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Hey - not everyone here is from Washington. There are many members from other places, including myself. infact there are a number of members from different parts of Europe and, of course canada. That's a stigma you're spreading krish! ;) :D

Injury....hmmm.....not really an injury, but an emergency C-Section really hurt on recovery. I can't take any of the good meds. I was, however, able to take Tylenol-3 (or whatever extra strength tylenol is) :D. Labor hurt a little bit, too. lolol

What's the grossest thing you've ever seen?
I have a thing when it comes to maggots; anything about them grosses me out. I've seen some other things that aren't appropriate to mention period, but especially on a forum.

Nikki, those of us in the great northwest like to have delusions of grandeur every once in a while; just humor us.

Same question.

The be-heading was by far the worst thing I've ever seen. I was tricked into seeing it and it upsets me every once and a while if my mind happens to run across it.

same question.
Yikes! Krish - that would probably disturb me for the rest of my life. I can't even imagine where you saw such a thing. In college someone had those "Faces of Death" movies, and I could hardly stand to be in the same room.....those were disturbing. I've seen some pretty gross animal related injuries. Occasionally mares (female horses) have trouble with delivering really large foals....and in some situations when the fetus is in very wrong positions and dies, it is a gross procedure to get it out. The last one that stands out in my mind was when this horse's hooves were coming off like shoes - two came off completely.

Onto something a little more exciting.....When you were little did you leave treats out for Santa? (or in Gab's case...the 3 Wise Men?)
I made cookies with my kids, and we left them for Santa, and we gave the reindeer some carrots on the lawn.

Clayton if your still tracking my answers, I answered this one, but if ya look back there are a lot I don't. Hope I'm still interesting.

Same ?
ok that's nothing well this wasn't about injuries you know but it was horrible, i remember i was 7 grade in my biologi class in Mexico and you know what they made us watch... a video film on abortion, not just your tipical abortion film .. no they showed us everything from when the doctor makes sure the girl is ready to cuting the baby into little pieces with some sort of huge cisors and taking it out of the belly, they showed us the blood etc. it was so horrible that most of the boys kept crying and yeah still i can remember watching that tape.

ok now changing topic yes i remember leaving cookies and hot chocolate for my 3 wise men, ohh and i would leave our window wide open so they could come in :D, ohh yeah every january 6th i remember not being able to sleep and my grandma yelling at me, just go to bed because otherwise they are not gonna come and me telling her, grandma i wanna see the big elephant, the horse, and the camel !!! :D

same question
lol !!! ? i don't think you can feet an elephant a horse and a camel in a fish tank, but knowing you i don't know dood may be you can try to find out that for me :D .

ok new question, when you buy new furniture like from IKEA let's say, do you read the instructions before you build anything or do you just do it without reading anything?
I never left anything out for Santa...I was scared of him!(LOL) I'd just stay in my room and wait for the deposit under the tree. I figured if he had a sleigh and raindeers and could stop time to deliver all of those gifts, then he had time to run back home to make something for himself to eat!

When you look at a person from the opposite sex (or the same sex if there are a few of you here that choose to go that route...We don't discriminate on RF(LOL)) what is the first thing you look for that attracts you to the person? In otherwards, what is you favorite feature?
lol !! Krish :D .
at this point and since i'm married i really don't look at anything, but if i was single i think i would look at their butt :D :oops: (that's what my friends and i used to do ) and the eyes too, but mainly the butt :D :lol:
Now that i'm embarrased by one of your questions again

same question
Whatever feature I see first LOL!

LOL...So I take it, you aren't pickey

For me I guess it would have to be an overall view first and then, she's got to have beautiful feet(LOL) and I'm with Gabby, a nice butt!(LOL)

same question.
never said anything about being picky or not, I just like most all features if they are featured well! :D

Same Q!
never said anything about being picky or not, I just like most all features if they are featured well!
lol !!! dood i just hope your wife doesn't read this then :D .
you know also i forgot to mention muscles, ok if the guy is you know all well formed :D like one of EvolutionAquatics (semi naked) pictures :lol: not the one with the bra on :lol: , then even if my husband was infront i would have to say something, or just drool :D i mean after all god gave me eyes and i might as well use them for something :lol: :lol:

same question :lol:
Guess I would have to go with a good jaw line and neck. But if they don't have a good personality they get ugly pretty fast.

Got worms?
Not since that camping trip when I was 8. Oh wait, you mean in my tank? Sure, don't we all?

Do you read the newspaper on a regular basis?

NOpe! I hate the feel of newspapers...It crawls my blood(LOL) I only look if I am told something interesting is in there. Otherwise, I rely on the "gossipers" or watch the local news.

Do you eat or skip breakfast?