In Wall - going for it! - seeking your ideas/feedback/advice

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Hey gang - Just wanted to share a list of everyone who has confirmed they are coming so far and get a final headcount. If anyone else is interested, please let me know today or tomorrow as I've got to go get some food supplies and I want to make sure I have enough.

18 have confirmed they'll definately be there. Looks like it'll be a decent turnout. Awesome!!!!

  • Steven (Steven11)+ Wife Candy - Bringing Pasta Salad
  • Gaby (spongeboblover) + Sis + Mom - Bringing Cake
  • Jesse- jezzeaepi
  • Jayson (dailydriven911) + wife + clam :)
  • Jan & David - Bringing green salad
  • James (James734)
  • Jamie (Jamiehill) + Wife Crystal
  • Duane (Trido)
  • Dang (tamarindthai) + fam
  • Ken (Kendog261)
  • Paul (Plack)

And a few are still on the "we hope we can be there if we can" list:):) I hope you guys can make it. It'd be great to see you. Let me know if you know you definately are or aren't going to make it.
  • Scott & Colleen (Szidls & Jesshimom)
  • Matt (Matts125) + Fam

Let me know if I missed anyone, or if anyone else who hasn't PM'd me yet who would be interested in hanging out with a bunch of fellow reefers while munching on BBQ. Should be a good time and the weather forecast looks like it should cooperate for us to. :D

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Would like to attend, but my mom is visiting from FL this weekend, and won't be able to make it. However, I would like to see your tank in the coming weeks.

hey, can anyone pm me his adress :p?
i sent him a pm but he hasn't replied yet, so if anyone has it... please let me know otherwise i'm gonna be looking all over the place :lol: .

Thank you :D
sorry guys - out getting food & supplies for this evening and my inbox filled up - we are going to be have some good eats tonight ;-)

Seahawks game will definately be on James.

call me for directions or address if you don't have it already 425 231 6718. See ya soon!


Thank you for a wonderful evening, you and Kelly are gracious hosts. Your tank looks awesome and we can't wait to see it mature.
Talk to you soon,
Jason, La Donna, Kennith, and Hailey
Thank you and Kelly for the hospitality. I will look forward to our next get together.