So it is nearing the end of the weekend, we are sure there are some who are expecting an update on the plumbing. Well not to disappoint, we present the plumbing build.
Let us revisit "the master plan". You all need to forget what you saw on the previous master plan. The current plan, which resides in the dark cavernous mind of Eric, we will describe below.
Let us begin with the pump. As you all remember we had to elevate it approx. 14" to accommodate the 2" true union ball valve (aka the master ball valve)
After the pump (return line) we installed an 1 1/2" combo check valve/true union ball valve
The pump sitting inside the cabinet(a standard post office box is standing in for a shelve, ingenious....we know)
The reeflo dart will push all that water up to the manifold(and here there is more revisions), as you will notice there are no seaswirls. They have been eliminated because of space issues and plumbing technicalities. And for those interested they are for sale on the classifieds. The manifold will have 4 sets of 3/4" dual nozzle lock lines each controlled by a ball valve so we can dial back that beast of a pump. This coupled with a MP40 should provide sufficient water movement.
To accommodate all that water flowing into the sump, we have 2 1" megaflow durso drains that flow into 1" pvc pipes (we have not installed the flex line)
So it would seem that we have addressed all the technical issues that plagued this plumbing build and now we can assemble it for real (glue) and test it...IN THE HOUSE....YIKES
It looks like we are within the time frame that was previously mentioned....
Dave you good with all this?????
We always appreciate feedback and if someone sees any flaws with all this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know BEFORE we glue(in a few days).