Krish's "Rubik's cube"

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Yeah...It's always that one piece you need...In my case it is 3 different things (tank, sump and 3/4 bulkheads) Atleast the 75gal is up and running so no real biggie. I'm just excited to see how the tank comes out with the design! Hopefully I can post a picture tonight:)
I'm sure its gonna look awesome.

:) Yeah...I think so :) These guys who are building it do amazing work! Most of their jobs are building basically anything out of acrylic! When I was in there discussing the layout of the tank, I guy came in with a drawing of (2) computer desks (with cupboards) they wanted built out of acrylic! The guy is paying $850 each!
Wow! I wanted to build a tank out of acrylic but when i really saw all the work involved and how much it would cost me in supplies i figured thats okay i don't need a tank that bad.
LOL...Well the tank and the sump combined only costed me $450 and that's with the tank being built out of 1/2 inch acrylic ( the good stuff which Tom uses) with black acrylic back, white bottom and an external overflow that sits on the outside of the tank and stretches almost all the way across the tank with routered slots cut into the backwall of the tank and then basically a standard acrylic sump, but with a shelf added in there for my skimmer to sit on etc.
ROFL! This is the Bahamas man...Total population is around 300,000 or so. Everyone here knows everyone or atleast knows someone that knows someone(LOL) It's a bad thing too though because before you do anything, everyone already knows about it!:p
Yeah, i can see how that can have its ups and downs to it. Thats how it is in my fiances family everybody tells everybody everything and i mean everything. the other day i call up myfiance and my fiance's grandma answers the phone and i ask wheres Gina? She told me that "oh shes in the kitchen making a sandwich with turkey, mayo, a couple pieces of lettuce, and two slices of cheese and i'm just sitting here at the table"........? Thats how insane her family is. Well not everybody her parents aren't like that but they are all really, really, nice people.
Here are 2 quick shots of my new sump (very simple design) I will get some better shots later on tonight if I can (gotta go for dinner with the in law :rolleyes: LOL) The sump is 20 inches long and is made out of 3/8 acrylic. When you look at the sump, the input will be on the right side where you see the hole for the bulkhead and the shelf you see in that first chamber is for the AquaC EV-120 skimmer to sit on so that it can be elevated high enough so that the gate valve won't be under water. The new phosban reactor will be in that section as well. As for the fuge, I'll plan that as soon as I get everything plumbed and see what space I have to work with. I may suspend it above the sump:)

Oh yeah...It sounds like I will have the tank tomorrow afternoon. :)

KOOL MAN, How much clearance you have at the center bottom baffle, also how far from the top is the other two?

thick stuff huh man!
I didn't have to go!!! (To the mother in law:D)

KOOL MAN, How much clearance you have at the center bottom baffle, also how far from the top is the other two?

thick stuff huh man!

The bottom of the center baffle has the 1 inch space and the other 2 baffles are 3 inches from the top (that's what I'm worried about) I won't have as much play with it. When the guy called me yesterday, he got mixed up on some of the measurements and I wasn't thinking too clearly and when that weldon dries :rolleyes: I'll be fine though. The actual dimensions of the sump is 20L x 14H x 14W.

very kewl dood !!
that thing is thick, i mean i know it was gonna be thick but not that thick .

Wait until you see the tank! It will be thicker:eek:

I disconnected my skimmer and set it up in the sump under the new stand to get an idea of what I am working with. The pump on the left outside of the sump is the external closed loop pump. This is going to be one serious install! I won't have any space to work with once I get in all the plumbing and pumps. I have a picture in my head of what I have to do :eek: Hopefully next week you guys can see:)

Krish if you would of changed your baffle heights what would they be? I need this as a guide when I make mine.
Krish if you would of changed your baffle heights what would they be? I need this as a guide when I make mine.

Well, the lower the baffles, the more "space" you would have for when you shut off the power for back siphon to fill up, however, during use, it is less gallons you would have total in your system (you know how they say more gallons of water total in your system is better because it is more stable). I would have probably lowered them another 3 inches I guess. 3 inches plus the 3 I have now would give me 6 inches total which "basically" means I would have 5 gals of "play" for back siphon because the water level will be sitting at 8 inches high which leaves me with (6 x 14 x 14 / 231= 5.09 gal.) Where as now, I will only have 2.5 gallons of play because my water level will be sitting at 11 inches high which leaves me with (3 x 14 x 14 / 231= 2.5 gals). I say "basically" because the return chamber won't be level with the rest of the sump during use so I'd have more gallons to play with depending on how low I keep the return chamber, but then that means if I keep it too low, I'll have to top off more often. Made any sense???