Looks nice Don, think once you get this all hooked up & working you'll be able to explain how it all works in layman's terms?

It is hard to see the big picture without knowing how it all works together.:shock:
I know it kind of look high tech but its not really, otherwise I wouldnt be able to set it all up.
The Ocelot is just a little box that runs a program that you write. The software used to write the program is so easy a child could use it. Its just basic logic like,
IF I turn the key
THEN start the car.
The secu16 is connected to the ocelot with 2 wires. Its really two devices. The first tells the ocelot what is happening, for example: I turned the key, the ocelot would look at the program you wrote and decide what to do.
The the ocelot would tell the second part of the secu16 to turn on a relay that starts the car.
Basicly in this application with the ATO. A float switch connected to the secu16 closes, That goes to the ocelot and the ocelot tells the secu16 to turn on one of its relays. All that relay does is give a 12- to the power module. The power module is nothing more than 8 relay controlled outlets in one neat package.
For the ATO it would work just like any other diy or otherwise. In fact you dont even need the ocelot or the secu16. You could just hook a float switch or 8 directly to the power module and you'd have a full top off system.
The logic is what makes the ATO smart. It gives the ability to look any anything connected to the ocelot and react differently based on conditions.
So lets assume your in the shower and your sump explodes. The top off float will turn on, as will the low level float. The ocelot see's these two combined so it shuts down the retun pump, skimmer, chiller and heaters and does not turn on the ato. It also saw that the bathroom has active motion so it in turn starts flashing the bathroom lights off and on, telling you to get out off the shower. You suck up the mess and head out to get a new sump and the ocelot sees the temp in the tank rise,so it shuts down the haides and turns on a few pc fans. Youve been gone three hours and the ocelot sees the temp start to fall so it turns the haides back on and shuts off the fans. Well you stopped at the bar and got to drunk to drive so you stay in the hotel

The ocelot sees the tank water level evaporating so it diverts the ato directly to the tank. You finally decide to come home all hung over and install the new sump. Push the reset button and everthing fires back up resuming normal operation.