Congrats on the sleeping, Krish! Join the club. We have to wake Paige sometimes, too. However, now she's starting to cut back on the afternoon naps pretty seriously. Today we took her to a marching band competition, and she was a trooper for 5 hours of bleacher time with marching bands cranking away all afternoon. She took one short nap, amidst all the noise. That's about all we get any more. One short (20-30 minutes) nap in the afternoon, and one in the evening.
And she just started to laugh a little. Man, that's the best! Yours will be soon. It's so worth waiting for.
LOL! Sounds good! Emily wants to talk all day and smiles a lot. She still naps quite a bit...Sometimes for 3 hours straight and then sometimes she won't at all
yeah yeah yeah whaterver to the 2 of you.
Itried letting mine cry for a little in the middle of th night and that didn't work, then i tried by feeding her with the bottle and no much success there either...ohh well.
all i can say to the two of you is.....wait until the terrible twos start ..............wait i'm the the same page ....aahhh!!!
LOL! The funny thing is Gabby, she did it on her own. We didn't make her cry herself to sleep. She just went to sleep one night and didn't wake up!