Krish's New 75 gal "Thing-a-ma-bob"

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K...Here are the pics. Not sure if I like the gap thingy, but too late to worry about it. I didn't want a handle on the thing, so he put rubber stoppers and thus the reason for the gap. Ah well...Looks great otherwise and will do the job. I'll just pretend it is a vent:D

Remove the rubber stoppers, you really don't need them.
Looks like my old 100g tank & hood, loolk good dood!
Remove the rubber stoppers, you really don't need them.
Looks like my old 100g tank & hood, loolk good dood!

Thanks Scooter! Removing the stoppers won't help. The stoppers make the canopy flush at the top. If I remove them the front will fall too low...Maybe I should rebuild it:lol: Naw...I'll see how it goes. I just may remake the door and call it a day:)
K...I'll have the new photos tomorrow of the new canopy;) I figured out what I will do to block the light coming through. Should work out nicely and work out just great after all. Stay tuned:)
Are the new lights going to fold up with the lid or are they going to be on the back portion...trying to see the end product:)
Are the new lights going to fold up with the lid or are they going to be on the back portion...trying to see the end product

Naw...I get enough sun here in the Bahamas to come home and get burnt by metal halides:lol: I'm going to work them so they stay on the stationary part, but still give full light everywhere. I'll see what Rob thinks because he asked me to send him a pic of the new canopy to see if the lights will work. So we'll see:)

Looooking Goood!!! Like that rock formation!!
What size tunze?

Thanks man...Getting there:) One Tunze is the 6060 (1600 gph) the other is the 6010 (1850 gph on controller) and then I have a sea-swirl pushing out about 750 and a closed loop pushing out about 950 so I've got about 5,000 gph in there. Here are a few better shots of the tank and my sump:)

just beautiful dood ... just to beautiful !!
hey at least you got a canopy... not like other people i know :D :lol:
just beautiful dood ... just to beautiful !!
hey at least you got a canopy... not like other people i know

LOL...The gap will be fixed tomorrow. Sort of. He left it so I could grab it because I didn't want handles, but I will work it tomorrow:)
Krish with all that flow, you have no problems with sand storms?
I didn't use a closed loop on my 70g, and boy did I regret it!!
I will have a closed loop on this 90g. I'm thinking of a reeflo dart. How quiet is that Mag drive, that is a Mag drive under your tank isn't it?
I kinda thought of a Mag 24 or 36???? I was concerned about sand storms
with to much flow.

That really is nice clean set up! :eek2:
Krish with all that flow, you have no problems with sand storms?

What a compliment!:p My tank is bare bottom. If you go to the beginning of this thread, you will see where I put down and siliconed in a white pvc board. I would definately have a sand storm if I had sand!(LOL)

I didn't use a closed loop on my 70g, and boy did I regret it!!
I will have a closed loop on this 90g. I'm thinking of a reeflo dart. How quiet is that Mag drive, that is a Mag drive under your tank isn't it?

Yeah, the mag950 sitting on the shelf is for my CL. Here is the link to how I set it up. You'll have to scan through the thread to see all of the changes and the pictures, but if you look up at the full tank shot on this page, that blue overflow looking thing on the right side is actually hiding the plumbing for the intake of the closed loop. The only way I can hear the mag drive is if I open my doors to my stand and even then, it's just a little sound of water rushing through.

Thanks again on the compliments. I've been playing around a lot since summer past. Many many changes(LOL) I'll have to post the link to a thread which shows all of them. I'll find it and add it in here:)
krish75 said:
What a compliment!:p My tank is bare bottom. If you go to the beginning of this thread, you will see where I put down and siliconed in a white pvc board. I would definately have a sand storm if I had sand!(LOL)

Yeah I guess I would have also seen the size tunze's you used (LOL:D )
That really does look like a sand bed in the picture's. I was thinking how could he use that much flow, and yet have such crystal clear water (Heheheh)!

That rock wall was tight! Man you really put a lot of thought to that puzzle it all fit perfect, I liked it.... Thanks for the link. You got me think'in tho' about that silicone BB...:D How is it done?? and where do you get the board?
15milerd said:
Krish with all that flow, you have no problems with sand storms?
I didn't use a closed loop on my 70g, and boy did I regret it!!
I will have a closed loop on this 90g. I'm thinking of a reeflo dart. How quiet is that Mag drive, that is a Mag drive under your tank isn't it?
I kinda thought of a Mag 24 or 36???? I was concerned about sand storms
with to much flow.

That really is nice clean set up! :eek2:

Go with the reeflo dart. whisper quiet. Thats what I have on my 75 and i am very happy with it.

....Back to your regularlly scheduled program :D
That rock wall was tight! Man you really put a lot of thought to that puzzle it all fit perfect, I liked it.... Thanks for the link. You got me think'in tho' about that silicone BB... How is it done?? and where do you get the board?

The rockwall was bought like that. It was 3 big pieces that interlocked. It costed me $345, but I gve it away to a friend (don't tell my wife:p) The pvc board is almost the same thing as startboard, just not as glossy and expensive. Not sure where you can buy it over there probably HD, but I'll ask Steve because he uses the same thing. I just put a little silicone under it so it wouldn't float in the water and then I ran a bead all around the edges just so it would look neat and also so that no food or detritus would get under it.
Krish, that hood, you could just add a strip of thin ply on the inside bottom & let it hang a little longer just enough to clear when opened & closed, should hide the light.
Krish, that hood, you could just add a strip of thin ply on the inside bottom & let it hang a little longer just enough to clear when opened & closed, should hide the light.

;) I have a piece of black acrylic I brought to work to cut down to size to do that. Great minds think a like again huh? Or like I always say, you're bad off if you think like me:p
Ok...Geat News! My wife has a new project which benefits me wondefully!!!!:D She's decided that she wants to get a generator for our condo for when the baby comes...I mean it keeps getting better:p One of my customers is the guy who installs the generators for the company I will be getting it from, and he is coming to do a load test this week to see what size generator we will need, but he's pretty sure the one we will need will run us about $7,000-$8,000 installed with an automatic switch. We'll see how it goes and oh yeah, I'm just waiting on Rob to call me back and if things look good which I'm sure it does, I will be ordering my metal halides today. I'll post the link after it's ordered!:)