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lol !!! ok dood, did you drink the cough syrup again ? :lol:
i told you to leave the bottle alone, i have no clue what you are talking about but ok.

same question for the drunk man :D
i think so too dood or may be like i said he just had to much kids' cough syrup. :lol:

do you count your snails almost every water change?
No cough syrup this time(LOL) I wish I had taken some because it is 3 in the morning now as I type and I can't sleep! Must be excited about getting my fish today(LOL). The yahoo slurp spider I am talking about is always listed on the page where you can see what everyone is actively doing at that that time after all of the members names.

As for counting my snails at water changes...No I don't do it. If I did then I think my wife would send me to the looney bin because I don't have any snails at all!(LOL) You gave me a good idea though Gabby, since I can't get to sleep maybe I should go count some sand grains in my tank (instead of sheep) and see if that helps me to get to sleep!(LOL) Night Night!

same question.
I don't count snails during water changes, but I occasionally count them to make sure one hasn't croaked on me.

Krish, I was on NyQuil and behaved myself; except for the l*s***n remark in my PM. Well, that and calling Gabby on her battery comment. That was her though, not me.

Do you consider yourself crude, mildly offensive, somewhat respectable, or completely virtuous?

LOL dood yeah sure blame it on me :p .
hmm i'm respectful and very patient infact extremely patient with people.

same question
I don't like to judge myself...I leave it up to others, as we all tend to be a little hard on ourselves most of the time. Good question Clay!

same question for Clay.
I'm pretty sure I've been all of the above at one time or another. :D

I'm not sure exactly how the spiders work, but the Yahoo Slurp Spider is one of the spiders that checks the site. Then, when you do a search the board will come up listed provided the information was taken in by the spider. That is a pretty generalized statement.

What were you more afraid of as a child at Halloween time.....ghosts, witches, mummies, or ghouls?
None of the above...I was afraid of Santa and my parents have a picture to prove it!LOL

same question except include Santa in the equation.
hmm yeah all of the above :D especially clowns, they used to horrify me, i don't know if you saw the movie "it" but after that movie i remember i couldn't even shower because i was afraid the clown would come out :p .
one thing about me is that i hate horror movies and you can never make me go inside a haunted house that's how chicken i am :oops:

same question
ok what !!! you were afraid of Santa !!! :lol: you are the first one i hear was afraid of santa :lol: :lol: but i guess it's ok.
so you are afraid of big bellys and raindeers with red noses :lol: :lol: oh dood, i don't think i'll be able to get over this one :lol: :lol: :lol:
Gab - put your son on Santa's lap at the mall....he's 2 right? I couldn't even get my daughter in the same vacinity. I also have a pic of myself screaming my head off on Santa's lap at 2. :D

What was the scariest movie you ever saw?
i can't believe you guys, but i can see how scary that can be for little kids, mine doesn't mind he thinks its funny he'll try playing with Santa's mustach or barb (whatever you call it ) :D , and well mexico we don't believe in Santa, we believe in the 3 wise men, i never cried either.

The most scary movie a was forced to watch :doubt: was the Ring, i hated it after that i think the second most scary was IT.

same question
mustach or barb (whatever you call it )

Not the barb! LOL...Do you mean beard Gabby?(LOL)

Scariest movie...That's a hard one because as a child, movies are definately more scary. I love horrors and I no longer have to run to jump in my bed...So I'd have to go with one that freaked me out as a child which would have to be either The Exorcist or When A Stranger Calls. Oh yeah, and the Fog which I can't wait to see the re-make!

same question.
I have to say The Ring really messed me up....when the ring 2 came out, I couldn't even see the commercial. I used to love scarey movies as a young person, then after I had a baby I turned into a wuss. When I was really little, Salem's Lot, The Exorcist, and The Fog scared me for years (my sister is 11 years older than me - so she watched these with her friends....somehow I saw them too).

Same Q again
Not the barb! LOL...Do you mean beard Gabby?(LOL)

there you go dood, yeah he likes pulling the beard :D and not only santa's, my husband's dad has one and he loves pulling it.
you know also another movie that really freaked me out was the pet cementery ohh but what really creeps me the most is the based on a true story :eek: those ones even if my husband wanted i would never watch them.

same question
I grew up watching scary and bloody movies, from the age of about 7; so nothing really scares me too much. Some are a bit freaky though, and The Ring was one of them. Don't worry Nikki, The Ring 2 isn't scary at all. Although it didn't really spook me out, I was surprised that The Grudge was a decent movie. Some of my other favorites are the original Poltergeist, Pet Cemetery, The Shining (awesome movie), and of course any zombie movie ever made. I have an obsession with zombie flicks.

To answer my own question, I think I'm all four in some ways; though I try to be respectful on the outside. That's why I rarely share my nasty Christmas songs with other people, lol.

For Halloween I usually dressed up as a know-it-all smartass kid; you know, myself. In truth Halloween isn't a big deal here on the west coast. Back east it's almost like Christmas.

Okay gents, put your testosterone away for a minute... What's the saddest film you've ever seen?

lol Clay that's good to know, thank you for not sharing the Christmas songs :( .
ok let's see the saddest one was the Notebook,free willy ( free willy !!! ), fluke and i can't remember the other ones :D

same question