Jiddy for december MOTM

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Poor Jiddy never sleeps, i work the graveyard shift 11pm-7am, i get some sleep in the mornin and my wife and child (11mo) wake me up when they get home from work/daycare then i goto school 3 days a week. Right now im in the military, i use to be a Radar/Avionics Tech but im in a sweet office job for a year, and i dont do anythin, as you can tell.

Do you have any kids
Yep, 2 kids, girl 14, boy 11. I work rotating 12 hour shifts. 8pm to 8am for 2 days, then a couple days off, then 8am to 8pm for 2 days, then a couple of days off then it starts all over again. I have been watching the thread on your tank, looks like it is going pretty well.
Kids are fun, i hope to have about 60 or 70 myself, its just the pregancy part that scares me, my wife is Dr.Jackel and the other chick when she's pregnant.

Yea the circus is a good thread, if you've seen it today you know that i am actually almost done with the setup part, just need to connect the flow pumps to the manifold and get the sump up and runnin. I already see flaws in the design that werent thought out long enough, but its lookin like the tank might be up temporarily anways, so i can redo the things i dont like. Do you see any problems or flaws thusfar?
I'd have to take a real good look to give an opinion. It don't matter how carefull you plan, there will be something you wish you would of done different. I wish I would of made one end of my stand removable to get a larger sump in it, plus a few other things. Maybe next time on my bigger tank :D .
how are you doin jiddy. I have been busy lately so I haven't been around. Went down to San Jose last weekend for a friends wedding. How is the tank.
Your in the wrong thread for that B! The tank is doin good thou, almost done. I got my skimmer in today

What size do you have now Ken and what size are you gettin someday?
I have a 90, wish I would of got the 120. It is only 6" wider. Could of done a lot more with the aquascaping and more room under the tank. One day I would like to get a room divider tank, somewhere around 180 I guess, I like being able to see from 3 sides. You can check out my page if you like.

I had a 75 gallon that was a fish only and over a period of 11 years slowly went through many mistakes, and made it to a "reef tank" with a metal halide, vho atinic, and live rock with a skimmer at the end. Then my son killed it with a cup of lemonade, or kool-aid, or something. Came home on a summer day after dumping around $400 into the tank to find it half dead, with a cup floating in my sump. That was it, I was done. Tore it down. I have had this one up for about 20 months now. Has done really well as far as a new tank is concerned.

WoW thats a crazy story, glad things worked out for you in the end thou, i have a 90 too, when i get my house ill turn it into a pred. tank, i like Lions and my wife likes puffers, so we will get some of those
Yea I would like to have a fowlr tank. Have a flame angle, trigger, and a few other non reef fish. I guess you can't have it all. I really want a fish room in my next home. Something in the back of my room divider tank and an inwall. It would be great to have the space for all the sumps and skimmers and such in a room behind the tanks.
I never even wanted a fish room until i seen some wicked thread with them. Like 64IVY! Now i agree with you, and my next house that i buy will have a fish room, that will be the factor im sure, lol, its kind of nice because if the wife is goin to pick all the colors for the tile and curtains, i can just do my fishroom thing!

You have that anemone in the reef? Hows that workin for you
Well I had a green bta first, then a local guy had the rose bta for sale. So I went and bought the rose. Well the gbta and the rbta grew pretty fast, then the rose split, and soon my tank was 1/3 bta's

So I traded off the gbta to a fellow reefer, and traded in the rose for some credit at a lfs. My single rbta is a great one, he don't move at all, has a nice spot in the upper left hand of tank, and hosts a nice pair of percs. He is getting pretty big, may split again soon. I think they are very beautiful, and if it was a choice between them and anything else I would pick the rbta.
WoW, that it sweet, and if he doesnt cause any problems then more power! You've never had it sting a coral?

For you LFS when you sell somthin' to them, do they give you a decent amt of credit, or is it like a pawn shop and they give you a dollar for your mothers diamond ring
The rbta has not stung anything, the grta did right before the trade. Killed off a nice 4" stag that was part of the trade for the rbta. As far as trading in at lfs, I have had great experiences with that. I got about $90 of store credit with the RBTA, which I guess is about $45 to them at cost. I have traded some of my my xenia and colts for a great frogspawn. I guess its knowing what you have and what it goes for. I don't expect to make a killing, and would rather sell or give to a reefer, but if there is something I want at a lfs I'll do it. Yesterday I posted free Xenia, and have 3 people coming over Wend to get some. I am sure I will give them all at least $40 dollars worth or more if they had to buy it retail.
I thought you were hookin me up with some Xenia? yea i understand that you dont make a livin off it, but my LFS isnt very fair with the prices. I think its a monopoly. Im goin to start my own S.Dakota reef club i think. Someone is buyin all those fish! LoL
Man if it was worth the shipping price I would hook you up for sure. The stuff really grows in my tank. It was kinda weird though when my Icecap ballast for my atinics went out, they stopped pulsing until I got it back from being repaired. As far as the prices, I would look at trading with them instead of getting money outright, or store credit. Why don't you post an ad there if they have a place for it. Oh hell, just start your own club!!!
Problem is my LFS owner is way cool, she even offered to come over to my house and help me catch my ***** wrasse, lol. Maybe she is just playin me like a sucker so i will pay $8 for a snail. ANyways, how do you think i would start a club?
Oh dont worry about sendin me some Xenia, i already have a bud from RC that said he'll give me some if i paid shippen
Jiddy, I will give you as much as you want if you wanted to pay shipping for it. As far a starting a club, ummm... I don't know. Have to get with LFS owner, and get something posted at the store. I figure that is the best way for exposure, along with various forums. $8 for a snail, son, you need to go online for those I think.
I know, but i "assumed" they would be like $4 a piece until they got rung up, lesson learned. What do the Xenia look like? What all do they need to be healthy? How long until i could keep them you think?

I have 4 160w VHO's, i should be able to keep most softies alive dont you think?