Finally! Gina's (NanoReefer411's) 180+tank upgrade! =)

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Crazyfish, Joanne, Mike sorry! I have neglected my build! =/ I didn't know I even had any messages here. I need to post some pictures soon. I am going to switch a side of my tank around though. =) Thank you for the compliment Mike!

Slim, LOL you are not the first person to say that. I did not like that side and have changed it. I need to change it again as he had a rock that he calls mushroom rock. It doesn't go very well with everything. The fish really like it. I need to incorporate a new look to it though. =)
My middle ballast went out a while ago, so I ordered a new Icecap ballast. Those are pretty nice! Hopefully this weekend I can get it wired up. I also would like to rescape. I just don't like it. =/

I just recently got an Oceanic 29G Biocube as a partial trade from Jesse. It is for my office so I don't end up going crazy while working on reports.
Hey now that you've mentioned me by name i have to chime in. This build looks like it's going well and now you got a biocube to get up and running. Your a busy reefer. Have a great weekend and have fun. Don't stress out and rush like me. I love having a reef in my office but i have to admit i turn around to look at it every 5 minutes to see what's going on. HaHa

My middle ballast went out a while ago, so I ordered a new Icecap ballast. Those are pretty nice! Hopefully this weekend I can get it wired up. I also would like to rescape. I just don't like it. =/

I just recently got an Oceanic 29G Biocube as a partial trade from Jesse. It is for my office so I don't end up going crazy while working on reports.
=) I think that is what we all do with our reefs. They are so beautiful, how can we not look at them all the time? I haven't updated in such a long time.

I cannot take very good pictures... I don't know how to use the Kodak EasyShare very well. Here are my attempts at some new pictures.

I just picked up a new skimmer. WOW!!! This thing is a monster! It went to town as soon as I plugged it in. It is a SWC 250A. I picked it up on sale.....I had to! I hear a lot of good things about the Askoll pumps.


This thing is huge! The collection cup is gigantic! I had to compare my hand size to it!




Blurry FTS


These are Blastomussa's


When I first started reefkeeping, Kevin gave me this Pocillopora for my birthday. It has grown into
a pretty big colony. It is beautiful! Thank you Kevin! =) Kevin is so great you guys.


Here is a really pretty green Millepora I picked up from Kevin a couple of weeks ago. You all should go out there and buy some things if you have time. He has some extremely nice colonies and mini colonies! He has very good prices as well.


Orange Fungia


Caulastrea Candy Cane Coral I got as a free frag from my friend Michael and his wife Angie.


This is another coral I got from Michael and Angie...This is the prettiest Torch coral I have ever seen! I wish I could capture the colors better. It is extremely green with bright purple tips. Drop dead beautiful!



Purple and neon green Brain, Trachyphyllia I believe.

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Acan mini colony.


Another Acan.


Bam Bam/Firecracker Zoas


Teal/Green Euphyllia ancora (Hammer)


Pink/Orange Hammer


Pink/Orange Hammer, Purple/Bluish Hammer in the background.


These are both my fiance's. They are cute. Blue Tuxedo Urchin AKA 007, Halloween Urchin AKA Pumpy. LOL, he named them. Cute names I think.


We picked up the Halloween Urchin from Kevin a couple of weeks ago. I bought him for my fiance for an early Christmas present. He doesn't touch the tank, but he likes to look at it. He tells me he could never have a reef tank because he would end up getting angry too much, stressed out, and sad. He reminded me again of this the other night when my jawfish ended up passing away. He jumped out of my BioCube. I left the top off for a couple of hours while I ate dinner and watched some TV. I tried to revive the little guy, but could not. We are both extremely sad, me more than him of course. That poor fish went through crap being stuck in the sump for a month. I feel awful. It was all my fault. I will miss the little guy and sure loved him. =*(

Well, that is it for an update. I will work on my picture skills a bit.
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Sorry everyone...I missed a lot of comments/compliments.

Crazyfish thank you very much. That is a good tip! I will keep it in mind for the future.

Estanoche-My cycle didn't last quite as long as yours, but I did have one. Thank you for the tips!

Mikedareefer-Thank you so much! Don't be jealous took me a long time to get here. You will get there too! =) I love oak as well. I am so glad I went with a dark stain. My fiance told me it would probably end up spotting and to do it natural. I said no way Jose'! =) I am glad I took a chance!

SlimJim-LOL...I ended up changing it. It bugged me. I am still not 100% happy with my aquascape. :rolleyes:

I picked up a new RK2 from Kevin today! WOOHOO! Merry early Christmas to me....shhh don't tell the fiance! ;) My credit card is going to catch fire! :rolleyes::eek::cry:
Awesome tank! Subscribed!
That coral Kevin gave you, the millie, I think that is the pink lemonade from the looks of it. Very nice coral!
I am a hammer fan also. Great selection.
Your FTS is wonderful. I love the rockscape. Your a natural :)
Awww...thank you so much Frankie! I don't really like the left side anymore. The fish really like it though. They love to swim through the caves. Even my large Naso Moby loves to squeeze through them. I will try to find a better picture of the green mille. It really is green. I am not sure if my camera will be able to capture the colors better. I need to take some digital camera classes. :(

Tatz thank you so much! :)
oh I was just giving you a hard time. I totally dig what you got going on here.
Hi Gina,

That's a knock down gorgeous tank and I love your corals. I would love to get the colors you have in there. I love your skimmer too. It looks like it is pulling out a lot of nasty gunk.:eek: I can't wait to see what else you put in there. :)
Your tank is looking awesome! Definitely a lot cleaner than mine! lol...Your SWC-250A looks a lot like my ATI. Hopefully its pulling out some pretty nasty stuff for you!
Reeflogic-I know. Thank you. LOL.

Rhodes-Thank you my friend! I use Phoenix bulbs for lighting. I will take a new picture of the skimmer tonight. This thing is awesome. It is pulling chunks! CHUNKS OUT OF IT! It is pulling so much crap out of the tank. My gosh! The water is so much clearer. I honestly cannot believe it.

NTSWIFT-Thank you! Hopefully it will continue to get better! =)

I will try to update some shots tonight.