In Wall - going for it! - seeking your ideas/feedback/advice

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If it were me I'd go with the OM as I know it's reliable. I think you are making this way too complicated.

I have been thinking this for three days myself. I understand. Alot of excitement and too much time to think about this. My tank also took nearly a year from design to start up. I was two states away from the build project to top it off.

trido said:
One thing I have learned from working on the ocean for over four years. Waves do not typically ebb and flow every three to five minutes. They tend to come every 15-60 seconds with the occasional rogue wave being much larger and stronger. IMO it is not necessarily best to change the flow of a wave maker in long time periods.
Even a 250 foot ship will list from port to starboard more than once a minute. Regardless of the wave being 5 or 40 feet from crest to trough.
If you use drum "version 1" Each nozzel on the 4-way will get the surge every 45 seconds with alot of velocity. I use drum 2, opposed because drum one works the SS too hard and has too much velocity in my 120G tank. My flow surges cycle every 30 seconds. It surely doesnt look too fast and the corals have great polyp extension.The only reason I use a slower cycle on my prop tank is to lenghten the lives of my power heads.
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I was just proof reading this and remembered a point I was making in the response that got deleted a minute a go.
Believe it or not. My biggest peave in my tank design is aquascaping and corals placement/growth. You could always tape a 4' square in the garage and start designing your rock pile. Maybe you might like a pillar or two in the mix.
Well this is bound to get some eyes rolling.. but I got a great deal on this... so I purchased it this evening... 1.5" inlets & outlets w/ actuator.


Does that mean your selling your OM? =P

Well.. not yet. Call me crazy (and it sounds like several folks are already doing that), but I have one last idea i'll throw out there.

Option #4) integrate both the OM and the ball valve into the flow design- in other words, get the best of both worlds. Here's how I was thinking I could do that....

and before anyone says I'm making this too complicated, just hear my idea out...

Water flows from the Hammerhead directly into the MBV. On one side of the ball valve outputs, the rushing water would go straight the tank (water comes out the green ports). On the other side, I could tie in the Oceans Motions. The ball valve would allow water to pass through the one side of the output for 5 minutes and directly into the tank. Then, 5 minutes later, it'd switch and push water into the OM, which then pushes pulsating water into the tank through the blue ports.


:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: So when does the tank arrive?

Nice timing on the question Duane. I beleive the build starts tomorrow actually- that was the indication I got last week when I was talking with Jason. It should take about a week to finish I beleive... sooooo... We should be seeing some nice build photos trickling in soon. :)

Hey Duane - I liked your aquascaping idea on the floor, and will definatly do that, but I still have a bunch of LR in my existing tank that I'll want to aquascape with all my pieces avaialble. I think I'll pretty much ahve to wait till the tank gets here b/c I don't want to leave the rock sitting out for weeks and loose all my valuable critters.
my question is still 'why?'

Here are the primary reasons for why:

Bi-lateral flow vs. unilateral flow - better for corals respiratoin, photosyntheis, nutrient & waste transport, etc. I'm looking for the optimum setup here and looking to push the envelop a little bit and try something new

I'll also answer your question with a question... If I have the parts, why not?
I would use only one or the other. IMO the OM would not be real effective in mixing things up if your only using it half of the time. And besides, its $300 less for corals you have to spend.
You are up ALREADY talking about this? I am becomming suspicious that you might be a bit excited.....
Who me? No, I dont have a life.

class clown said:
Call me crazy (and it sounds like several folks are already doing that),
A long time ago a friend told me I tend to dwell on things too long to the point of being obsessive. I replied, "NO, I just analyze things to the fullest detail". I think you can get away with this reply regarding your tank.
I would use only one or the other. IMO the OM would not be real effective in mixing things up if your only using it half of the time. And besides, its $300 less for corals you have to spend.

aww man...You don't think that's a good idea? I'm thinking that would be optimal - get that nice pulsing action once and a while like the waves to stir things up.. and then also get the bonus of bilinerial flow.

Duane -would your vote be to do MBV and tie all of the blue nozzles to one port so they go off at once, and the green's to another? If i did it this way, I'd probably downgrade to 3/4" bulkheads so I could use lockline.

oh and yes.. I also agree- it's not obsessive, I'm just analyze things to the fullest detail. :D
My only hesitation with the switching flow design, is how long will the flow swich take? If all the water is spinning around the tank one way, how long will it take it to stop then gain momentum and switch going the other?

I really have no idea, just something to think about. You may have more "dead time" between flow switching then youd like.

How about selling both and get a OM-8. If I were to do it all over again Id go with tunze's and their controller.:)

Well I love the idea of using both. and like you said you've got em already so why not !!!

Where did you get the MBV and timer settup ? and you could adjust the time as much or little as you want or even randomize it assuming the timer lets you do that !
well i'm sure it varies by tank and pump size. the good news is that the MBV comes with an adjustable settings timer that is mounted to the actuator, so I could do trial runs to find my sweet spot.
My only hesitation with the switching flow design, is how long will the flow swich take? If all the water is spinning around the tank one way, how long will it take it to stop then gain momentum and switch going the other?

I really have no idea, just something to think about. You may have more "dead time" between flow switching then youd like.

the size of the tunzes is a turnoff to me - I know many people that have done it this way and swear by it. with the OM8, the timing issue issue still exists-the drum rotates too quickly for me to build up this mass inertia goal that I'm after.

How about selling both and get a OM-8. If I were to do it all over again Id go with tunze's and their controller.:)
