Jesse's tank build!(omg pls help =P)

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The pendants between the LAIII's are the PFO 250w DE pendants. As far as bulbs go I will be doing 10k 400's in the LAIII's and 20k 250's in the pendants. I'm just not sure which bulbs I'm going to use yet. I'd like to try the Elos bulb (SE 400w 10k), but I'm thinking they are going to be too expensive.

I can't wait to see your tank come together.
Anyone have any input on the PH controller?

Your understanding of the carx is a little off. Once its dialed in it should run 24/7. Unless its a big deltec or something thas very efficient I would not worry about using a ph controller with it.

So there's an Elos 120xl sitting at Barrier Reef. Is this your tank, and if it is how have you not picked it up.:eek: I would of been there to pull it of the truck.
It is =( I am moving out of my apartment at the end of the month and this setup is going in the new place. Theres just no room in my current place to even store it. I got a whole pile of brand new reef goodies that I am just dieing to hook up and play with but I can't =\ Just under three more weeks of waiting(an eternity).
It is =( I am moving out of my apartment at the end of the month and this setup is going in the new place. Theres just no room in my current place to even store it. I got a whole pile of brand new reef goodies that I am just dieing to hook up and play with but I can't =\ Just under three more weeks of waiting(an eternity).

Jesse - this is so exciting my man.. keep busy and time will go by - I totally know the feeling though. I'd love to see a pic of the elos tank. Do you think BR has a camera that they could snap a picture of it with?
I stopped by and saw your new tank today. I sure am jealous of the single corner overflow alone. Cant wait to see it stocked and thriving.
Hehe I stopped by on Friday for some visitation time. Very happy with the shape and how it looks in person.. Even if its under a buncha paper and boxes and on its side =P
Rofl its true.. it was kind of dark so Ill see try an upload em later and see if they turned out =P

Houston, we have a problem.

Things have not gone well for me these last few weeks. The renters market in Seattle right now is really bad. Despite 2 months of extensive searching, I have not been able to secure a place to move on September 1st. Things are in the works for a palce to move on the 15th though.... So that leaves me with 2 weeks "in limbo". I can store my stuff and live out of a suticase for 2 weeks, thats fine, but this tank move is going to be a nightmare. Im going to have to move everything twice... Ive got 30+ corals, a ton of inverts, and 2 delicate fish and I am pretty nervous about the whole situation.

I guess Im going to have to buy ANOTHER tank. Set that up somewhere, and then move into it. Then later, set up my elos in the new place and later make my second move. Anyone have any suggestions for a cheap reliable Temp tank in the 55+ gal range?
More importantly, is there anyone whos done soemthing similar and can give me some pointers?

Peace Guys... I promise there will be pretty pictures at some point =\
Why don't you see if some fellow reefers have some space to hold them for you during this transition.

I have open space in a 29g with a single 175w MH. It was supposed to be a dedicated QT tank but it's kind of migrated to a tank with a couple pieces of rock and coral in it.
Thank you James and Danno14 for the offer. Depending on how things work out, I may take you up.

Why don't you see if some fellow reefers have some space to hold them for you during this transition.

I have open space in a 29g with a single 175w MH. It was supposed to be a dedicated QT tank but it's kind of migrated to a tank with a couple pieces of rock and coral in it.

Actually i very much second and third this suggestion based on my experience. Jesse - rememember my temporary rubbermaid tanks I setup during my recent move? well, it just didn't fit the bill. I lost about 15 frags/small colonies within a week and a half time and I tried to mirror the actual tank conditions as close as possible, but obviously something wasn't right (dont' know if the flow wasn't adequate, or the skimming wasn't adequate, or the light wasn't adequate, or the containers leached chemicals, or what). Several others started to STN, which is what sparked me to move everything to my new tank as soon as I did. If I had to do it over again, I would've farmed out as much of the corals and as I could before hand. In hindsight, this would've been a better route for me to go.

that said, this is just my experience. I know others who have had good luck keeping their corals in like one of those big kiddie pools for a while.

I really like James suggestion of seeing if you can find some room in other people's tanks as a holding ground until your new one is up. in addition to James's 29g, I'll also make my tank available to you as long as you don't have any nasty buggies :p. I've got a fair amount of room in the back and we can build a little frag rack or something to hold them all.

Or... if you prefer, maybe break the current tank down, and set it all up in someone's garage or something.

let me know if I can help.
Thank you for reminding me of that incident Ben. Thats a good point. I have far too many beautifull specimens and Id be heart broke if they all died on me in my temp set up. Setting up a tank for just rocks and inverts is much easier then setting one up for coral too.

I don't have any nasty buggys. You finally triumphed over your red bug infestation right?

One other question, what to people actually do with sand from their old tank? I know theres hundereds if not thousands of little creatures in there. Feel bad about dumping em all =\
yep..finally kicked the bugs. I've been consistently dipping everything before it reaches the tank since I've setup the new tank trying to be careful this time round. All of the talk of local AEFW's on the forums lately has scared the bejusus out of me which is why I'm being so anal about it. If you did store at my place, I'd probably make us dip them before hand:p:p:p. It's just better to be safe than sorry.

I forget, you going bare bottom? if yes, pass the sand onto someone lookign to start a tank. if not, you'll probably want to keep it with some circulation and heat so the critters can stay alive. One possibility is just to put it all in a 5 gallon bucket and run a powerhead and heater in there. Or, if you wanted to get a little more fancy, another idea would be to put the sand in a 5 gallon bucket, tap a bulkhead in the upper side and just run a pump from say your sump into the bucket. Any excess water would run back into the sump through the bulkhead. it'd save you from buying another heater and may help with the denitrifying effects of sand. It probably just depends on what you have laying around and how much time/effort to spend on it and how long you're going to be out of pocket. I've got a couple spare bulkheads if you are in need. Here's a picture of the modified version of what I was talking about above w/ the bulkhead acting like an overflow. the bottom chamber had a pump that pushed water up to the bigger chamber and the water flowed back into the smaller chamber through the overflow.


I have a 20gallon frag tank I've been meaning to hook up here. I still need to get some lights for it, but that could also be a possibility for you as a temp holding tank and may give me an excus to hook it up.

I hope you catch a break here with the housing situation soon, if not, sounds like you have some good backup options.

If all else fails I could get off my lazy butt and get the 65 ready for you as a temp holding tank. Its the one on the left. I have a brand new 10XM and 250 icecap just waiting to be fired up. The one on the right is under serious QT for AEFWs. We definately wouldnt mix any of your corals in there. Let me know if your interested.
