start looking around and see this teenage kid in his front yard doing his Tiger Woods impression. This is like 3 blocks from our house. Colleen is quick on the phone to the cops. Needless to say they take care of the problem and I stay out of jail for assult or worse.
Same Q.
You guys are hilarious! Would I call their parents....Depends on what they are doing. If I think its funny or cool I'd probably join in!(LOL) But if they are stealing valve stems off of my car again then we have a problem!(LOL)

Same q.
lol !! i agree with Scott here, i rather call the police than try to solve the problem myself because if i try, then probably my husband would end up yelling at the kids and what not, so yeah just call the po po police :D or just call Stan that way after he's done arresting the kids or whatever you can talk about corals or may be go to his house for a little bit of tank drooling :D .

same question, If you see some neighborhood kids doing something wrong, would you tell their parents, even if you didn't know them? (this isn't happening to me, btw, I'm just curious if it ever does), there Ken for you :D.
I guess it would depend on what they were doing. My reponse would range from talking to them, to telling their parents, to calling the police if I thought it would endanger someone or something or cause property damage. Thats a real case by case senerio.

How many times in a month do you go out to dinner?
I always prefer building stuff, but those Schuran reactors are really nice. If I were to buy a system I'd probably go with one of them.

Our new neighbors have a kid (5 years old) that sneaks around the neighborhood moving and turning on hoses in the yard; usually in an attempt to flood something. The one neighbor has tried everything to stop the kid, but he does it anyway. Finally he ran a hotwire along the fence to stop the kid from climbing over; which ended the problem for now. It turns out that's why they moved from their old place; the kid was messing with hoses and stealing mail from the entire neighborhood. Personally I would've called the cops a long time ago with that one. He's five now, what's he going to be like when he's fifteen? The parents are sometimes no help, like in this case. When the one guy called to tell them he'd flooded their aviary, the mother yelled at him because they'd locked him in his bedroom and he couldn't have done it. They spent the rest of the evening searching for him; turns out he climbed out his window and was in search of more hoses.

By the way, I'm always tempted to say inappropriate things. I probably watch too much smut on TV.

When was the last time you went to a drive-in movie?

I've never been to one. They had one in the Bahamas before I was born, but it is there no longer. It couldn't work here anyway...It's too hot and not much people have aircondition in their cars that actually work!(LOL)

same question.
I've never been to a drive-in. There was one when I was growing up, but I think it was closed down. We went to the regular movies :).

drofwaves - you might want to look into GEO reactors, I know a couple of folks that have them and are very happy.

same drive-in movie question
I saw one when growing up, never actually been there but did peek at it from a distance, I thought they were extinct, maybe some of the other members will have more input so same question!
We used to go to them all the time. Pile a bunch of people in the back of a couple of pickups, lawn chairs and a few beers. :D :D :D Can't seem to do that anymore since drinking doesn't seem to be socially acceptable anymore around here! :( :(

Same Q
Wow, I feel old and I'm only 28! lol. I think there are still seven operating in Washington State, although there used to be a lot more. It's a different way of watching a movie; it's too bad they're becoming extinct.

Since I'm the only fan of long-forgotten pastimes I'll ask another question... Who listens to 8-tracks? Just kidding. Do you still buy CDs, or do you "acquire" MP3s on the Internet?

Woops, you beat me Charlie; I was beginning to think nobody else had ever been to them. It is cool that you take whatever you want, talk if you want, do "other" things if you want, whatever goes. You don't have rude people around you (aside from your family or friends), nobody answering their damn cell phone. Oh well, all great ideas eventually come to an end I guess.

hmm i used to be the bad one downloading music hehe, but not anymore.
i rather buy the cd's , right now the CD that we listen to all the time it's called Dora the explorer and some CD that says my son's name like a 100 times.

same question
I only buy Andrea Bocelli's originals (Don't laugh eventhough I don't know what he's saying) the rest I download and burn.

same question.
lol !! well i used to be a big fan of Andrea Bocelli too and some other singers like luciano pavarotti and Placido Domingo.

what's the first thing you do when you get home?
Depends on where I'm at :D. If I'm coming home from the gym, I shower, but if I'm coming home from dropping off my daughter at school, then I'll check in on RF.

I was fortunate enough to see Pavoratti in concert. He was absolutely amazing.

same Q....what's the first thing you do when you get home from work?