Emily Gracin Taylor

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COngrats Krish, Now m instead of many sleepless nights due to Paranoid delusions of your tank, you now have the Paranoid waking of "Is the baby alright?" or the 2:30 in the morning call for "my Diaper is wet " and the ever familiar " I am Hungry". Then you will have about 13 or 14 years Of Daddy's little girl. That will conitnue till she discovers boys then all your Paranoid feelings you had back when she was a baby come back,"is Emily alright?" or the proverbial waiting in the dark for her to return with the comment " DO you have a watch?"or "why didnt you answer your Cell when I called"

But all in all its full wonderful stress and rewarding moments of "Man did I scare her" or " Or am I really turning into my Dad?"

Have a Great one Krish, Better Thee then me!!! LOL
Thanks Bob and Mark...It's definately an experience to say the least. I'm really happy, but at the same time, I'm not really doing so well...It will get better though I'm sure
Thanks Bob and Mark...It's definately an experience to say the least. I'm really happy, but at the same time, I'm not really doing so well...It will get better though I'm sure

Kids can be really draining both mental and physical. You just got to wait for the guest and phone calls to stop so you and your wife can relax a little. One day she'll be having her own Trust me thats when it will hit you, how cool its really been.

Yeah...Jealousy is a serious thing. I hope he doesn't ask to share the nipple with Olivia!

don't remind me because he already asked for it :p and he gives me this weird look everytime he sees milk coming out
Nice job Krish! I think that it is a good thing that it looks a little more like momma! haha J/K
Kids can be really draining both mental and physical. You just got to wait for the guest and phone calls to stop so you and your wife can relax a little. One day she'll be having her own Trust me thats when it will hit you, how cool its really been.


Thanks Don:) I'm a bit at ease tonight which I'm hoping means I'm making a turn for the better. I had a rough day today earlier, but I'm adjusting I think which is good. I'm really blessed to have such a healthy and beautiful child and I'm so happy with it all...Just takes a bit of getting use to:)

don't remind me because he already asked for it and he gives me this weird look everytime he sees milk coming out

LOL...My sister-in-law asked if I tried it yet and I asked her if she was nuts! :eek:

Nice job Krish! I think that it is a good thing that it looks a little more like momma! haha J/K

ROFL!! Yeah...Atleast she lucked out and got daddy's cool color:p

Congrats you guys!! Go Krish!!


Thanks Ilham! Did you have sleepless nights as well when your clowns had babies???:p
krish75 said:
Thanks Ilham! Did you have sleepless nights as well when your clowns had babies???:p

I think maybe 1 gray hair for every 200 fish.

LOL.... :lol:

Ok maybe not...well I don't know.. ;)

krish I have a feeling this baby is going to spend many sleepless night next to you and your computer. hopefully the fish will keep her entertained. I am no where ready for all that. but man it must be tiring.

When I was a baby I used to stop breathing( can you possibly beleive that:) . I am sure I gave my poor parents a few extra gray hairs from that. After all that I still turned out as good looking as I am. the world is a mystery.
I think maybe 1 gray hair for every 200 fish.


Ok maybe not...well I don't know..


LOL...You must have had the gray hair from before:p

krish I have a feeling this baby is going to spend many sleepless night next to you and your computer. hopefully the fish will keep her entertained. I am no where ready for all that. but man it must be tiring.

When I was a baby I used to stop breathing( can you possibly beleive that . I am sure I gave my poor parents a few extra gray hairs from that. After all that I still turned out as good looking as I am. the world is a mystery.

LOL! Well, last night was a great night so hopefully it's a good sign that she is getting on a schedule. She woke up only 3 times to eat and didn't fuss at all throughout the night. We are really blessed so far with her which goes to show that prayer does still help;)
LOL!!! just so you know my mother in law (dark fader ) told me our milk taste sweet and that's why babies like it a lot :D :lol:... so you might wanna change from cow milk to Christina's pro milk :D :lol: .
Yeah there's no way i'm trying my own milk .
I'm glad she's getting on a schedual, to be honest i feel now less tired than when i had Antonio, i remember him waking up every hour to eat:eek: , now Olivia is another thing and i'm very surprice :D.
By the way, talking about gray hairs :D Olivia was born with gray hairs :D she reminds me one of the x- men :p :lol: it looks cute but hopefully she won't hate it once she gets older
ROFL! She'll put dye in that in no time:p Glad you aren't as tired as your first time. I just hung up from talking to Steve (Wrightme43) and we were talking about you and then you log on! You are going to live long!:D
The doctor said Emily was 7.2 lbs. This picture makes me think the scale was off!(LOL) Look at the size of my hand to her and I'm a small fellow:p I'll post one of us together maybe tomorrow when I let my wife take a good one:)

Aaawwweee!!! What a cutie patootie!!! 7 lbs 2 ounces seems tiny to me....mine was 8 lbs 14 ounces when she came out (one of my neighbors gave birth at 27 weeks....her baby was just 2 pounds....talk about teeeny). Enjoy it now!!! Pretty soon, you won't be able to lift her anymore, and she'll ask you guys when she can start wearing make-up :D. I do miss the days when their little bum could fit in your hand....diaper and all.....although I don't miss the screaming and sleepless nights :rolleyes:.
She is so Tee Tiny!

Yeah...I'm soon gonna give her a bath in my sump!:D

Aaawwweee!!! What a cutie patootie!!! 7 lbs 2 ounces seems tiny to me....mine was 8 lbs 14 ounces when she came out (one of my neighbors gave birth at 27 weeks....her baby was just 2 pounds....talk about teeeny). Enjoy it now!!! Pretty soon, you won't be able to lift her anymore, and she'll ask you guys when she can start wearing make-up . I do miss the days when their little bum could fit in your hand....diaper and all.....although I don't miss the screaming and sleepless nights .

8lbs 14 oz and you're not in a wheel chair!!!!! :eek: (LOL) My wife's best friend had a 9 pounder but by C-Section. Emily is doing really well and so is papa:) She is on a 3 hour schedule at night now and only gets up to eat and goes right back down. She is also eating well. She drinks 3 oz at each feeding and last night, needed an extra 3/4 oz 45 minutes later! (LOL) I'm happy, my wife is happy, Emily is happy and life is good:)
make sure you soak some of her foods in Zoe and Zoecon!!!:p :p you don't want her to have a weak immune system:D :D