Carlos 60 gallon new tank

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At this time If your tank & sb is looking like it needs it I would probably do it but test to see if it improved any first. Doing many wc's when cycling can actually slow down the process but at this point it may be time, your last test results were very good.

Did you ever get the siphon break to work?
The tank looks fine but the sand bed is really dirty again. The last water change that I did was 3 weeks ago.

I haven't had a chance to work on the siphon break, I will try to get it this weekend.
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Wow growing a garden in there? LOL
Do what you can to siphon as much of the hair out of your tank, these rocks seem loaded with phosphates, probably due to die off in shipping. You will be ok just this sort of thing is taking longer than normal doesn't happen to everyone but at times it happens you can gain on this, siphon as much of that green stuff as you can. I'm thinking after a through cleaning your traits should go even lower then it may bounce back up a few days later but at that point I think it should be time to start adding in small amounts, getting life in there like a fish will speed up the cycle some, I wouldn't stock heavy just yet though, maybe a fish like a hippo tang to help graze & very little feeding until you see it grazing & your rocks clears up better. I would suggest after your do the change test & then test again a few days later if it is good for fish then I would put some life in there & start wc's & cleaning steady weekly vigently until it clears up.
Thanks for the tips Scooty. So you recommend to siphon the hair algae and then doing a water change? do you think installing the Phosban reactor would help at this point? Also, do you think the pair of Perculas that I was thinking on getting would be ok instead of the Blue Hippo?
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Suck that stuff out, Exportation is the only way to get phosphates out of your tank & lesson more problems. I think the phosphates from the rocks can be reduced when you siphon & blow them daily & throughly & at this time I wouldn't stress using it just yet but may be an option later, without corals you can get the Warner Marine type in a sock (I think they supply the sock) & put in the sump. If you can get your Nitrates below 15 or 20 consistently I think if you acclimate them carefully they will be ok, don't let the sudden wc fool you because it will bounce back up after a few days.
Ok I pulled as much hair algae as I could so I got rid of at least 85% of it. I blew off the rock with a powerhead and the shedding is way better. Also I did a water change of about 12 gallons. We'll see how it goes...

Thanks again for your help Scooty!
Lot of work but sounds like you did a good job, I bet you will get good results in the next few days, stay on top of it until it is all gone. I can't wait to see fish in your tank:D
Here's a picture I took this afternoon.

Hey Carlos! Your last shot looks much better than the previous from what I can see by the pics! Algae can really discourage you and I know you hate hearing it, but it will get better man...You are doing everything right and taking your time which will pay off for you:)
11 weeks now...

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 25
pH 8.0
Salinity 1025
PPT 34
Temp 79.1 F

I don't know if the drop on Nitrates is because of the recent but small water change or if they are actually going down. Should I start increasing my pH now?
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Krish, I just found one of your old threads "Krish's New 75 gal "Thing-a-ma-bob" and right now I feel like taking down my whole tank and putting that acrylic background inside the tank. I can't believe what a difference that makes. It was so hard to find the same acrylic color to match my overflow box and when I found it, I could not accomplish my goal.

Am I crazy? could it be done without screwing everything up?
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Hey Carlos! Yeah, I tried to match it up with the acrylic on the backround outside of the tank with the same blue acrylic cover (for my overflow) on the inside of the tank, and the glass seperating the two made all the difference (this was on my 90 gal). So when I decided to setup that 75gal, I put the acrylic backround on the inside so it would match the overflow. As for you putting it in the tank without tearing down, I'm sure there is possibly a way, but couldn't say exactly how for sure. You may have to atleast drain some of the tank to be able to silicone atleast the top section, but the main thing is you don't want any detritus getting in behind there and rotting which is why it's best to do it with an empty tank to make sure you have it secured nicely to the back of the tank:)
I wouldn't mind draining the tank completely. I think that's the only way to do it right but I would like to know if the rock and the cycle would be affected in a negative way. I know the sand bed have a lot of the shedding from the rocks trapped in there so I was thinking that it could probably help with Nitrates after all.

Any more suggestions?
I've torn down many times to make changes, tank swaps etc and never had any issues. The key is to try and limit the time you have things out of the water and try keeping the conditions in the holding tank/container the same as the tank was. The fact that you don't have any livestock now I think would be the best time to make any changes you need to. Once livestock gets in there and the tank starts to really mature, you'd want to mess with it as little as possible. Just my 2 cents:)