More confusion

I have always been told Hypo is done at the SG of 1.009..Then I see where you and Terry suggest 14ppt [others suggest going as low as 11ppt] 14 ppt is around, as you state whats the deal? I have always gone by SG. and went by 1.009 [sometimes 1.008] I am surprised the lower salinity doesn't kill this if indeed its copepods

Unless thats what all that sloughing was, the parasites dying and falling off.
NIKKI, I forgot to show you my Noga book! None of the fish have displayed the dermal hemorrhaging..besides a black spot here and there. This is why I am confused...this is what it states for Monogenean infestations [flukes]
Cloudiness to the skin, grey white cast or irregular areas on skin, eroded fins, focal hemmorrhages on skin pruritus
Also states that Neobenedenia melleni [a type of monogenean flutes] is common in many species and list them...first being Ancanthuridae
Digenean Trematode infections [which includes Digenean flukes]
White, yellow or black nodules on the skin, muscle, or viscera
Praziquantel can be used for both of these as well as the formalin and even freshwater dips.
Nogas book also states simple freshwater dips are one treatment for Copepode infestation as well as organophosphates [hmmmm, where can I order this?

The only way to be sure, as stated would be under a microscope..I could actually get a hold of the White face to do this but don't have the equipment.
So this is why I'm confused
This morning the large blotches are gone. But he still has his Polkadots..I don't think there are as many as before. I am going to dip him later ..I have to go get a few supplies first
Thanks everyone!!
Talk to ya later