Krish's "Rubik's cube"

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They do look similar Martin and there are tons of them out there! I saw a brown shaded one in a spot you can only go by boat before, but never tried to get any...They seem really cool:)

On another note, I still can't find my carpet anemone and all of the polyps aren't out yet. Anyways, here's some of the other corals. These are the wild caught zoanthids

A purple gorgonian thingy:p and at the bottom the purple thing is just like my other coral with the star polyps that come out of it. They aren't extended yet, but here they are anyways

Here's a full tank shot. None of the star polyps are out anywhere, but will get shots when they do. This photo was taken under a 10K XM

BTW, I removed that coral that was to the bottom left of the tank. Didn't seem to be doing so well from the base so I'm going to put it back and give it a chance in the wild. I replaced it with tha purple gorgonian frag you see there now.
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BTW...If you haven't seen my other thread, my 12K Reeflux cracked and so I was advised to remove it so I have the 10K XM in it's place now. My wet finger acciddentally touched it while cleaning the tank one day which resulted in the crack. Here's the bulb...I'll order something new today if I can catch up with Rob:)

ROFL! Yup! Felt good...I heard sizzling before I felt anything:shock: I can shoplift now and they'll never be able to ID me if I do it with that one finger:lol:

BTW, ever seen those wild zoo's before??? They look better IMO than the last wild ones I had:p
I'd like to see a whole side of your tank covered in them.

Sounds like a plan...I know the exact spot to find them. There was a mat of them in this one spot, but wanted to see them in the tank first:)

BTW, I was thinking on getting this for my tank. It comes with the pc's and ballast for them and a fan and I already have the ballast, bulb and quick disconnect for the MH, so I was thinking on replacing the reflector I have now and use this with the actinics and the 10K MX bhulb I have now. Should work out nicely...I'll decide today though:)
Thanks Gabbs...I'll have to move my rocks to find him :doubt: I may have to go and get another one except bigger this time. I don't know what I was thinking :confused:
I love the tank man, it looks great! did you get all your corals from local reefs or did you buy some of them?
Maybe you answered this earlier on but I don't plan on reading all 40 pages to find out.
Well that green carpet anemone has either been swallowed by somthing or he's attached to one of my rocks from underneath because I took a maxijet and plugged it in and blew all around my rocks with it to see if he'll shoot out from underneath and nothing! I did it for atleast 5 minutes. My corals seemed to enjoy the detritus though(LOL)

I talked to Rob today and he's going to give me a call later tonight to decide on a bulb and new fixture for my tank. I can't take the chance of wetting another bulb so I'm going to get a fixture that has a cover/lens at the bottom. I'll just have to clean it periodically. I have 3 different ones in mind and my corals seem to love that 10K so I may stick with it like I said and supplement some actinics, but we'll see. If I change the bulb, then it will be somthing bluer than the 10K, but with more PAR than the Reeflux 12K I had:)
LOL...He thinks I'm his daddy so he shouldn't

ok now i'm lost... who's daddy?
Rob's daddy? or the anemone's daddy? or ???:confused: i thought Rob was about your age.... i guess not :lol: :lol:
The green anemone I lost. Remember, I'm green when I get mad???? Wake up zombie:p

I'm going to post some more pics later tonight! I'll get quite a few under the 10K's :D
The green anemone I lost. Remember, I'm green when I get mad???? Wake up zombie

I'm going to post some more pics later tonight! I'll get quite a few under the 10K's

ahhh now i get it :p :lol: .........sorry dood for a moment i thought Rob wanted you to be his daddy :lol: .
well may be it's just adjusting to your light and stuff.......i'm sure it'll come out :) .
If you want something with a cover, look at the de lights. They all have to have covers.

K...Thanks. I'll look into them:)

Here are a few shots from tonight. I found my carpet anemone. He is hidind under the zoos if you look good

The polyps are still making their way out...
