Jesse's tank build!(omg pls help =P)

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Thanks a lot for your generosity guys. This gives me a lot more options. Ill let you know soon.

Sweeeeet... Got a call from the landlord, and the place is going to be ready early! Looks like I will get the keys on 2nd instead of the 15th. *does a dance*

Today I moved the majority of my corals, and it took forever. I started at around noon figuring it would be a 4 hour project. Well the first load didnt even get to Ben's till 4! I got home from delivering the second one at 9... Was a long day and I get to do it again tomorrow when I bring my rocks and inverts over to Duane's. Going to start preparing for that one a bit earlier! Thanks again Ben for your help and your gracious extension of tank space in your awesome set up. Glad I finally got to see it in person!

.... only 6 more days!!
Today I moved the remainder of my rocks/inverts/corals over to Trido's spare 65. It was quite a nice setup for something that was sitting around not being used. MH/actinic lighting, couple PH's on a wavemaker, hydor4, and an awesome custom agrocrete background complete with fish hideout. He also took the time to start cycling the tank so my move would go smoother. Thanks again Duane, you were a huge help.

The move both days went very smooth. My only "losses" were a few accidental fraggings, but they were all accounted for and peggged/glued. My helfrici firefish manged to dissapear during the move, but he was found unscathed in one of the liverock buckets. Even with the rocks out of the bucket I didn't see him in there until Duane pointed it out =P He seemed to be ok though. Didn't look like he got squished by any rocks.

I now find myself tankless for the first time in a year in a half. Feels weird! With my salty friends safely moved, I can now finally consentrate on moving myself. It will probably take just as long, but it will be a whole lot less stressfull then moving my corals.

Hey Jesse - corals are all still looking good. healthy, polyps are full and fluffy, and my acro crab though decided to be a slut and move from my purple tip acro colony to your purple tip acro colony.. guess she likes your's better. what a tramp. :D:D:D:D

good luck on the move...
I figured I better give an update post as well. Jesse had to make two trips to get the LR up here tuesday and didnt head home until near 11PM so we got things in the tank and I told him I'd take care of any details from there. Yesterday when I came home from work the purple haze was really the only thing that didnt look too well. I didnt show a single polyp due to too much flow from a hydor 4. I decided to reaquascape real quickly (about 15 min.) to accomodate everything relating from flow to lighting as best as I understand their needs. The two fish both made breif appearances yesterday as well. After work today, everything looks happy and both of the fish are hanging out in front. I took some pics because everyone seems to be a picture junky and this thread needs a few to kick off the actual tank build coming soon enough.



hmmm... let me guess what Jesse's day is going to consist of today :rolleyes:

Awesome guys - I'm super excited to see this in action. It looks beautiful. I can't imagine how excited Jesse is right now :D
heres a quick update:
first off let me say that i dont have internet for a week, so my posts will be typed via cellphone, so dont fault me for not capitalizing, spelling vorrectly, or using all puncutation =p

so far ive managed to move the tank and stand over. now i am working on getting plumbing pieces and figuring out how to suspend these lights safely above the tank(they are like 25 p a piece). looks like i have to drill some holes in my pretty new stand too... and make a whole bunch of rodi. well, ill try to get on a real computer and post some pics when i have them.

peace all
Today I got my lights mounted!! I can't say my roommates were as excited as I was... I turned on my two 250W reeflux10k's(on hqi ballast so they are closer to 325W) and they lit up whole living room as if we were sitting on the beaches of the carribean... lol... I tried to pass it off like "Dont worry they will only be on during the day when its bright out anyways" hehe

I also had to redo one of my bulkheads yesterday. It took almost a week for me to notice, but it was a definite slow leak.. Apparantly I am not a silicone master, but I think we are golden this time. I hope to repopulate my tankthis week, and Ill try to get some pictures up! (I know thats what your all waiting for =P)
I also had to redo one of my bulkheads yesterday. It took almost a week for me to notice, but it was a definite slow leak.. Apparantly I am not a silicone master, but I think we are golden this time. I hope to repopulate my tankthis week, and Ill try to get some pictures up! (I know thats what your all waiting for =P)

Jesse - I'm excited you got your lights up. Don't be surpised If you catch me in a lawn chair with a cerveza in hand trying to catch a suntan :D:D:D

Hey, What's up with the bulkhead though. I assume these specialized bulkheads from Elos. If I'm not mistaken, most bulkheads don't require silicone and you just crank down on them a bit with a strap or pipe wrench. think maybe the silicone is what's giving you trouble?
Turns out it was user error(me). I mistakingly thought I had to have the gasket on the water side. Turns out its supposed to be the side opposite the nut.... Yah I'm a n00b. Hopefully Ill be leak free tomorrow night!
Typically the gasket is on the opposite side of the nut and threads just as you posted, but, ON THE INSIDE OF THE TANK. In most applications the nut and threads go on the outside of the tank. As long as it doesnt leak you should be fine but If you can switch them I would recommend it so you can easily give them a little cinch down in the years to come if they do start to leak.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding though, and you have it just right. How about those pics now?
Not around my camera at the moment(standing in line for halo3!). The elos bulkhead has the nut part on the inside of the tank, which aparantly causes the gasket to get torqued when you try to install the gasket on the inside. I tried it twice with it on the inside, and both times leaked. That is my only complaint about elos though, no instructions for the noobs!=P