Here is my 100 Gallon in wall project!!!

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Looks like it is going to be a real nice living picture frame!
Cool Matt, don't rush the fish & corals though.
no rush on the fish, I will start with one fish after a week or so running with live rock..

I think that when I first get the tank filled with water, get the salinity at 1.022, get the live sand and live rock in I will put in a few damsels for a couple weeks to start the cycling, then when I put in the volitan lion fish he has a good first couple of meals already waiting for him...:D
So far the tank is about 1/4 full RO water, it will probably take through the night into tomorrow to finish filling up then I am ready for rock!!!
I will post more pictures as I take them.

Good luck with the leak test, my plumbing isn't done yet & has a ton of threaded fittings & pipes so I hope it is done right because I'm pooped of gluing PVC. Looks like yours should be solid though!
Well here the tanks been filling for about 32 hours and it is 2/3 full, I turned on the closed loop pump to show how much water flow I will get. here are some pictures, Enjoy....


I didn't see some of your previous pics before because my computer is slow but wow you work fast! Ilove the color you painted that room and the trim around the tank looks spectacular. If you lived near me i would hire you in a minute to do my tank like that. I just found out that i'm not getting my tank for another week because my LFS is doing all of thePlumbing for me and hes setting up my sump so that when i get it all i have to do is add water and fire her up. I'm also going to have a couple of tester clown fish to start cycling the tank.

Keep posting your progress and good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed with the no leaks.

Hey Nick, thanks for the compliments, I really appreciate the good word. If I were closer to you I would give you a hand... I guess I did get it done pretty fast huh? like a little over a week start to finish...

Thanks again..

Are you a contractor or something? Where did you learn to do that kind of work? Once i get my own place i would love to be able to do that kind of stuff. Let us know when you finally get the fish in(Mainly the shark for me!!).

Good luck and i can't wait to see some new pics.
well, I now have 100lbs fiji pink sand in the tank, 90lbs of live rock form indoor reef. and 5 kickstart damsels, I will post pictures tomorrow. I cant wait till the water clears up now.:D

Shallowreef, Yeah I am a contractor. I do siding windows, doors and some finish work, but I have a very good general knowledge to anything that has to do with building/designing...

Thanks for the replys everyone...:)

I figured you were. Now i know for a fact that if you lived close to me i would hire you. You are a rare breed, you are a fast working contractor. Those are three words that you never hear "fast working" and "contractor". Every contractor except one that we have hire always takes 2-3 times longer than the time they quote us. Anyways can't wait to see those pics.
Well, I know its late, I have had a long day today but I promised pictures today so here they are, I will bump this thread tomorrow so that it stays on the current topics. I know the lights are a little blue, I will replace an actinic with a white to change that. I did NOT aquascape the rocks yet, I put them in right after the sand so I could not see a thing. I will do the aquascaping probably this weekend. let me know what you think of these pictures...

Hey everyone, Thanks so much for the good comments, I am very happy with my project, my loft/office is like a whole new room now, I really enjoy spending time on the computer now that the tank is running. I will post more pictures when I make more changes/additions....

very nice. Excellent work. It really is starting to look like something great. I think a background would look great on the tank to give it depth.