Ben's Mixed Reef

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RBTA and maroon - both 4 years old. I've probably had 15 RBTA babies since then. I'd love to find my maroon a mate to make her happy and lay eggs, but she's aggressive and very territorial and I'm scared to risk introducing another one in here. Maybe Ilham (Elmo18) can make this one of his personal life long challanges :D :D :D

half joking, but mostly serious - Ilham, if you're up for the challenge let me know

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Here are a couple Ed Hahn specials. Thanks Ed!

up front are two little nubs of the Ed Hahn fake purple monster. Also in back is what came to me as a blue Mili, but has since turned a cool green color also from Ed. You have to look close, but it's in the back.

Chad - That's your tricolor there on the left.

And sad to say folks, but we're winding down here on the pictures..

here is one last one of a purple tort which is guaranteed to be a knockout when it grows up - thanks Chad (reeferman069)

So yeah.. that's pretty much it. As you can see, I have some mature pieces, but also a lot of good frags I can grow out in the future. I'm really looking forward to seeing what it looks like in a couple years. :) :) :)

Hopefully by then, I'll have a bigger display too :D
I have a huge colony of pink/purple milli. On the trunk in the shade of the table, it has morphed into the exact same green milli. I suspect it is the shade that does it.

You know.. I was talking to Ed at the last meeting about that too and he had some pink or purple mili from Paul Hamby that did the same thing.. must be a mili thing.. I don't mind. I like that color green, I think it is kinda cool :D
I agree! It's amazing how much it has changed. Definately doing something right and progressing in the right direction in the hobby and not like me going backwards:D
I agree! It's amazing how much it has changed. Definately doing something right and progressing in the right direction in the hobby and not like me going backwards

you're not goign backwards you're going plain wards :p:lol:
Thanks guys.. btw, did you check out the growth on the green slimer from year 3 to year 4.. talk about an explosion.. been fraggin ever since to keep the beast contained :lol: :lol: :lol:
in year 3 i can't see it (my glasses are not letting me see beyond my nose ) but year 4 it looks big but not as kewl green ... year 5 is like a ...i kick so much butt ....pic :D.
in year 3 i can't see it (my glasses are not letting me see beyond my nose ) but year 4 it looks big but not as kewl green ... year 5 is like a ...i kick so much butt ....pic :D.

well not seeing it in yr 3 is not a surprise, you have to look pretty close.. I zoomed in on the picture though and drew an arrow to it so you can see it. It was about the size of my finger in yr 3.. then BOOOOOM! well, you saw what happend in yr 4.


The color change is from these new bulbs I'm using.. Reeflux 12ks. In reality, they are more like 20ks. I love the color I'm getting.
Wow very nice Ben!! I see the sps bug has taken over in the last year or two eh? =P You make that 55G look HUGE. I thought you had a 75. Very nice loookin

ha ha, yes.. the SPS bug has definately hit me over the last year or so. I can say I honestly like LPS & SPS & Softies all equally. But SPS is just easier to manage in a confined area like a 55 b/c you can control the growth which is why i've gravitated more towards that recently.
Here's another cool one..

gotta love those JasonD Ked Red zoos! Also, I really like this new blue lunar acan I got in the raffle (thanks PSAS) as well as some purple chalice growing on the tip of that figi LR.


(umm.. yeah.. please ignore the bubble algae front and center please :D )

Zoas are looking good. My slimer frag is not as big as yours yet :) Maybe in a couple of years.
Thanks Jason.. yeah those ked reds have quickly turned out to be my favorite zoos in the tank.. Somehow I lost those jason D purple palys in a rock rearrangement.. you and I will have to do some more trading so I can get some of those back.

if you haven't done so alreayd, mount the slimer sideways as I found mine quickly spurred many arms and took off after doing this.