Gimmito 450 gal L-shaped display

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I just got back from vacation and had some things waiting for me.


6 buckets of Tropic Eden sand that John from Ready Aquatics was able to get for me from his buddy (some guy named Anthony Calfo). :D

I also received my bacteria & ammonia from Dr. Tim. I've been listening to various podcast and spoke to him regarding cycling the tank. Apparently, many large public aquariums use his products to cycle their tanks.

I took Anthony's and Frankie's advice about discarding the old batch of saltwater. This time I utilized a panworld 200ps pump for circulation, no heater, & added the salt over a couple of days.
The sand looks good in there! I really love the look of sand, but just can't use it and run the type of flow I like to run. Always some compromise huh? LOL!

Looking good! :)
Nice Jim! I really dig that circulation idea of yours. sounds like you have friends in high places :D

Awesome scape. I really like the atolls you build it there. That is some killer rock.
I hear you Krish. I'll see how this sand works with all the tunzes I have in there. From what I've read, Tropic Eden sand is suppose to be heavier than regular sand.
I hear you Krish. I'll see how this sand works with all the tunzes I have in there. From what I've read, Tropic Eden sand is suppose to be heavier than regular sand.

It would be good to know!! I had just over 100x turnover rate in a 38gal I had. It was just under 4,000 gph of flow in there!! Both closed loop pumps had basically no head loss as both of the pumps sat on the back of the tank itself each rated just over 1500 gph each and then a 950 gph return :p

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Looking good Jim. I like your rockscape and how you have your water storage set up. I can't wait to see it after the water is added.

Thanks guys. This is far as I'm getting today...300 gallons sure goes fast. Although, I was able to fire up the 4 Tunze 6205's, 1 Tunze 6100, & Tunze wavemaker. I'm really happy the way the flow is thus far. The only part where I have some sand movement is at the right front where the 6100 is at...I'll add some larger grain sand in that area to take care of it.

I made 150 gallons of saltwater last night and filled up the tank up to the top of the overflows. I moved one of the rocks from the bommie to the right side and placed the Tunze rock on top of it. It stopped the sand from moving and being kicked up. I also added Dr. Tim's One and Ony Bacteria and will be adding reagent grade ammonium chloride daily. I'm shooting to get a 2 ppm reading.
Krish- thanks for tagging along pretty much from the get go and insightful advice !

No problem man..My pleasure to offer what ever little bit I did, but the pleasure was really all mine. You did a really thorough build here man and I might add, very clean work. :)
Re: Gimmito's 450 L-shaped display

Ammonia-1.0 ppm
Nitrite-0.5 ppm

Added 100 drops more (400 total) of ammonium chloride. Shooting for 2.0 ppm.
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