Gimmito 450 gal L-shaped display

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A pic of the new rock curing. I finally got to see the H&S A110 in action...its been pulling some nasty stuff out.

I also got a chance to install the fire rated doors w/my bud Ethan. For those of you thinking of doing a in wall tank from a living room to the garage, you must maintain a 1-2 hour fire rated door in the garage ....and it ain't cheap.

I started plumbing the qt. I'm using a Eheim 1260 with about 6 feet of head to the top of the tank. I'm teeing off the pump to feed the H&S skimmer and was planning to tee off for the uv sterilizer. I could place the uv sterilizer above the sump or up right before the first inlet. Any thoughts or should I just scrap the uv sterilizer idea ?

I bought a couple of 1" Sea Swirls for the frag tank. I'm using a Eheim 1262 for the return. I'll be teeing off the pump to feed the H&S skimmer also. I'm debating whether to hard plumb the Sea Swirls or use grey spa flex...any thoughts ?

My buddy Ethan finished installing the FRP. You'll notice three 1" holes on the top left for the inlet/outlet for the 40 gallon fuge. I'm also using uniseals to cover up any holes I make as well to help keep the resonance at bay. I have an extra hole in case I add something else down the line.

I was off today and went to Aquarium Showroom to pickup a bigger sump for my frag tank. Max had a roughly 50 gallons used eco system sump for sale. I dropped it off at Gen's to patch a bulkhead and give it some elbow grease. I met Jose (Blue Voodoo) and shot the breeze until Gen got back (cool guy). I also picked up 2 Lumenmax Elite reflectors at Aquarium Showroom for the frag tank. I hope to get Gen to make a light rack for the FT also.

Since I was off I got to work on the tanks a bit. The used spa flex to hookup the sea swirls on the FT. The QT is basically done and I hope to do a water test in a few days.

Shot of sump. The teed off 1/2" ballvalve will feed the H&S A110/F2000 skimmer. I'm debating whether to use a Eheim 1250 or 2000 for the BRS bio pellet reactor.

I had a few days off this week, so I got a chance to finish plumbing the frag tank. :)

Gen gave a little elbow grease to the 45 gal eco-system sump I got from Max at Aquarium Showroom. It gives me about 15 more gallons than the old one, not to mention more room for the skimmer and I can throw some live rock in the in let chamber.

I'm running a Eheim 1262 for the return pump. From there I tee'd off to feed the H&S A150 skimmer and then it goes to another tee to feed the two 1" Sea Swirls.

I also got a chance to start plumbing the Main Display. I'm using a Sequence Hammerhead as my return and it sits on some neoprene pads I got from BRS. From there I'm tee'd off for a future Deltec Eco Cooler, check valve, 3/4" tee for H&S A250 skimmer, 1/2" tee for BRS jumbor reactor. Other possible additions will be a Avast Swabbie, Davey Jones locker (for skim mate), & I'm looking into their large media reactor (bio pellets ?).

Here's a pic of 2 of the 1 1/2" drain pipes. I'm toying around w/the idea of feeding one of the drains directly into the skimmer. Any thoughts ?

I'm also using uniseals to cover any holes I make, but also to help dampen sound.