Krish's Bahamian inspired 90 gal

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ohh dood if that was just a trial, i can't wait to see the real thing.
IMO i think towels are gonna be your best friends from now on dood :D:lol: i'd keep some behind the tank may be in a little picknick basquet so if you flood at least you have something to dry your floor with, and the wife would never notice it :D
Well, since you all have 10 fingers...Would you mind crossing 2 for me?! My buddy who owns the LFS here in the Bahamas just called me from his suppliers store in Florida and has picked out a yellow tang and another small percula (one he says he has never seen before) to have shipped here in the morning! Isn't that great news!(LOL) I was going to hold off on getting another clown because my two are still getting use to one another, but hopefully I would atleast end up with two getting along and could pass off the other to my cousin in the event that they all don't work out. I'm hoping they make it here in good health, but he said they look extremely healthy and are doing well in the tanks now. I'll keep you guys updated tomorrow as to whether or not they came alive. If they did, you guys will have some new pics!

P.S If anyone here is known to be a jinx (if that is how it is spelled) or known for bringing bad luck, please skip this thread and pretend you never saw it until I get the fish because my luck sucks as it it and I don't need any more help with bad luck! LMAO!!! Just kidding...I just want them to make it finally...
way a minute i'm not allowed to post just because of my bad luck :( now i feel like a puppy with my tail between my legs.
actually .......way to go dood !!
that's just awesome :) you kow you might find that the clowns are not gonna get along since you said your friend told you that he's never seen this type of clown,but i hope and i'll cross my fingers and what not :D so everything goes fine :s :D
Cool Krish, hope that works out for you. I added a Powder Blue from the LFS last Mon. He is doing great, they are very interesting! Grazes all day long, likes to play tug o' war with the seaweed I clip in there for him. Anyway, Good Luck and keep us posted!
Thanks guys! I'm running downstairs now to do a 25% water change to get things a little more comfortable for the newbies if they make it. I'll be online later...
I saw this pic on another site and It made me think of your beginning arches you had going..... Not sure about bad luck:confused: .... does my past experiances with power cords count??? my hair still hasent stop doing the don king thing!! Anyways wtg krish new inhabitants!!!!:D
days like this does the bahama's still suck??
days like this does the bahama's still suck??

No man...The Bahamas doesn't suck today. Especially since it's Friday!
I see you are still playing with electricity(LOL) Gabby wants me to add more pictures of he Atlantis thread, so I'll electrocute you some more this weekend!:D

That's a cool looking tank! Maybe the others, skimming through the thread, will look at it and figure its mine(LOL)
ITS FRIDAY! and yesterday was the best day of all, PAYDAY! It would be better in the Bahamas, but unlike all these Seattle Yanks' ill be in a tropical paradise soon too! Cheers to Krish and Jiddy! Ya.... imma go make a snowman before i leave, lol!
LOL...You are going to go nuts when you hit Guam Jiddy! I've lived in the Bahamas since birth and I still go nuts everytime I hit the beach!
ok, i still don't get it, where is Guam? i didn't wanna ask before because i know "someone" would laugh:D, but i don't wanna sound like an idiot eather.
One time my husband's boss told me, he was going to Hawaii and i said.. kewl.. are you and your wife driving there? ... and then he laugh his butt off.
i know Krish i know
and krish what do you mean that's your tank ? may be today i woke up on the idiot side :lol:
LOL Gabby...I said people may think it is mine not that it is mine. They could think it is mine for now since it is has a blue hippo in it, but mine still rocks!
LOL!!! yeap i woke up from the other side today :D .
i thought it was an old old set up of yours that's why :p , but thanks for clearning that out :D
I'm having serious doubts now...I haven't gotten my fish yet. I just hung up with my friend and he said they are on the truck heading to the store now....Very late. So, I'm heading down there in a second so when they pull up and can get them and get home and float them right away. Wish me luck...BRB:doubt:
I'm back! and I've got good news! I just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico!(LOL) I got my fish and they are in the tank. They look pretty good, but I turned off the lights early to help calm them just incase. I'll post the pictures of them tomorrow. The clown is your average percula without any black markings on him. They also sent me a bat fish and a watchman goby free, but I didn't want them. Instead they went in my friends tank who has my juvenile French angel in it. Finally he will have company(LOL)
I guess tomorrow will tell the tale. I ope they make it safely through the night and are lively and healthy tomorrow! Thanks for the crossed fingers guys!
i think they get the black mark as they get older, but i might be wrong dood, i'm not ilham :D .
hmm a batfish and a watchman hmm :D, by the way dood, did you do the robot geico dance? .:lol:

well we'll be waiting to see the pictures dood just like the ones for the bahamas, and the atlantis, and the market etc :D