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Jun 4, 2010
I recently acquired this somehow.. I put in some phosguard.. and I was told to nuke it with Kent tech m. I have a 36g how much should I add daily >.>
yah unfortunately trading/buying frags is like having unprotected sex. You will get caught with some kind of pest one day =p. That being said, reefs calculator, its on google. It will tell you how much to dose. You want the Mag to be around 1650 to see any effects 1700+ for it to be fatal to the bryopsis. good luck =p.
You want the Mag to be around 1650 to see any effects 1700+ for it to be fatal to the bryopsis.

Correct, and the only product that I have used that eradicates this stuff is Kent Tech M...Don't bother with phosguard as it is a waste of money when dealing with bryopsis.

this level needs to be for at least one week...meaning no WC during that if you have any prized SPS or corals, you might want to move them out as they might bleach...IME, most LPS and inverts were not affected in my experience, but again every situation is unique, so if you are worried, then move them to another tank before you dose.

I had this 2yrs ago and it was an unrentless battle to rid of...however, my tenancy I was able to get rid of it, but it took 4-6 months of dosing, WC, and manually removing this stuff.
Yes, and anything less than 1600 is not effective in killing this stuff...believe me, I tried all levels, before I found the sweet spot..

JrGiles, he's a really nice guy. Should bring him a frag and spread bryopsis jk =p
Yea, seen a bit of stuff in my tank that could be bryopsis already. Keeping an eye on it. Doesn't seem to be growing at any crazy rate, but we will see.

I have an IV bag, so I might start a mag drip right onto the infected area, if thats in fact what it is...
Dosing Mg, with Kent Tech M is the answer. However, it's not the high Mg that does it. There's some type of contaminant in Kent Tech M that kills the Bryopsis. Because the contaminant level drops faster than the Mg levels drop, you can't JUST raise your Mg. You have to also do regular water changes, to allow you to dose more Tech M. So far, it doesn't seem that anyone's identified what contaminant is killing the Bryopsis.

Another option, IF you can remove the rock, coral, etc. that has the Bryopsis on it, is to dip it in Coral Rx. Mix up Coral Rx in a bucket and do a 10 minute dip. A couple of these dips and you'll notice the Bryopsis start to turn brown and die, within a few days.
Yeah, it seems that Coral RX and Kent Tech M are the only 2 products found to do any good. Coral RX will do you no good, unless you can remove the offending articles from your I had a huge Bryopsis problem, in my 200 and haven't ordered the Kent Tech M yet. It's going to take me 2 gallons of the stuff JUST to get This doesn't include the water changes and continued dosing!

Most of my Bryopsis was on frag plugs, the over flows and power heads. I removed power heads and ran them under HOT water, using a toothbrush to brush the heck out of them. I used a Coral RX dip on all frag plugs and I manually removed Bryopsis, on a daily basis, from over flows. I now have a small amount of it, still on the over flows and on one large rock. The rest of it is gone.
Sid you ever thought of raising your mag with epsom salt first then using Tech M? thats what I did. I theorize that the "impurity" in the tech M is actually magnesium chloride. Bulk reef supply have them. I've been wanting to do a group order but no one wants to jump in. =p
Sullest, nope. Many people, on many forums, have attempted to raise their Mg, using other "supplements," to fight Bryopsis, including Magnesium Chloride. None of that seems to work. Killing Bryopsis isn't about raising the Mg, it's about whatever impurity is in Tech M. It's just a coincidence that, in order to use this impurity, you have to raise your Mg.

As a side note, I do make my own Mg supplement, using Epsom Salt.
Sullest, from someone who has tried EVERYTHING (Epsom salt, Two part Mg chloride mixtures, etc.), to eradicate bryopsis, the ONLY thing that works is Tech-M, period.

Being I had a 375g tank, I needed to use alot of it...I got the 2, 1 gallon jugs and raised it accordingly..For me, I shocked the system by giving it a big Mg jolt, this seemed to work for me w/o any ill effects, but there are several people that were not soo I would err on the side of caution.
So after an hour and a half! of scrubbing.. dipping rearranging. I think I removed about 96% of the bryosis. Dipped corals etc.. Lets see what happens. Damn clown fish kept attackin me :3