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I don't drink beer (LOL) Since you love beer Derti, you have to try some bahamian beer. It's called Kalik named after the sound cow bells make during Junkanoo(a bahamian festival held on boxing and new years day) I've heard it tastes like pee!
Detri said:
Figures the 3 people that answer don't drink beer....No we shouldn't throw her a party, since Nikki doesn't drink Beer, whats the point. <j/k> Thats alot of posts! Even if you are staff.

Beer question again. Favorite beer, Import and Local?

Both :D :D

If their pitching holds up, and God knows I hate to say this, they could pull it off. They are gonna have to blow the dust off their bullpen tho.

Same beer Q
hmm Krish i didn't know that people knew what pee tastes like :D .
well like i said import ohh and you know what beer a like too.
Sleeman beer !!! :D

if you could have any type of food what would it be ?

Sleeman isn't to bad. Alexander Keith's is better :) For an Import, hmmm...I like Lowenbraeu (sp?) Its been a while since I had it, its a great german beer in my opinion.

If you could choose to go scuba anywhere you wanted for nothing, Where would that be?
Alexander Keith's is better For an Import, hmmm...I like Lowenbraeu

ohh dood you like the same beer as my uncle no joke, he's from germany and he LOVES that beer !!

hmm well i have never done it, but i guess i would either go to Hawaii, Quintana Roo or where my good buddy krish is .. the Bahamas, that way after we're done scuba diving and me freaking out and trying to get every coral i see, i guess we would all get drunk with some nice kid's cough syrup and some good beer :D .

same question.
LOL Gabby!

If I could scuba anywhere I'd say The Bahamas! Oh...I've already done that(LOL) I wanted to scuba or snorkel around the great barrier reef until I heard about the box jellyfish. Aw well, the Bahamas is good enough for me.

What type of computer do you have?
An AMD Athelon 64 FX, ATI 9800 256mb video card, XION Tower, Sound Blaster Audigy platinum, 4gig ram, 2x200 gig hard drive, Asus 939 bus K8T pro Motherboard. Built myself and I'm not even a puter geek. A Game junky though.

Same question?
Toshiba Laptop with screen, keyboard, mouse and speakers(LOL)

If you could eat in any other country right now, where would it be?
I have 3 desktops, Mine is an Intel 3.2 with 1 gig memory, 300gigs of hard drive, Nvidia 6800 with all the pipelines unlocked, other 2 are AMD machines, and I have a Compaq Laptop driven with AMD.


Same ?
Ever been stung so bad by a bristle worm that your finger swells up for 3 days, then goes numb, then starts to peel and crack open and bleed two weeks later?
Then get stung again in the same finger by another freakin bristle worm? I hate those dang things. I tried the stupid gloves but they just dont work for me. I even bought scuba gloves, they are sorta ok but not really.
Oh yeah, I would love to go back to Scotland and have some fish and chips with malt vinager right now.
Ever been stung so bad by a bristle worm that your finger swells up for 3 days, then goes numb, then starts to peel and crack open and bleed two weeks later?
Then get stung again in the same finger by another freakin bristle worm? I hate those dang things. I tried the stupid gloves but they just dont work for me. I even bought scuba gloves, they are sorta ok but not really

ouch dood be careful with those worms, i have never had that feeling but man i really don't wanna find out. hey have you tried gardening gloves? i don't know if it would make any difference but you should definetly try to find some good strong gloves dood.
About the computer, well rightr now i'm on a laptop that is black and tiny INTEL(husband's laptop), my computer right now is down because hmm there's no space but it was a IBM or something like that (i miss my simpsons game and the sims :(), it's semi old and my husband's which is the one i use all the time, he built it by himself since he's into that so yeah it has a lot of things that i don't even know ohh and tons of computer games that are boring :doubt: .
Now if i could eat anywhere it would be somewhere in my beloved mexico and not just anywhere but my grandma's food :( now that was the best food ever, so since i guess that would never happen hmm i guess Hawaii so i can do some belly dancing while i'm eating :lol:

i guess same question
Gaberella, lets go eat at your grandma's that sounds real good, and you have to Hula in Hawaii.....
I've never been stung by a bristle worm, but Steve that vinegar is better on your wound than fish. The acid in the vinegar will dissolve whatever is left of the bristles; which are essentially made of calcium carbonate.

Gabster, I'm afraid your logic on the Suckhawks doesn't work. Seattle teams have a long tradition of sucking more each year. :)

I have four computers, plus my Palm Pilot. The one I use most of the time isn't actually my best, which doesn't make any sense now that I think about it. It's a P4 2.4GHz overclocked to 3GHz, 1GB of RAM, (2) 36GB WD Raptors running RAID-0 and 280GB of additional HD, GeForce 6800.

I like Corona beer the best, but Tecate isn't bad either.

What's the most annoying sound you've ever heard? (spouses don't count)

OMG!!!! Someone eating and smacking!!!! I get so irritated by that. I've gotten up from the table before by my mother-in-laws house because my sister-in-law eats like she never had food in her life, and threw my hole plate in the garbage! That's one thing that annoys me to death!

same q
Good Q! ROFL! The squeek in my computer chair! Also, someone sucking snot up their nose really gets to me. A close third would be my daughter's whining.

Same Q
My neighbors stupid little mini pincher that they keep tied outside on a orange heavy duty electrical extension cord with three outlets on the end tied around his neck, and the other tied to a tree. Its name is Marley and I know PETA will be up my butt about this, but, I really want to take the auto loading shotgun to it. It gets loose and tries to bite me and Trinity, it tries to hump everything that moves, and it barks constantly because it is tied to a tree outside in the front yard. That is the most annoying sound I have ever heard.
Same Question
I would have to agree with Krish on this one. I used to work in a wholesale butcher shop as a butcher. The Asians thats worked there would do that. (there were a few other races that did it including white people, these were just the ones that it seemed all of them did it. 200 people worked in the plant) About 50 of them at the same time slurping, smacking and talking with a mouth full and laughing. Well, nothing against asian people as a whole, I liked them all very much, but, I couldn't eat in the building. I went outside to eat, even in the winter.

Same question
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