Here is my 100 Gallon in wall project!!!

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I am so damn jealous of you right now. I went to go see my baby on Friday and it looks like it will be at least another week before i can start to create any magic. Nice setup though! Rock work is terrific. I will say though that a black background would look awesome!! Anyways keep postin them pics and let us know when you start to add more fish!

Yeah I know guys the black background is next to come, I havent put it on yet because all the work has to be done in the back of the tank so untill the aquascaping is done, I dont want to put the background in because then I cant see what I am doing. thanks for the comments again.

well I am already getting a little bit of algae growth, but this is to be expected with a brand new setup. the water parameters are stable and good, so here in the next few weeks to come I will slowley start to add some fish. I will post pictures as I add fish....
Ohh yeah I have had a hard time getting 1000gph water to go through the rs200 sump. it is supposed to be good for up to 200 gallons but you wouldnt be able to push enuff water for that big of a tank. I will have to drill some extra holes in the inlet side of the sump to let more water flow through...
any one else had this problem??

Ohh yeah I have had a hard time getting 1000gph water to go through the rs200 sump. it is supposed to be good for up to 200 gallons but you wouldnt be able to push enuff water for that big of a tank. I will have to drill some extra holes in the inlet side of the sump to let more water flow through...
any one else had this problem??


Naw man...I've never tried to flow more than 800gph through a sump ever. I'm kinda of curious to know what my new setup will be able to handle once I set it up! Anyways man...I'll be looking out for some new pics and more updates:)
Here are some update Pictures of the tank, algae is already almost a thing of the past. (cross my fingers) these pictures are some of my worst attemps but with my digital camera broke and using a $5 disposable its about all I can get! I am working on buying a Nikon D50 SLR with the 18-55m lense I will then take pictures like a pro!!!
anyways here are some pictures just for fun! by the way I added a few fish! sadly my volitan did not make it through the first night I am not sure why..
I have a happy, very curious 6'' clown trigger and a 7'' banded cat shark...
they are both eating very well.

yeah, the shark is the one that is camera shy. the trigger isnt at all he comes to the camera, those are just the only pictures that came out good enuff to show:) the shark was hiding at the time I took the pictures. like I said as soon as I get my SLR I will post lots of good pictures..

Ohh yeah I have had a hard time getting 1000gph water to go through the rs200 sump. it is supposed to be good for up to 200 gallons but you wouldnt be able to push enuff water for that big of a tank. I will have to drill some extra holes in the inlet side of the sump to let more water flow through...

The RS200 was designed to handle the filtration needs of up to a 200 gallon tank ( refugium capacity, skimmer space, ect..). Where are you having problems with flow and what are you thinking needs more holes? The refugium is not designed to handle full flow, as in a Berlin type sump, it is supposed to operate at a reduced flow to allow the algae within time to export nutrients. The bulk of the flow should overflow the wall into the skimmer compartment and run through the bubble trap, and a 2" by 9" gap should allow for all the flow you want to put through it.

If you are running all the flow through the refugium compartment then I would say you are only going to get 700-800 gph through the 1" outlet of the refugium, but that would defeat the idea of this type of a sump.
bet you'll get way more algae when it fully cycles but other than that it looks awesome man, great job, now get the background on it:D

Your tank is looking awesome! I like your trigger he looks good. I can't wait till you get your new camera and get some pics of the new shark. I know that when they are little that they only come out at night when all the lights are off. If you put some blood in the water during the day you may get them to come out to feed but after that they go right back into hididng. I think your tank is going to look so awesome. When are you planning on putting on a background? What Color? I have quite a ways to go still on my tank but yours looks real good! What other fish are you planning to put in?

Keep Us Posted!!!

alright everyone! the background comes next I have just been lazy about it.:lol:
I just went to the home depot today and got 2 bathroom exhaust vents to install in the closet, they will of course pull all the hot air out side the house I will have about 100 cfm air movement so it should keep all the heat from building up. I will get pictures of the tank after the background is installed and when I put the vents in!

By the way I have shut down the return pump to half capacity and the sump is doing just fine now. I estimate that I have about 400-500 gph total water going through the sump. I guess that is enuff.

Thanks so much for the good comments....

I have been out there and it is looking great. it has me pumped to start a fowlr or something, just like a true addict
100g wall

Hey Matt the tank looks great! I love the idea of the through the wall look. What did you use for the stand, 2x4's or 2x6's. It looked like the front was a different support than the rear (since you are spanning a large space). Did you use 3/4" plywood for the base. I'm planning on a 180g through the wall look (next year) and am curious about the stand design and size of materials. Thanks, you're an inspiration :)
Hey sorry tor the delay in response, I have been busy!

Nick: I do infact have a few updates. However I dont have a camera.
I traded my clown trigger because he became way too aggressive. I now have the 8'' bamboo cat shark which is an awesome fish! I just added a 5'' volitan yesterday, and I have an online order coming this week including a small porcupine puffer and a 3-4'' naso blonde male. so I will work on getting some pictures as soon as I get my shippment in. thanks for your comments!

Fishhead: on the construction I first built a sub-floor out of 2x4''s for weight displacement I then used 2x4''s to build the stand they are all bolted into the existing framing of the house I used a 2x6'' for the middle on the open back of the stand for extra strength. the base is a 3/4'' plywood and the the tank is on 1/2'' foam for cusion and to adjust for inperfections in the wood. this way no strain on the acrylic. Thanks for your comments and I am glad to inspire you. dont be affraid to dig in and get started on your project!

Dang: thanks for your comments aswell. I need to make a trip up your ways soon for some grub and frag's!!!

well I got a camera, actually I just realized I could take snapshots with my dvd camcorder! so here are some photo's of my new volitan lionfish, this is one cool fish! it eats live and frozen foods.... I will post more pictures as soon as I get my shipment in!